Sleepless Doctor

Vol 2 Chapter 1234: Highest respect

Text 1234 Highest Respect


Lin Daoshi sat at the stone stele in the back mountain, waiting for Chu Boxiong. He smoked the remaining cigarettes of Wu Mian, silently watching the spring blossoms.

In the cold storm and snow, Taoist Lin had looked forward to the blossoming of spring countless times, and the ice on the mask he was wearing had to stick to his lips every time he breathed.

Every year in the spring, the scenery of Laoyashan is very beautiful, but Lin Taoshi has never looked forward to the warmth of spring so much in his heart in any year, and the flowers bloom.

If today's battle in the river city is successful, and all parts of Hubei have successively lifted their seals, the final victory should not be far away.

The provincial capital and Bajingzi also passed the darkest moments, and the panic, hesitation, and helplessness of that period had already passed away with the wind.

After the seal is lifted, the smoke and flames in the world reappear, as if spring flowers are blooming, and everyone is a lovely flower.

It feels good to be able to sit leisurely in the back mountain, smoking, drinking, and swiping the phone.

Lin Daoshi smiled and watched the wild flowers on the slopes of the Houshan mountain appear a little bit of color like stars, joy and peace in his heart.

Xiao Shishu didn't know when he would be back, Lin Daoshi missed a little.

He had been away for less than two months, but Lin Daoshi felt that countless years had passed, and he wondered whether that reckless young man was already old.

The mountain breeze is not strong, and there is no bitterness of the cold spring.

The faint floral fragrance overflows between the mouth and nose, making people forget the suffering and sorrow of the past.

"Lin Daochang."

Looking at the colors of the mountains and plains, Lin Daoshi was happy in his heart. For a while, he forgot about Chu Boxiong. He was shocked by the sudden sound.

"Mr. Chu." Lin Daoshi stood up, bowed and said, "What have you said about coming to Houshan?"

"Look at the stone monument left by the fourth uncle." Chu Boxiong smiled.

Take a look, Lin Taoist glanced at Chu Boxiong's pale eyes subconsciously. Seeing that the word came out of his mouth made Lin Daoshi feel like a joke.

Refusing the operation of the little uncle, it is estimated that this Chu Boxiong can really "see" the world.

"I heard that some of the doctors and nurses who supported Tianhe City have returned?" Chu Boxiong sat on the floor casually, looked up at the stone tablet, and asked lightly.

"Yes, but the little uncle did not come back. I asked on the video yesterday, and he said that he should hurry up and study while there are still patients with the new pneumonia virus."


"Everyone will be cured in the future. There is no such virus in our land of China. If you want to study it, you can't study it." Lin Daoshi laughed.

These words...too pretentious, after Lin Taoshi finished speaking, he was full of pride.

He stretched out his hand to lick his beard, but twisted a little.

When Lin Daoshi was a volunteer before, he shaved off his beard, but looking back on it, he still feels distressed.

"Oh, that's how it is." Chu Boxiong said.

Standing in front of the stone tablet, Zheng Linyuan traced the handwriting he had left last time with his hands, looking like a fool.

Lin Daoshi thinks this one is very interesting.

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"Lin Daochang, going down the mountain to experience, hard work."


Lin Daoshi smiled, Mr. Chu was really good at talking, and he went to help Aunt Feng of the neighborhood committee to do something, and it became experience in Mr. Chu's mouth.

"Hey." Lin Daoshi smiled, "I'm not welcome, it's really hard work. Masks are covered with ice, and water vapor has already wetted the masks. I think the masks are useless outside our northeast."

"It's really hard."

"Mr. Chu, you come to Houshan, something is going on?" Lin Daoshi asked again.

"It's okay, just look at the words "Good weather and good weather, Guotai and Min'an." Chu Boxiong said.

I don’t have much thoughts at ordinary times. I really experienced an epic natural disaster. For the rest of my life, when Lin Taoshi read these eight characters again, he would remember that he was jumping in the snow, his mask was full of ice, and even There are also Bing Lingzi on the eyelashes and hat.

These eight characters seem to be written in the heart like a big pen in a rafter.

"It's not easy, it's really not easy." Lin Daoshi said softly, but then smiled, "Old Mr. Chu, I began to think that this time I really wanted to destroy the race, but it turned out to be the same as the hexagram you said."

"The ups and downs are a fixed number in the world." Chu Boxiong said, "I originally thought it would take at least 20 years to rebirth in the ruins, but I didn't expect it to be more than a month."

As he said, Chu Boxiong looked at the stone tablet with empty and pale eyes, as if he had seen the eight characters on the stone tablet.

After a few breaths, Chu Boxiong said, "Great luck is not easy."

"Twenty years? I'm going..." Lin Daoshi whispered in surprise.

"Taking history as a mirror, during the heyday of the Xiongnu there was Baideng's siege, and within 48 years before and after, the Xiongnu was divided into two parts."

"The Turks were in their heyday and there was the alliance of the Weishui. In the following three years, Li Jingshuai wiped out the East Turks with 100,000 cavalry, and captured Jieli Khan."

"It only took 3 years from confession to anti-killing?"

"Meng Yuan is a little longer, and it hasn't been a hundred years. Hu Lu did not have a century of national fate, and it has always been like this."

Lin Daoshi was dumb.

"Now this time, from the headwind to the turnaround in less than a month, the prosperity of the national fortune, every time I think about it, tears flow."

"It's not counted this time." Lin Taoshi whispered, remembering the appearance of the young master scolding the mountain. When it comes, it becomes history. Like Mr. Fan Lao and the others, they have become history. "

"Hey, what you said, how do I feel that I have made history." Lin Daoshi smiled.

"Human, water can carry and overturn the boat, Lin Daochang has the world in mind. Although he is weak, he still works hard and can afford it." Chu Boxiong said.

"I don't dare to think about what happened at that time now." Lin Daoshi felt that after Chu Boxiong said two good things, his whole body began to float. He changed the subject, fearing that Chu Boxiong might beg him, and laughed. Said, "I remember very clearly that I didn't dare to watch social media at the time, and felt that the whole world was dark. I heard from Xiaoshushu that this is called sorrow."

"It has always been. During the period of the Republic of China, we were faced with the extinction of races and species, and there was no hope. Even the Chinese characters were brought out and discussed, whether or not to cancel. carry."

Lin Daoshi and Chu Boxiong chatted many times and heard him talk about the situation of overseas Chinese and overseas Chinese at that time.

Resisting U.S. aggression and aggression against Korea can be called a battle for nation-building.

A few years ago, in the face of the weakening of the Japanese army, Yuxianggui could be defeated, but a few years later, the world's strongest US army was hit on the 38th line.

It seemed strange to put the U.S. army together with the Huns and Turks. Lin Daoshi smiled and calculated carefully.

After thinking about it for a long time, Lin Daoshi didn't think about it.

"It's really difficult this time." Chu Boxiong said, "The highest respect for a civilization is to kill it all. Although it hasn't become a reality, I have really faced this situation in the past two months."

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