Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 763: Store autumn vegetables

The days are getting cold day by day, and it's time for the old people in every household in Bajingzi to start storing autumn vegetables.

Storing autumn vegetables is an activity comparable to "folklore" in the Northeast.

In the past, after the winter began, the mountains were covered by heavy snow, and the ground was no longer able to grow. Most people hid at home, called "cat winter". At that time, materials were in short supply, and three meals a day were changed to two meals to reduce consumption and save food.

There is no shortage of rice noodles in good harvest, but vegetables and fruits are still very precious, so there has always been a habit of storing Chinese cabbage and potatoes in autumn.

These dishes are eaten in winter, lest there will be no dishes and only rice on the table.

However, with the development of the economy, various farmer's markets, small merchants and hawkers have sprung up like bamboo shoots after a rain, and the lack of vegetables and fruits in winter is not a problem.

There is a supermarket downstairs in Wu Mian's house. If you are diligent, you can buy it yourself, and if you are lazy, you can pull the phone twice with your hand, and the little brother will send the fresh vegetables upstairs.

But this is only the perception of young and middle-aged people. In the hearts of people aged 50 or over, autumn vegetables must be stored in the autumn, otherwise they feel uneasy.

It's like when a doctor finishes a medical order, countless complications will appear in my mind. Without Qiucai, Lao Ren's heart would be unstable, very unstable.

Zhang Lan is storing autumn vegetables.

The amount of autumn vegetables stored every year is decreasing, because Wu Mian is not around, and the old couple are getting older and eating less, unlike when they were young. If you store too much, you have to endure nausea and eat chencai for a period of time in the spring of the second year.

That's how it is said, but the storage still has to be stored.

In fact, Zhang Lan also knows that the times have changed, but the habit of being frugal and frugal can never change. Even if you don't order food at home, you can't sleep well.

In view of the fact that autumn vegetables cannot be eaten every year, the storage volume is also decreasing year by year. Especially since her son came back this year, and Chu Zhixi often went home to eat, there was a huge drop in storage this year.

It doesn't matter if you give Lao Wu and Xiao Wu some stale cabbage, but you must eat the freshest dishes for Chu Zhixi.

I was thinking about buying less, but the last 100 catties of Chinese cabbage and 100 catties of potatoes still almost killed Zhang Lan.

It took Zhang Lan a full afternoon to move Qiucai to the house like an ant.

After finishing her work, she sat tired on the sofa and rested for a long time.

Is she really old? Zhang Lan beat her waist? Thought with a sigh.

When I was young, I put this thing on my shoulders and carried it up twice? It's the same as a okay person. But now... the two of you are reliable? One is busy helping the poor, the other is busy curing the disease.

This home seems to have nothing to do with them.

Zhang Lan was a little angry? But it was just a complaint. Today, Wu Mian won't go home, so he can just cook for the old couple.

Panting well? Zhang Lan got up and washed some fruit? After eating, he was cooking. The days are the same every day, a little boring, but I enjoy it.

Wu Zhongtai didn't go home until half past six in the evening.

After eating, the old couple sat on the sofa and chatted. How many grapes have you eaten? Zhang Lan suddenly felt a little sick in her stomach.

"What's the matter with you?" Wu Zhongtai asked when seeing Zhang Lan holding his stomach?

"I don't know, it may be grapes..." Zhang Lan changed her words halfway after saying, "It's not your father, no one knows that I feel sorry for me."


"So many autumn vegetables? I brought them up by myself, and my tired stomach hurts." Zhang Lan said.

"..." Wu Zhongtai was speechless? "Look at you, you are getting old and old? More and more hypocritical. Tired when tired, why does a tired stomach hurt? Tell me a joke."

Wu Zhongtai obviously doesn't believe it? He said that it is possible that his tired arms and legs hurt. Tired stomach hurts? People laugh out loud.

Zhang Lan wanted to say something, but speaking with one mouth, I didn't know which nerve was involved, and couldn't help but feel painful.

"Oh," she cried out in pain.

Wu Zhongtai realized that what seemed to be wrong, he stood up and went to look for medicine for the gastrointestinal tube.

She was hungry when she was a child. Zhang Lan's stomach has not been very good, and she has chronic ulcers. It is estimated that there is a problem with the ulcer and the pain caused by it. Wu Zhongtai looked for medicine to protect the gastric mucosa, poured another glass of boiling water, and sent it to Zhang Lan with concern.

"I told you that autumn vegetables should be stored less." Although Wu Zhongtai was concerned, he was still very **** his lips and criticized first.

"You know." Zhang Lan said, "There will be nothing to eat at that time. You are not the one who says the supermarket sells expensive."

"Hurry up and take medicine." Wu Zhongtai turned the subject off, "I'll go to boil some water, you are just tired. Scalding your feet, feel comfortable, and tomorrow will be fine."


On the second day, Zhang Lan seemed to be better.

But it just seems that there is nothing to do during the day, and my stomach won't hurt when I'm busy. But as long as I lie down, my stomach starts to ache.

What a weird problem, this is a whole life's work, when you are old, you don't allow yourself to rest? Zhang Lan was a bit distressed.

She also knew that it wasn't a major problem, but the weird thing was that she was fine during the day, and the pain aggravated when she lay down to sleep at night.

When Wu Zhongtai looked at Zhang Lan when he went to bed, he was also speechless.

My wife was fine when I went home for dinner, so why didn't he lie down?

They all say that they are delicious but dumplings, but not good enough to bear. It's really strange that my wife is uncomfortable lying down.

"How about I call Xiao Mian?" Wu Zhongtai hesitated.

"You old guy, what are you calling?" Zhang Lan directly denied Wu Zhongtai's idea, "How busy the child is, it's not a big problem for me."


The most important thing for parents is to report the good and not the worries, for fear of causing trouble to their children. This is the idea of ​​most parents, and the same is true of Zhang Lan and Wu Zhongtai.

Wu Mian was busy on that side, and the old couple were also happy when they watched the Jianxie Hospital boom.

Besides, it’s late at night. If you can bear it, just bear’t disturb your children.

Wu Zhongtai helped Zhang Lan change positions, find a more comfortable posture, and see how the stomach pain can be made lighter.

But whether lying on his back or on his side, Zhang Lan's stomach hurts terribly. Especially when turning over, the pain is heavier. The pain today is not the same as yesterday, and the intensity of the pain is increasing.

"Why don't we go to the hospital for a look." Wu Zhongtai suggested.

"Don't go." Zhang Lan said, "It's just a stomach problem. I'm old. You have to get a gastroscope when you go to the hospital in the middle of the night. Do you think you don't want to worry about it at night? Besides, the hospital does not open the gastroscope room at night."

Wu Zhongtai felt that it was the same. He sighed and helped Zhang Lan to find a more comfortable position.

It's strange to say that it hurts when lying down, and the stomach hurts when standing up and disappears.

Zhang Lan is speechless, everyone else is sick with wealth, but she has problems when she is idle. But I can’t sleep standing up, right?

After tossing for half an hour and drinking a few cups of hot water, Zhang Lan leaned on the head of the bed and found a more comfortable position before she gradually fell asleep.

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