Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 462: The Legend of the Demon Cat

"Meow~" Sun Qian let out a stern cat cry, and she jumped up, as if she had become a cat sensitively.

Lin Daoshi was startled, and subconsciously hid back, for fear that the young woman who had become a cat would hurt herself. This is human instinct, and Lin Taoshi can't do anything else.

Fortunately, the chair was made of solid wood, thick and solid, and Lin Daoshi subconsciously leaned back so that there was no human tragedy in which the person and the chair landed on the ground at the same time.

If that were the case, not only the demeanor of the Xianfeng Dao bones disappeared, but for fear that the back of his head landed on the ground, Lin Daoshi would be sent to the doctor for first aid. By then, Lin Xian would fight the cat demon, and the badly injured story after 800 rounds would be known to everyone.

After all, he is already middle-aged, and his reaction and physical fitness are far inferior to those of twenty years ago. Lin Daoshi was still stunned. Sun Qian didn't hurt people or people, but hid in the corner like flying, staring at Lin Daoshi and Xiao Wei cautiously, meowing constantly in her mouth.

Her meowing voice was very low, but the horror felt deep into her bones. Lin Daoshi had never seen such a situation before. Sun Qian seemed to transform into a cat at that moment, and staged a demon cat biography in front of her eyes.

"He is..." Lin Daoshi just wanted to ask, and immediately understood that this was the situation Xiao Wei had just described.

Before listening to Xiao Wei's description, Lin Daoshi felt terrified, but he didn't expect to scare him stupidly when this picture appeared in front of him. A "good-looking" girl turned into a cat in front of her. This strange feeling completely shattered Lin Taoshi's three views.

This must be something upper body, there can be no other explanation! Lin Daoshi had already made a logical judgment in his heart.

"Lin Xianchang, Xiao Qian is ill again." Xiao Wei quickly stood up and came to Sun Qian, but did not dare to get too close, but squatted not far away and whispered to comfort.

Lin Daoshi felt like he had a nightmare.

Watching a living person turn into a cat... This is not Journey to the West! This is Laoyashan! !

Lin Daoshi still twisted his beard, but he completely forgot the strength of his hand, and unknowingly twisted off a few gray beards.

Seeing Xiao Wei comforting the trembling and particularly helpless "cat" squatting in the corner, Lin Daoshi felt an indescribable confusion.

What to do with this.

The cat monster behind the upper body does not seem to be aggressive, but who knows? In case one is adapting to this body, wait for a moment to become fierce... There are still unarmed pilgrims outside.

Once stepped on, the consequences would be disastrous!

Lin Daoshi hesitated for a while, picked up the phone directly, and called Wu Mian.

"Little Master Uncle."

"Lao Lin, the patient will go to the doctor." Wu Mian's voice was lazy, reminding Lin Taoist of the cat that often squatted on the red wall in the backyard and basked in the sun.

It's a cat again! Lin Daoshi quickly pushed the idea away, and said quickly, "Uncle Shi, the patient has asked Mingyue to drive to the freshman year of the medical school. I contacted Director Qian of ICU, and he was in charge of receiving the consultation."

"Oh, got it."

"Don't, don't hang up!" Lin Taoshi immediately shouted, feeling that the younger uncle was about to hang up.

It's a pity that his reaction can't be compared with Wu Mian's hand speed at all.

Only call again.

"Little Master, I have something else here." Lin Taoshi said directly without waiting for Wu Mian to speak, "There was a young woman who had a nightmare 3 months ago, and then became mentally disabled and started talking nonsense. language."

"Huh? Mental disorder?" Wu Mian said sharply, "Lao Lin, this is the last time I tell you, don't talk about mental disorders!"

Lin Daoshi looked at Sun Qian, who was squatting in the corner not far away, speechless. Is this not a mental disorder? Well, I think so too, except that mental disorders appear to be less superstitious.

Seeing Sun Qian's appearance, it must be the upper body of the cat demon, and a legend of the demon cat will be staged in the broad daylight.

"You keep talking."

"Uh...Little Master, come and see, the patient himself thinks he is a cat, and now he is squatting in the corner and meowing."

"Emmm..." Wu Mian groaned, but quickly asked, "Does the patient have a fever?"

"Fever?" Lin Daoshi was stunned, remembering that Xiao Wei said that there was a fever in the "medical history", and immediately replied, "I used to have a fever, but I don’t know if I have a fever today. Uncle Master, it’s a high fever, which caused people Is it silly? No, don't be nonsense, hurry up and help!"

"Prepare an individual thermometer, and take the patient's temperature now." Wu Mian said in a deep voice, "I will pass."

Hearing that the little uncle said he was coming, Lin Daoshi was determined, and hung up the phone and let out a sigh of relief.

In his heart, the little uncle is already the same as the stone stele in the back mountain, making Lin Taoist feel peaceful and fearless no matter what he faces.

Looking at Sun Qian, who was squatting in the corner and yelling softly "meow", Lin Daoshi was not as scared as he was just now, he was a little curious, what is going on with this cat?

Forget it, let's see what Xiao Shishu has to say for a while. This time, there must be something weird and chaotic, but I have to see what excuses Xiao Shishu can make to perfuse himself!

Lin Daoshi stood up and carefully tried to see if his legs and feet were soft, so as not to have no roots under his feet, and then fell ashamed in front of the pilgrims.

Fortunately, it may be that he knew that the little uncle was on the mountain, so he was not afraid of hiding in his heart. Lin Daoshi glanced at Xiao Wei and Sun Qian, and walked out of the house with his hands in his hands.

"Lin Xianchang?!" Xiao Wei hurriedly shouted when he saw Taoist Lin walking away.

"Wait a minute, I'll take a sample."

What Xiao Wei thought was all kinds of magical weapons, at least the peach wood sword. But immediately when Daoshi Lin came back, he passed a thermometer, and he was stunned.

That's it?

That's it!

Is this the legendary Laoyashan Taoist temple?

It is said that Lin Daoshi graduated with a bachelor's degree in medicine and came back to inherit the family business, but he is not... so professional.

Xiao Wei stared at the thermometer, motionless.

"Take it, take your fiancee's temperature." Lin Daoshi said.

"Lin Daochang..." Xiao Wei wanted to say countless words.

"Take your temperature first, don't talk nonsense." Lin Daoshi just wants to be as far away from the cat as After all, the little uncle hasn't come yet.

Xiao Wei took the thermometer, his hands trembling a bit. His fiancee turned into a cat. He had already got used to it and adapted to it, and he was ready to accept it. But Lin Xianchang of Laoyashan gave himself a thermometer, how do you explain this?

Lin Daoshi handed the thermometer to Xiao Wei, then turned around and sat down. When he turned his back to the cat, Lin Daoshi felt quite bad, as if the cat would jump up anytime and anywhere, grab his shoulders, and open his mouth to bite indiscriminately.

A few minutes later, Wu Mian opened the door and came in.

First glanced at Taoist Lin, his eyes immediately fell on Sun Qian who was squatting in the corner.

"Have you taken your temperature? How many degrees?" Wu Mian asked, looking at Sun Qian.

"Not yet, she won't let it." Xiao Wei whispered.

"Not urgent."


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