Sleepless Doctor

Vol 2 Chapter 1230: Creation out of thin air

Text 1230 Created out of thin air

Wu Mian goes to the operating room only occasionally, and has been working in the mobile p3 laboratory most of the time.

He cherishes the last time.

Perhaps a month later, domestic research and development of vaccines is an impossible task-because there are no patients infected with the new pneumonia virus in the country.

When you want to develop vaccines and study viruses, you will have to go abroad.

Although this statement is a kind of Versailles to some extent, it is really a headache for vaccine development.

Wu Mian didn't want this, the fbi dump truck would bring him a very strong sense of crisis. For fbi's simple and crude methods, Wu Mian has enough expectations.

Unexpectedly, like the s virus, even research on vaccines could not find a suitable group of people. This can irritate many people, but it is the truth.

Time passed, March 19th.

In the Third People's Hospital of Donghu District, Wang Qingshan wandered around in the operating room.

The epidemic has been brought under control, and routine medical care in other designated hospitals has resumed. The place is deserted, and major cardiothoracic surgery will not be performed here.

He knew in his heart, but this was exactly what Wang Qingshan wanted.

Go to Tianhe City Union Hospital? Or Tongji Hospital?

No, definitely not, Wang Qingshan will never go.

That side is a designated hospital. Although it is said that it is separated from the infected patients and follows two different procedures, Wang Qingshan only needs to look at the large tertiary A hospital in Tianhe City from a distance, and feel that it is all viruses on that side.

As a veteran expert in cardiothoracic surgery, he is too aware of the power of the new pneumonia virus.

Especially for the elderly, the virus is a professional killer. Wang Qingshan only wants to keep a reputation as a frontline supporter, and has never thought of fighting on the front line.

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Unexpectedly, Wang Qingshan did not enter the operating room at all, and only sat in the office for a day.

"Director Wang, our operating room is small, so please forgive me." The little clinical doctor respectfully led Wang Qingshan to the dressing room of the operating room.

This is what Wang Qingshan asked. When you come to Tianhe City, you have to behave and keep some photos.

"It's okay, you just need to take a picture of me in a while." Wang Qingshan said with his mouth curled.

The little clinician did not raise any objections, so what could he say?

Watching Wang Qingshan change his clothes and start posing for a photo, the little clinician feels a little sick. But he could only remain silent, and he didn't bother to say a word to Wang Qingshan.

Changed into isolation clothes and took pictures.

Put on protective clothing and take pictures.

At each step, Wang Qingshan left enough photos, as if he really went to the front line and participated in this encounter.

Just looking at the photos can indeed leave such an impression.

But the little clinical doctor knows that this is all fake and deceptive.

"The epidemic will be over soon." After taking photos, Wang Qingshan looked at the photos and grinned. "If you are interested in cardiothoracic surgery, you can apply for advanced studies in the Imperial Capital. I will take you personally."

The little clinical doctor was taken aback, he felt sick and wanted to vomit. As for the olive branch thrown by the veteran expert in the imperial capital, he didn't care at all.

If it were in the past, this is an opportunity, a big pie falling from the sky.

And now, hehe.

"Director Wang, I think the epidemic situation abroad is very severe, and it is estimated that the epidemic will be difficult to end within a short period of time." The little clinical doctor whispered off the topic.

"What do you know, the United States is so developed, and now it has begun to take it seriously. You can control it in about a month, but the United States can't?" Wang Qingshan, a little clinical doctor, said contemptuously, "We have to build square cabins. The hospital, there are 10 medical ships in the United States, the size of an aircraft carrier!"

"..." The little clinical doctor moved his lips, trying to refute, but he suffocated when the words came to his lips.

I really doubt whether this Director Wang is engaged in medical treatment.

Can the medical ship of the American Emperor be used as a shelter for the treatment of infectious diseases? The tragedies of various cruise ships have already demonstrated that the confined space of the hull is basically a large petri dish.

Is it used to isolate?

Who knows.

The little clinical doctors only saw the information of the two medical ships in the news, but many domestic media have increased the number of medical ships one after another, as if they were the summoners, chanting the spell casually would summon large-scale medical treatments. ferry.

Created out of thin air, it's a mess.

md! When Tianhe City was in crisis, why didn't you watch them chant the spell.

The little clinical doctor thought so, but he was unwilling to provoke an expert from the imperial capital, so he could only lower his head for fear that his expression would arouse Wang Qingshan's disgust.

"The national defense bill has been passed, and major companies have begun to produce all kinds of epidemic prevention materials. Do you think that only us can produce masks? Nonsense, I feel so good." Wang Qingshan took off his protective clothing and threw it aside.

The little clinician's eyebrows twitched.

This is a sequelae from the fight against the epidemic.

When supplies in Tianhe City were in short supply, in order to save a set of protective clothing, doctors and nurses were required to turn around.

Just this, protective clothing is not enough.

Although the shortage of supplies is only about two weeks, it is enough to leave an impression that will last a lifetime.

Now the supplies are no longer care about this protective material, but the little clinical doctors have left a deep mark on their hearts. Every set of protective clothing is precious.

But Wang Qingshan is posing...


He cursed viciously in his heart.

Wang Qingshan is wearing goggles and a mask, and the straps are reduced to make as much as possible to leave scars. He said in a sullen voice, "I saw one of my classmates said that the Marine Corps members have also begun to produce epidemic prevention materials. Look at them, the soldiers are all engaged in..."

"You are so stupid!"

Professor Barack was standing in a semi-contaminated area while taking off his protective clothing, while yelling. The glass door couldn't stop his saliva... and anger.

Today, his mood is obviously not as high as when he was on the phone with Wu Mian before, and a wild beast, with a terrifying light gleaming in his eyes.

Wang Qingshan was stunned. He was about to curse, but he immediately saw Professor Barrac's blond hair, and all the words were suffocated.

"The Marine Corps is the "fourth class" of the U.S. Army, and its status in the U.S. Army is only higher than that of the Coast Guard! That group of garbage used t-shirts as masks. What a joke, this is not the United States, it is the most backward in the world. What the third world countries can't do!" Professor Barack roared.

However, it is clear that he has started to have mitosis, swearing angrily on his mouth, but the action of changing the protective clothing in the semi-contaminated area is not slow, taking off the protective clothing very cautiously, without a trace of error.

It is also possible that Wu Mian has been kicked too many times, and Professor Barak has a shadow area as big as three rooms and one hall in his heart.

The little clinical doctor who accompanied Wang Qingshan was secretly refreshed, and Professor Barak, who was mentally ill, looked so pleasing to his eyes now.

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