Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1071: More hypnotizing than cross talk

The prelude to the final battle gradually opened,

Countless workers have been busy day and night, and square cabin hospitals have changed their appearances during the reconstruction.

Countless materials were transported from all over the country,

Countless factories have begun to modify their production lines and enter the state of wartime production, from automobiles, home appliances, chemicals, and daily necessities into masks, protective clothing, goggles, and disinfection water production plants.

25% of ECMO nationwide is shipped to Tianhe City,

10% of respiratory and critical illness doctors and nurses across the country came to Tianhe City,

Hundreds of thousands of neighborhood committee aunts across the country worked day and night with volunteers to conduct a carpet search for potential patients who might be infected.

The violent old party secretary at the grass-roots level across the country implemented the country's orders in his own way.

The people of the whole country stayed at home, quietly participating in this invisible but extremely tragic war with their own actions.

This is a war without gunsmoke,

The sound of gunfire came from everyone's ears.

Can’t keep a low profile, can’t long dive into Jiuyuan,

There is no endurance, no more endurance.

Even the people living in this land don't know how powerful they can burst out.

In the face of a perfect virus, time is life, if protracted war fails, blitzkrieg, quick fight and quick decision.

Less than half a month after pressing the pause button in Tianhe City, a brand-new century perfect virus has not been completely explored. This great country and all great people have launched a decisive battle against the vast unknown.

Win or lose




Ren Haitao was lying on the bed exhausted, his wrists had been ulcerated because of the long time of sticking scotch tape.

But he didn't have time to pay attention to this. After wearing protective clothing for a day, the skeleton of his body would be scattered, and he should seize all the time to recover his strength to meet the next shift.

However, the body's recovery rate is getting slower and slower, and Ren Haitao also knows that he is on the verge of collapse. It is physical, not mental.

Fortunately, in the past few days, the next batch of medical staff have come to Tianhe for support. For the first time in his medical career, Ren Haitao looks forward to having a vacation and a good night's sleep in bed.

He was wearing headphones and playing cross talks from Deyun Society that he was familiar enough to memorize.

Teacher Yu Qian can hold everything, and what Ren Haitao most wants to be is a person like Teacher Yu Qian—to be an anesthesiologist who can numb everything.

He can usually fall asleep by hearing a few sentences, but maybe he is too tired, and the recent insomnia can't be saved even by cross talk.


The headset was taken off by one hand.

"Ren, what are you listening to?" Professor Barak's noisy voice came.

"Professor Barack, I'm listening to a traditional Chinese art show-cross talk." Ren Haitao opened his eyes hard and replied with a smile.

"You should take a bath. I clean the bathtub." Professor Barack said, "Although the bathtub looks like it can only raise goldfish, the hot water will make you feel comfortable and drive away the insomniac devil."

Ren Haitao was taken aback, and said softly, "Thank you."

"Ren, I saw two new doctors today." Professor Barack said, "They came to Tianhe voluntarily to support them. Oh my god, it's really hard to understand why they are still willing to come here so dangerous?"

"How can I explain it to you..."

"One of the doctors around 30 years old is very angry, like an angry bird, who has been nagging him to go to the most dangerous serious illness, not just a surgeon." Professor Belak said with a smile. "When I see him, I think of my assistant. He is a simple child, and he often imagines that one day the level of surgery will surpass the great Barack."

Ren Haitao sighed. He knew that Professor Barak needed only one listener. As for the question just now, Barack can ask and answer by himself, without his own existence.

Sure enough, another Professor Barrac appeared in the next second.

"Bellak, don't you have any illusions that one day surpass the great boss and surpass the great devil among the population?"

"Stupid ideas, you know everyone will have them, but not everyone has the potential to become a great devil."

"I warn you, it's best not to have such dangerous thoughts. Boss is stingy, and if you continue to think about it, he will show the side of the big devil and make you feel the flames from hell."

"Twenty-one trisomy will only think so." Professor Barak nagged: "I have reached the peak of physical strength and energy. Every subsequent operation will be the best operation I have done in my medical career. This is a human being. Sadness. But the boss is less than 30 years old, and his future is infinitely broad."

"It's good that you know, only the stupidest people, such as the idiots, scumbags, and **** of Mayo and Cleveland, will choose to challenge an opponent that is impossible to defeat. Boss will always be a nightmare they cannot surpass, yes The most real big devil."

Ren Haitao was sleepy and only listened for less than 3 minutes.

Professor Barack’s dialogue was comparable to cross talk, speaking quickly, speaking clearly, and the content... Ren Haitao could not remember anyway. After hearing a few more sentences, Ren Haitao's eyelids began to fight.

"Ren, I see, the reason why you have insomnia is because our warships have entered the South China Sea, and many countries and China have suspended navigation. Are you worried about the future?" Professor Barack asked.

"Professor, I am not worried." Ren Haitao said, "If it weren't for you and Teacher Wu, I didn't know the news of the warship entering the South China Sea."

"The spokesperson of our business department is very happy to say that the epidemic in Tianhe is conducive to the return of manufacturing to the United States!" Professor Barack said.

"Professor, that's a question for others to consider. I'm just a doctor."

"My God, how can you be like this!" Professor Barak stared at Ren Haitao, "Don't you know what this means? India, it's ready, they have set aside 460,000 hectares of land. Prepare to welcome the manufacturing chain transferred from your Huaxia."

"Professor Barak, I'm really just a doctor, but I feel a little bit impressed when it comes to India," Ren Haitao said, "I don't think they are reliable at all."

"That is a huge country."

"I know that is still a great country. During World War II, Churchill said that even if the last person in India was wiped out, they would never surrender!" Professor Barak waved his arm and said loudly.

Ren Haitao didn't understand the logic here, he just thought it was absurd.

U.K? It seemed that it was besieged by a small number of Japanese troops, and then it was about to surrender. Later, the expeditionary army went to rescue them. They exposed the flanks of the expeditionary army directly, and they ran faster than rabbits.

That's it,

Does it make sense not to surrender?

Even lighting up the last Indian...The logic of imperialism is really terrifying.

Ren Haitao was sleepy suddenly, his eyelids couldn't open.

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