Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 1090: Turning point

Wu Mian was watching a video, watching the Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, northeast of San Francisco, California. People in isolation cheered.

"Brother, why are you so concerned about the evacuees?" Chu Zhixi asked.

"Heh." Wu Mian sneered, pointing his finger at a fuzzy figure at the top edge of the screen and asked, "Girl, do you know who they are?"

"It doesn't look like an ordinary policeman." Chu Zhixi frowned slightly, and said suspiciously.

"It's USMarshal."

"Huh? What is that?"

"The word marshal is very interesting. It is used for military rank and translates to marshal.

If you add an L, Marshall will become Marshall. In order to prevent the appearance of Marshal Marshall, the United States has not established the rank of marshal since World War II, and has set up a five-star general for Comrade Marshall. "

"Hahaha, is that interesting?" Chu Zhixi said, squinting at the military personnel on the computer screen.

He has real guns and ammunition, fully equipped, as if he is facing an enemy.

Wu Mian didn't smile, looked at the screen with a stern expression, and continued, "Marshal is a small town policeman, usually elected by the whole town."

"USMarshal is different. They are the elite of the elite and are managed by UnitedstatesMarshal."

"do not know."

"Evaporation Secret Order, the movie played by Schwarzenegger, have you seen it."

Chu Zhixi nodded.

"If it is in reality, Schwarzenegger's department is USMarshal, the elite of the elite, this description is correct." Wu Mian said grimly.

Vaguely, Chu Zhixi felt that her brother was wearing black sunglasses on his face.

"Their responsibilities include protecting federal judges, witness protection programs, hunting down criminals across states, escorting prisoners, and so on."

"Why are you so familiar with them?"

"If we go late for a while, we will either face the FBI or the USMarshal. Knowing ourselves and the enemy will win every battle."


Wu Mian was silent and waited until everyone took off their masks and threw them into the air before closing the video.

"Brother, why is USMarshal here?"

"Haha." Wu Mian smiled, "Silly girl, do you think they are all the same as us?"

"Huh? Is there any difference? I see the diary written by the quarantined person. It's normal and the conditions are good." Chu Zhixi asked suspiciously.

"That's fine." Wu Mian said, "If there is any problem, USMarshal will take action. Do you think they will shoot?"

"..." Chu Zhixi suddenly understood why the elite troops like USMarshal should be guarded outside.

"But it's useless." Wu Mianchen said lazily and lazily, "E-cigarette pneumonia has been so popular for many months, I am afraid that the United States will be so rotten to the bones. Even the earliest The virus is almost toxic to white people, and it can't stand the mutation of the RNA virus."

"It's not...." Chu Zhixi said, the voice became quieter.

During this time, she also had her own thinking, e-cigarette pneumonia, the column opened by New England Magazine, the expression of her brother at the time, everything seemed to point to something.

The leak in the laboratory in Maryland looks inconspicuous, but all network information has been deleted. Coupled with the weird e-cigarette pneumonia, so many scholars have vowed to say that this is only caused by e-cigarettes, coupled with strange symptoms.

It now appears that so many absurd things have been explained, including the guards of the first group of evacuees by USMarshal during isolation.

Chu Zhixi stared at Wu Mian in a daze, and Wu Mian looked out the window. The traffic outside the window was sparse, and only the vehicles that maintained the basic operation of the city were coming and going.

Today, all residences and communities in Tianhe City are under closed management.

The city was disinfected twice a day, and the sound of the huge machinery was getting louder and louder, and the roar came from ears, deafening.

And just today, there are patients discharged from the Fangcang shelter hospital. This is the most important thing Wu Mian thinks.

Facts have proved that the Fangcang shelter hospital is feasible.

Prior to this, there has never been such a wide range of isolation measures in the country. Isolation was fundamentally different from the current era of quarantine when Hepatitis A was popular in the capital city.

No one knew whether it would work or not, this dark road was just waded out, and Wu Mian saw a glimmer of light in front of him.

With concerted efforts, the whole country was pressed the pause button to resist a disaster that was rare in the century.

"It's not easy. It was confirmed on February 2 that the new pneumonia virus did not have a fatal mutation, and the first batch of patients have been discharged from the hospital." Wu Mian said softly, as if talking to Chu Zhixi, and as if mumbling to herself. .

"I watched the video, and the patient was happy! I also took a picture with the doctors and nurses in the shelter."

"Keep it here. Looking back later, it is a precious memory." Wu Mian sighed, "If a patient turns overcast, it can actually be proved. Colleges and universities have begun to rebuild. If you don't believe it, splashes won't come out."

"Brother, you are very nervous." Chu Zhixi smiled.

"Can you not be nervous?" Wu Mian sighed. "The old principal probably hasn't slept for a long time. He stared at all kinds of data for fear of virus mutation, fear of trampling, fear of... things really happen. Thousands of thousands."

"But see you anyway."

"That is." Wu Mian smiled and was very happy. "Zhong Lao's team research shows that the longest incubation period of the virus is 24 days and the median incubation period is only 3 days. The fatality rate is lower than that of the S virus, and it is really a perfect virus. "

"Do you think it will mutate?"

"Definitely." Wu Mian said firmly, "Now is a fleeting opportunity. I really have to wait for the mutation, everything can't be reversed, I can only quietly fight for immunity."

"Really, let you say that, how do you feel that our luck in China is particularly good?" Chu Zhixi smiled.

"People must help themselves and the day after tomorrow." Wu Mian said, "Heaven walks healthy, gentlemen are constantly striving for self-improvement. These old sayings are always good and reasonable. But that is the way to say that, until the turning point, no one dare to say certainty."

"Old Zhong team expects to reach the peak at the end of February, and then it will slowly decline, what do you think?"

"It's about this time." Wu Mian said, "I have already done my best. If this doesn't work, it proves that the end of the world has come."

Chu Zhixi stuck out her naughty and cute.

As of today, 1,716 medical workers across the country have been diagnosed with the new type of pneumonia.

On the front lines of the fight against the virus, medical workers have paid a great price.

Then on this day, in Wu Mian's opinion, the situation has turned for the better.

Even if there is only a trace, it is a turning point. With the arrival of batches of medical teams, the city of Tianhe, which is about to be destroyed by black clouds, began to support it. The subsequent counterattack is imminent.

Perhaps it is different from a war filled with gunpowder. This change is silent, and the reversal is not visible from the perspective of God in later generations.

But the same thing as a war is to win. It's not that you won't make a mistake. It's that you make fewer mistakes.

Although it is difficult,

Suffering every day,

But Wu Mian finally became convinced today that the day of victory will finally come.


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