Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 434: Immortal (Part 1)

Latest website: Send Feng Shuai home. When he got out of the car, Wu Mian told him, “Go back and talk to your wife, don’t worry about your child, you just have to send it over.”

Feng Shuai was relieved, nodded, and waved to see Wu Mian driving away.

"Brother, the probability is too low," Chu Zhixi said.

"Well, congenital heart disease is rarely inherited. The probability of having both a mother and a daughter is indeed very low." Wu Mian knew what Chu Zhixi meant, and then said.

"It should not be a rare congenital heart disease to live to 8 years old." Chu Zhixi said.

"Well, normal treatment is fine, nothing too special. Specifically, when the child comes, take an ultrasound and take a look." Wu Mian said, "Go home."

"My mother misses me." Chu Zhixi said with a smile, "I have been busy recently. I haven't been home for a few days. Mom calls me every day."

"Go back and have a look these few days." Wu Mian said, "Compared with CT and MRI just now, I think the operation is difficult to perform."

When Wu Mian came back, he was planning to go to the hospital to pick up Chu Zhixi home, but when he saw the CT and MRI of the head of the vegetative child picked up by Laoyashan, he felt that there was a problem and thought for a long time.

Brain pacemaker treatment of Parkinson's is not new, and may not be popular yet, but it is not too difficult for an expert at Wu Mian's level. Although it is more difficult than the treatment of children with congenital heart disease, it is also the case.

But Parkinson is Parkinson, and vegetative is vegetative, these are two completely different concepts.

The child brought back from Laoyashan underwent CT and MRI. The changes in the cranial nerve bundles were very serious. Chu Zhixi encountered an extremely difficult challenge. Not only her, but Wu Mian found it very difficult after seeing the video materials when she came back.

"Brother, do you want to try first?" Chu Zhixi asked.

"No." Wu Mian shook his head, "I'm thinking about writing a software first."

"Brother, what software?" Chu Zhixi asked.

"The hospital's NMR is SIGNA Architect 3.0T, the latest model of General Motors. GE Healthcare claims that this MRI adopts GE Healthcare's unique fiber guide ring structure, making the coil "lighter as a blanket", which greatly improves the inspection experience at the same time. Achieve a higher image signal-to-noise ratio from the source of the collection."

"I know, the image is indeed clearer than the previous 3.0 NMR." Chu Zhixi said.

"This high-end magnetic resonance also integrates intelligent sensing technology, which is IntelligenceMR, based on big data analysis and deep learning algorithms, to achieve intelligent control of radio frequency excitation and magnetic field correction in magnetic resonance examinations, and further improve image accuracy." Wu Mian Chu Zhixi's fingers tapped on Chu Zhixi's leg, thinking about what to do.

"A French radiologist used this MRI and his own software to create a lot of exquisite brain MRI images."

"I've seen it. The image has colors and it looks really good." Chu Zhixi said.

Her specialty is neurosurgery, so she is extremely sensitive to similar things. Especially when he was preparing to perform surgery on Wu Mian, various new techniques have been extensively studied.

"I think about it, I should be able to make a software by myself, specifically for the examination and treatment of vegetative patients." Wu Mian said.

"Is it feasible?" Chu Zhixi asked.

"Musk is already studying brain-computer interfaces. It would be great if we could cooperate. Unfortunately, I should not accept my invitation to cooperate now." Wu Mian hesitated, obviously he wanted more than he said.

Chu Zhixi, who knew him, looked at Wu Mian curiously and asked, "Brother, what are you thinking?"

"Brain-computer interfaces have been put into research more than 20 years ago. Unfortunately, they are all top-secret studies that we can't reach." Wu Mian sighed.

"how do you know?"

"Since the day cloned sheep appeared, brain-computer interfaces, thinking, and memory digitization have been studied. Moreover, it is research at no cost. The money spent on it is far more than the development of new drugs and new consumables."

"Oh, I remember, you said it was for immortality." Chu Zhixi put his hand on the back of Wu Mian's hand and smiled, "Brother, itchy."

"Um. Cloning, the cloning as I understand it has no real meaning." Wu Mian said, "In a sense, the machine Owen gave us is actually a cloning device that removes brain activity. It just made it. Some castrations are nothing more than a lot of functions are removed, leaving only the function of surgical training."

"You have a big brain."

"It's a fact, but I don't say it, and Owen doesn't say it. This is a tacit understanding. Everyone is embarrassed to say it. My relationship with him has not yet reached the level of talking about this technology involving immortality."

Eternal life is always one of the pursuits of mankind, and it can even be said that none of them is the eternal pursuit of mankind.

For immortality, understanding is also different. Some people say that the body is just a stinky skin, and you have to get rid of the shackles to get eternity.

But without a body, can he still be regarded as a human?

This is a philosophical question.

On July 5, 1996, at the Roslin Institute in Edinburgh, England, the cloned sheep Dolly, which was researched and "manufactured" by a team led by Ian Wilmut and his team, appeared in the eyes of the world.

At that time, the appearance of cloned sheep caused an uproar.

Dolly made its first public appearance in 1997, shaking the whole world. The American "Science" magazine named Dolly's birth as the first of the top ten scientific and technological advances in the world that year.

Although Dolly can only be regarded as twins born after 6 years, and it is not as good as human cloning in science fiction movies, with Dolly's existence, in fact, the biggest technical problem has been solved.

Human cloning is definitely not that question.

However, how to perfectly "inherit" the consciousness and memory of the ontology has become the next problem.

Because of ethical and legal reasons the cloning technology is kept secret, but Wu Mian knows that research on the human brain has been continuing in secret.

Even Wu Mian highly suspects that Owen Rothschild is like the heroine of "Resident Evil", who has cloned countless young and middle-aged selves, but they are all unaware, all living in the organic solution, waiting for one day to be Inject memory and be awakened.

The combination of the two technologies is equivalent to the reboot of Owen Rothschild's body to the day it was cloned, and there are memories of the following years, more than ten years, and decades.

For Owen Rothschild, this is immortality.

Of course, this type of technology is secretive and belongs to pure black technology.

The level of domestic scientific research is worse than that of foreign countries, and similar projects have not yet been involved. And because Wu Mian is a Chinese, he was excluded from invisible power a long time ago, and everything can only be guessed by clues.

When it comes to vegetative awakening surgery, Wu Mian thinks of the "immortality" technique, and for a while, he wants to become a god.

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