Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 768: Section Chief Wu asked me to bring you a message

Wang Chengfa knew that Wei Dabao was Wu Mian's "dog leg", but he ignored him and prepared to hand over.

Wei Dabao was standing in the corridor of the ward with a film bag in his hand. He should have come to see him for medical treatment. Wang Chengfa tried his best to guess the benefits.

It could also be Wei Dabao's unimportant relative, so he could not go to Wu Mian to brush his face, so he came to see himself. It could also be... who knows, Wang Chengfa didn't bother to think about Wei Dabao.

His life has been in a mess, does Wei Dabao matter?

He is a fart!

Wang Chengfa squinted at Wei Dabao, seeing that his always slightly buckled waist straightened up, and his heart felt greasy and crooked.

Dogleg, this is dogleg.

Wei Dabao has been standing in the corridor, greeting the doctors and nurses who came to work. When someone asked him what he was doing, Wei Dabao just laughed without saying a word.

7:55, the department is ready to hand over.

Wang Chengfa was standing in the innermost part of the doctor's office, his face was cold, and he saw little doctors coming in sullenly.

At 8 o'clock, the shift begins.

Seeing that everyone was there, the head nurse gave the night nurse a wink, and the nurse began to read the handover book.

"Boom boom boom~" A knock on the door sounded.

Wang Chengfa's face grew colder and colder. Through the translucent glass of the doctor's office, he could tell that the person standing outside was knocking at the door, Wei Dabao.

This dog day has to rush to the shift and scold him well in a while.

The office door was pushed open, and Wei Dabao's face was full of wrinkles. He walked in with a smile, with his waist slightly bent, and constantly apologized to the surrounding doctors and nurses.

"What are you doing here? Didn't you watch us hand in hand!" Wang Cheng said in a deep voice, "Get out!"

"Director Wang." Wei Dabao said with a smile, "Section Chief Wu asked me to bring you a message."

"..." Wang Chengfa was startled.

He thought that yesterday's matter was over, and Wu Mian had no time to come to Bajingzi Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine to entangle himself. But I didn't expect that I guessed the first half, but didn't guess the second half.

Wu Mian did not have time, nor need... but he let Wei Dabao come to pester himself.

"I heard what you said with my own ears-if you have the ability to come to your son, he can see what is really sick, so I have to eat the medical records." Wei Dabao repeated Wang Chengfa's tone of speech yesterday. the words said.

Although it was not like it, everyone knew that this was Wang Chengfa's style of speaking.

The head nurse saw Wang Chengfa's face pale? He hurried over to push Wei Dabao out.

"Dabaozi? We are handing over. If you have anything to do, you will talk about it later." The head nurse whispered.

"Sister Zou? That's not what I said." Wei Dabao said with a smile? "Section Chief Wu didn't tell me what to do. Director Wang is usually so fierce? I'm also afraid of not. I'm rushing to the shift point, so many people? I'm more courageous."

"Dabaozi? Don't make trouble, go out quickly." The head nurse said slightly sternly.

"Why didn't you speak when Wang Chengfa this old guy bullied people yesterday?" Wei Dabao said contemptuously, "You hide aside, be careful not to get blood. If you don't understand the disease, just let the patient suffocate? Director Wang is so powerful. Sister Zou, do you have the same study as Director Wang?"


"I'll leave after I have finished speaking, Sister Zou, don't touch me." Wei Dabao didn't dare to look at the head nurse, for fear that he would run out of water while talking.

What if it were the sheep? The murderous aura that he had accumulated with great pains was gone.

"Director Wang, Aunt Zhang did a CT scan and MRI scan of the thoracic and lumbar spine at Jianxie Hospital yesterday? Her diagnosis is very clear. Compression fracture of the thoracic 7 vertebrae? Consider it caused by trauma."

"The nuclear magnetic field showed that the thoracic 7 vertebral body was wedge-shaped and flattened, and the height difference between the front and rear edges of the vertebral body was about 0.7cm. The bones of the vertebral body showed slightly longer T1 and shorter T2 signal shadow? It should be a fresh fracture.

"What did you say yesterday? I heard everything standing at the door of the ward. You seem to say-this disease is nowhere to go to the provincial capital. This is a typical hysteria, so you should go to the psychiatric department."

Wei Dabao stood in the middle of the doctor's office, carrying the film bag in his hand, shaking his hand slightly, and the film bag making a rattling noise.

"We are both doctors, and I also know that no one can understand all diseases. But what you said, your own level is not enough, let the patient go to the psychiatric department. Director Wang, do you think this should be the case?"

Wang Chengfa's face was sullen, and the horizontal flesh under his cheekbones was shaking slightly.

"According to your statement, the medical records are here. Do you want to tear them page by page to eat, or stuff them in and swallow them in one bite?" Wei Dabao asked jokingly.

"..." Wang Chengfa looked at Wei Dabao angrily.

"Dabaozi, do you disrespect the old director so much!" the head nurse scolded.

"Sister Zou, what does disrespect for the old director mean? I repeat what he said with me. You just disrespect him?" Wei Dabao said with a curled mouth.

"You were there yesterday and told me that I, Wei Dabao, were talking nonsense and framing Wang Chengfa?"

The head nurse was in a dilemma.

"I'm on night shift today, and I will be off tomorrow and the day after tomorrow. Director Wang, if you don't give an explanation, I'm not easy to explain. I can only follow along." Wei Dabao said flatly, "Of course, there is no recording of anything you said. If you have a thick-skinned face, tell me that I'm making up things, and I don't care about Wei Dabao."

The doctors and nurses in the office whispered in whispers, and the chattering was not loud, but it was extremely annoying.

Wei Dabao looked at Wang Chengfa with a smile, and was relieved to see his face changed again and again.

Usually in the hospital, Wang Chengfa is very sideways, known as Bajingzi's first cut. Today I was told that I dare not look at I didn't expect this old man to have such a day!

There was a minute of silence, and the atmosphere in the office became embarrassing.

Wei Dabao shook the film bag and asked, "Director Wang, if you don't believe it, you should watch the film? By the way, can you understand the NMR image? It seems you don't know this."

"..." Wang Cheng glared at Wei Dabao.

"What are you doing looking at me!" Wei Dabao asked.

"Are you trying to beat me up?" Wei Dabao looked directly at Wang Chengfa's fierce gaze, "I don't know what the doctor should be when I don’t understand the disease. Why are you so capable? If you don’t understand, let the patient go. If you go to psychiatry, you are awesome!"

"Come here, you hit me, take up a stool and hit me, I hide for a while and you raised me!"

The head nurse was also very embarrassed, and quickly winked and asked the doctors to persuade Wei Dabao out. Wei Dabao did not insist. While talking about yesterday's situation, he only hid Zhang Lan's name, and the louder he spoke while standing in the corridor.

Some doctors who don't know the truth also understand what happened yesterday, and they are also speechless.

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