Sleepless Doctor

Vol 2 Chapter 1204: Something more beautiful than "I love you"

Text 1204 More pleasant words than "I love you"

Li Qiong was listening to Wu Mian and the patient chatting, she found Chu Zhixi and asked in a low voice, "Professor Chu, I heard Teacher Wu said that the new type of pneumonia virus can affect the sense of smell. Now I have seen weakened ones, and others. ?"

"My brother did the data yesterday. I heard him say that there is a possibility of taste reversal." Chu Zhixi said, "After half a year or a year, someone smells the smell and thinks it is scent. No matter how good the food is, the taste will not come out."

"Uh..." Li Qiong was speechless.

"Abnormal sense of smell, pancreatic cells being attacked by the body's immune cells, increase the risk of diabetes, heart damage, reproductive system damage, reduced cardiopulmonary function, inability to exercise vigorously, and tooth loss. These are common complications of the new type of pneumonia virus, and there may be more complications in the future. many."

"Fortunately, we can control it." Li Qiong was taken aback and said, looking at the empty bed in the shelter hospital.

"Yes." Chu Zhixi was a little sad. "At the earliest, I hope that we will seize the time to control the epidemic, and then forget the two or three months and go back to the past. Looking at it now, it should be unlikely."

Can't go back... Li Qiong was muttering these four words in his heart.

"Professor Chu, isn't the vaccine also good?" another nurse asked.

"Vaccine...a cold, good treatment for a week, 7 days without treatment." Chu Zhixi smiled and patted Li Qiong on the shoulder, "Go, go to work."


"We can't care about foreign affairs." Chu Zhixi smiled.


Wu Mian chatted with the patient for a while, walked back to the desk of the hospital head, and silently began to write medical records.

The more he studied the new type of pneumonia virus, the stranger Wu Mian's mood became.

Fortunately, the virus was controlled early in the country, and now it has basically been bright.

Other parts of the country have resumed work and production in an orderly manner. Small-scale epidemics still exist in some areas where top leaders are extremely weak. However, under the strong control of the country, the new pneumonia virus is no longer a climate.

In Tianhe City, the seal will be lifted in about a month, and a Genesis-level virus has been suffocated alive before its fatal mutation.

Although the domestic situation is optimistic, the epidemic abroad is getting worse.

In the expert meeting, some people were very pessimistic, thinking that imported cases are inevitable. Wu Mian agreed with this view, but disagreed with the conclusion.

The virus will definitely mutate, there a vaccine for flu? Is it easy to use?

However, mutation is also the first to mutate abroad, and if you keep your nerves staring, the country will always be in a preventable and controllable state.

If the vaccine is useful, get the vaccine for everyone; if it's useless, just watch the fire from the other side.

In short, this more than a month of hard work will definitely translate into a strategic advantage at the national level.

As for whether the virus will become a terrible monster that only wears a gas mask in the future, Wu Mian doesn't know.

What happens to a few populous countries that have integrated into world trade is of utmost importance.

You can only take one step at a time.

But the new pneumonia virus is really a virus of genesis...

While writing medical records, Wu Mian was thinking about the direction of virus mutation. There are many directions, there are countless branches of the skill tree, and everything is in chaos.

Fortunately, it is controlled at home, and there will be no encounters in the future, which should be regarded as good news.

"Doctor Wu, I've always been uncomfortable with the auntie in bed, can you take a look?" a female patient in her 30s walked to Wu Mian's desk and said.

"23 beds in area a?"


"I think she is in good condition in the morning, what's the matter?" Wu Mian stood up as he said.

"She has an old problem, and she feels sick after eating." The female patient said, "The stomach still hurts, and she is not decent."

"Why didn't you tell the doctor?"

"Auntie said that it has been painful for 1 year. It must not be caused by the new type of pneumonia virus. I went to several hospitals and did not see any problems." The female patient said, "She also doesn't want to cause trouble for everyone at this time. I just endured it all the time."


"I think she vomited very badly after eating today."

"Where is the nurse?"

"The nurse is taking care of Auntie, let me call you."

Wu Mian frowned slightly.

Stomach pain, weight loss, and vomiting after eating, diseases with similar symptoms are more common in gastrointestinal tumors.

However, I went to several hospitals and didn't give a clear diagnosis. The course of the disease was up to one year, and the possibility of tumor was really small.

While pondering, Wu Mian came to area a.

"Aunt Lin, what's the matter with you?" Wu Mian saw the patient in bed 23 vomiting on the bed. The nurse held a yellow trash bag underneath, paying attention to whether the patient had aspirated.

"Ms. Wu, the patient will have nausea and abdominal pain every time he eats, and it will be relieved after 2 hours." The doctor in area a reported on the medical history, "Today's vomiting is very serious."

"Why didn't it appear in the medical record?" Wu Mian asked with a frown.

"It has been a year, considering and new..."

Wu Mian shook his head, because the doctors here are from all over the world, and the possibility of a gastrointestinal specialist is unlikely. He didn't say anything deeply, and began to observe the patient's condition.

The patient vomited for 20 minutes before gradually getting better, Wu Mian began to inquire about the medical history.

A 54-year-old female patient suffered from postprandial abdominal pain for up to 13 months, accompanied by nausea and non-biliary vomiting.

Physical examination there was slight tenderness in the upper abdomen, and the other physical examinations were negative. Wu Mian asked the patient for the previous information and began to review it.

\\Mi \\mi reading \\\\!

The cloud is particularly easy to use. If patients hadn't waited for the film or report 10 years ago, they would definitely not know what the past examinations were like. Especially in this special period, it must be so.

But now with the cloud, it’s much easier to look up past information with a mobile phone.

Wu Mian looked at all the patient’s examination reports and the doctor’s medical history. The most recent time was 3 months ago. After seeing the doctor, the doctor did not give a clear diagnosis and suggested an imaging.

The patient underwent an esophagogastroduodenoscopy at the Gastroenterology Clinic. The results showed that the appearance of the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum was normal, and the tissue biopsy was negative.

"Aunt Lin, why don't you do enhanced CT?" Wu Mian asked gently.

"I have to check it again every time I go to a hospital, and the check is disgusting. The point is that it's useless after the check, alas," the patient said weakly.

"Indeed." Wu Mian said in the patient's tone, "but for your disease, it is necessary to have a CT enhancement. It happens to be in the Fangcang shelter hospital. It does not cost money to see a doctor. Why don't we improve the relevant examinations?"

Seeing a doctor does not cost money, these five words are more beautiful than I love you.

Hearing Wu Mian's words, the patient was very moved for a while.

"I'm still very good at diagnostics. Take this opportunity, you don't have to line up for registration. I will check it thoroughly for you. If I can't give a diagnosis, it doesn't make sense to go to any hospital."

Upon hearing Wu Mian's words, the patient stared at the big yellow bunny ears on his head in a daze. This doctor is really as good as the legend? !

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