Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1083: Where's the bottle cap?

Mi Liang's hometown is in Tianhe City, and he has been working in Magic City since graduating from graduate school.

Last year, Mi Liang was promoted to raise his salary. The pride in his life was rising, and he got rid of the middle-age crisis. He was full of joy and pride.

After the new year, Mi Liang returned to his hometown of Tianhe, ready to spend a new year with his parents.

But there are unforeseen circumstances, and people have misfortunes and blessings.

Mi Liang knew about the new type of pneumonia early in the morning. He was still in high school in 2003, so he didn't care too much. He bought a few packs of masks and flew back. Was the S virus violent in 2003? But in the end it's fine.

However, a bolt from the blue sky, Tianhe City directly pressed the pause button.

Mi Liang wanted to cry without tears.

I work **** weekdays, so I think I can make up for this period of time and take a good rest.

But I never expected "this period of time" to be so long. It has been 20 days since I went home in the blink of an eye, and the situation still hasn't improved. Seeing more and more medical teams rushing to help Tianhe in the online media, Mi Liang's mood became more and more depressed.

I usually think that one day when I become prosperous, I can show my filial piety in front of my parents.

But living with his parents every day, with countless nagging, Mi Liang wondered when he could go to work.

Perhaps this is the moment he most wants to go to work.

Compared with living at home without income, thinking about mortgage and car loans, it is better to use your hair to spell out a beautiful home with 996 every day.

In the evening, the two of you have a little wine.

The things to talk about have been said countless times, and the old man has been complaining why he didn't bring his grandson back with him. Mi Liang felt very lucky, like his hometown, why did he bring his son back?

The face of the magic city is calm and calm, and it looks much better than the hometown.

It is rumored that Tianhe will also be completely closed these days.

Recently I have heard too many rumors, whether it is true or false, or false or true, it is difficult to distinguish between true and false.

He risked his death once to the supermarket and wanted to line up to bring a box of beer back.

Prices are fairly stable, but some goods are temporarily out of stock because everyone is stocking them in large quantities. For example, beer in cans is not available in supermarkets.

Mi Liang can only carry a box of big green sticks in the small supermarket downstairs, no matter what brand it is, some drinks at this time are quite good.

When the dishes were fried and served, Mi Liang was suddenly embarrassed. There is no bottle opener at home, and the beer with the big green stick cannot be opened.

"You young people, you will starve to death in the past." The old man said triumphantly. A few words of my own son are not in the way. In the past few days, the mood has not been high, and the father has been taking it for joy.

He was getting old and had bad teeth. He took the chopsticks to lift the beer bottle cap, and said forcefully, "When I was young, I used to have big green sticks. I opened them with my teeth."

Mi Liang smiled, with teeth? In case it is broken, it is too expensive to make porcelain teeth. Seeing that the old man couldn't open it after spending a long time, Mi Liang took the chopsticks and the bottle, and barely got up to open two bottles of beer.

In normal times, Mi Liang seldom drinks alcohol except for socializing, nor does he drink the big green stick. If a client sees this entertainment, he may not turn around and leave.

"Let's go together." Mi Liang raised his cup. "I hope this year will be smooth and profitable. Our family, young and old, Tianhe City, and the whole country will survive all diseases."

The more you lack, the more you will say. Mi Liang has predicted that this year will be the most difficult year. But what can I do?

The cup touched, Mi Liang drank the wine in one mouthful.

The whole family was eating and chatting, and it was a joy. How to relieve worries, only Dukang, the ancients are sincere and not deceived by me.

After a few bottles of wine, Mi Liang is so powerful that he is a bit high. He was holding the bottle, his hands were not strong, and he couldn't open the bottle.

In the end, the wine surged, and Mi Liang didn't care about the porcelain teeth, put it in his mouth and wanted to tap it open.

Because the first time I did this, I usually had to carry it in the company. There were five people and six people. This kind of market culture was very unfamiliar. He tried several times without success.

Amid the ridicule of the old man, Mi Liang used mental arithmetic, drew a picture, made a moment, and the last attempt was finally made!

Hey, it's not just knowledge that is power or great effort to perform miracles, it's opened up anyway! Mi Liang was proud of it, and slammed the beer bottle on the table, and the froth overflowed.

"Sprinkle water!" Mi Liang said with a laugh, endlessly proud.

"Where's the lid?" the old man asked.

"..." Mi Liang was startled, "What?"

"Where's the beer bottle cap?"

"Uh..." Mi Liang opened his eyes and looked for the tampered beer bottle cap everywhere.

"You bastard, you won't swallow it anymore."

The old man just said casually, but when he finished speaking, the house instantly quieted down.

Mi Liang stared at the beer blankly, trying to remember what happened just now.

Since I was young, I have had a big throat, so I swallowed it in my mouth without using any medicine. But no matter how big your throat is, you won’t swallow all the caps of beer bottles, isn’t it...

"What about this! Or go to the hospital." The old man suggested.

"Don't, the hospital is not a good place." Mi Liang said with red eyes, "I don't remember if I swallowed it, maybe it won't, maybe I will find it after I clean up the house."

Think about it, you might be infected when you go to the hospital.

When the meal ended hastily, Mi Liang searched for the drink, but still couldn't find the beer bottle cap.

Maybe it will come out with the stool, Mi Liang tries his best to think things better.

But two days after that, he endured the nausea and opened his stool, unable to find the vial cap.

Soon after, his stomach began to have intermittent pain, and Mi Liang was a little panicked.

Refusing the father to accompany him to the hospital, Mi Liang put on a new mask that was not in stock at home, and laughed inwardly-a bottle cap made the otherwise wealthy family even worse.

When he arrived at the Third People's Hospital of Donghu District, Mi Liang saw that there were fewer people waiting in line to see a doctor.

Maybe it has something to do with not being a designated hospital, queuing, doctors wear the same clothes as in the movie, even thicker and more bloated. Seeing the doctor's appearance, Mi Liang felt a little flustered.

But all came, he suppressed the panic in his heart and queued up to see a doctor.

The doctor asked about the medical history. Although he couldn't see the doctor's expression, Mi Liang could vaguely see a smile through the goggles and face mask.

Alas, there is nothing to be laughed at, Mi Liang sighed helplessly.

Whoever makes himself drink too high, swallow the cap directly.

After an examination, a film was taken. The round bottle cap was "buried" in a pile of white intestines. This kind of image is bright and even a layman can understand.

He was dumbfounded.

This is how to do? !

Do you have to open your stomach and take out the bottle cap? How can a so-so drink of wine come out such a big disaster?


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