Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 148: Dean's Red Packet

The sturdy man looked at a young man in ordinary clothes sitting in the chair opposite. Although he looked good, but...that can't be eaten as a meal, isn't it?

Not necessarily, that young man is so good-looking, it is estimated that a girl can eat three bowls of rice in front of him. But this can't cure the disease either, the old doctors are required to treat the disease, and those who do folk customs also look more reliable with long beards.

What does this special mean? Didn’t it mean Little Master? According to Lin Daoshi's age, this little master must be 80 years old, even if he is young, he must be 60 years old.

How can he be a young man, although he looks handsome and tough, he is too young to be reliable in the end.

Countless questions appeared in the mind of the strong man, and he instantly transformed into a hundred thousand why, the whole person is not good.

"Section Chief Wu, Section Chief Wu, I have a patient here who didn't understand. You can help with a look." Wei Dabao said in a humble manner.

Before Wu Mian could speak, there was a rush of footsteps outside.

Dean Zhou hurried in. He didn't notice Wei Dabao and almost bumped into his arms.

"Section Chief Wu."

"Oh, Dean Zhou." Wu Mian was still lazily in the chair, with no intention of standing up.

Dean Zhou didn't care, he didn't seem to notice, he strode to Wu Mian's table and stretched out his hands across the table.

"Chairman Wu, my dad sent him to the province for cancer, and he reviewed it again. The kidney function dropped. The doctor said it was a miracle." Dean Zhou respectfully said, "He has already started chemotherapy. I will report to you. ."

In Bajingzi, honorifics are rarely used. Apart from Wu Mian and Chu Zhixi, the term you is almost regarded as a state-protected intangible cultural heritage, which is extremely rare.

But now Dean Zhou actually used the word you respectfully, to see if it meant that he was desperate and desperate to shake hands with Wu Mian. And true or false, he is also the dean, so he actually used the word report.

Wu Mian didn't even lift his hand, he just smiled and said, "It's fine if the kidney function is restored, hurry up and get chemotherapy."

"Yeah, yeah!" Dean Zhou said excitedly, "I brought my father for the check-up on Monday morning. I am embarrassed to say that I don't want to do it. I think it is impossible. My son insisted. Our father almost didn't fight. ."

"Okay, it's fine." Wu Mian nodded.

"Yeah! Don't worry, the doctor there has already started medication."

Dean Zhou was uncomfortable speaking, a little bit upside-down.

Saying he is happy, it is estimated that it can account for half. After all, his father is in terminal cancer, no matter how he is mentally prepared. And it's just that the kidney function has returned to normal, not that the disease is cured, and it is not so happy.

The elder sisters of the two medical departments next to them all looked silly. Didn’t Section Chief Duan take them to see the old man at President Zhou’s house a few days ago? At that time, it was said that the old man's kidney function was too poor, and he couldn't even treat it with chemotherapy.

How come people are healed after only a few days? ! Everyone was sent to chemotherapy.

Seeing that Dean Zhou’s expression doesn’t look like a fake, why is the key person fake? Moreover, on Monday morning, Dean Zhou was waiting at the door, and today he came to announce the good news again, and he should not be able to leave.

What did Section Chief Wu do to President Zhou’s old man! The two eldest sisters had a question mark in their heads.

"Hey, then I'll go first. You...busy, busy." Dean Zhou said.

Wei Dabao and the strong man had their ears erected as antennas, actively receiving all relevant information. Dean Zhou’s expressions and actions were all in his eyes. Wei Dabao didn’t know why Dean Zhou looked humble. Could it be that it was Chief Wu? It doesn't look like it.


"Xiao Wu, I heard people say that Lin Xian of Laoyashan...Lin Daochang called you Junior Uncle?" Although Dean Zhou said to leave, he didn't leave directly, but began to gossip.

Wu Mian became more and more mysterious in his heart.

This time it wasn't the mysterious and mysterious things that everyone was sitting together gossiping, but it was their own experience. Xiao Wu went to his home once, glanced at the medical record, and called back to call the old man's acute renal failure.

Thinking about it from Dean Zhou, I really couldn't find any scientific basis. I can only think that Wu Mian, a child from someone else's family, was enlightened by an immortal since he was a child.

"Well, I know his dad." Wu Mian said vaguely.

"Xiao Wu..."

"Dean Zhou, you don't have surgery today?" Wu Mian frowned slightly. Although he doesn't shy away from Laoyashan, is it really good to talk about feudal superstitions in front of so many people?

Moreover, this is a hospital, and Wu Mianhao really couldn't accept the publicity.

"Oh, then I'll leave first." Dean Zhou looked around, and finally hesitated to take out a neat red envelope from his pocket, and he just bought it.

It's just that this red envelope should be used for marriage, and the double happiness pattern on it is so festive.

"Be careful, please accept it." Dean Zhou bowed deeply, holding the red envelope in both hands, and placed it respectfully on Wu Mian's table.

"I go……"

It seems that Wu Mian jumped up without blinking Taishan's eyes, "Dean Zhou, what are you doing."

"Old rules, old rules, incense money."

Hearing the incense money, Wu Mian felt so ridiculous, and he said helplessly, "Dean Zhou, you are trying to scare me to death. In the Imperial Capital, if you receive a red envelope once, you are the defendant. If things go wrong, you will not be able to practice medicine for at least one year. There is no such rule on the American Emperor's side, so quickly take it back."


Dean Zhou didn't expect this. In his mind, Xiao Wu is a world-class expert, where is the doctor.

In a misunderstanding, Wu Mian stretched out **** to twist the envelope. The red background and the white jade fingers were very eye-catching.

"Get it back. You are the dean. Give me money in the medical department, what does it look like."

Dean Zhou didn't stretch out his hand at all, but was polite and looked at Wu Mian with a full smile.

Wu Mian frowned in thought Seconds later, he said, "Dean Zhou, go back for the operation and see the patient. I have nothing else to say."

Dean Zhou spent a long time talking about it before leaving, Wu Mian shook his head slightly.

He didn't bother to talk so much with Dean Zhou. If this matter is made clear, at least a 100-minute big lesson, from pathology to physiology, and then to diagnosis and treatment.


It's fine, hurry up and get chemotherapy. Wu Mian estimates that the old man can live for about a year.

Chu Zhixi knew the reason, she looked at Wu Mian and chuckles. Eyes are flowing, vivid and fragrant.

"Dr. Wei, what patient didn't understand?" Wu Mian turned his head to ask when seeing Dean Zhou gone.

Listening to Dean Zhou's humble tone and looking at his respectful expression, Wei Dabao fell into deep thought. He said it was meditation, but in fact it was empty, he didn't even know what he was thinking. So much so that he didn't notice what Wu Mian said.

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