Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 773: BOSS, I will always be your faithful...

On the way, Wu Mian turned on the Bluetooth device and called Deng Ming on the phone.

"District Deng, how is the situation?"

The sound from the speakers was noisy, and there seemed to be many people around Deng Ming. It is estimated that the fire brigade and related people are there, and it's messy.

"People come down," Deng Ming said, "but I looked at her in a wrong state."

"Why not?"

"Teacher Wu, hey, what else can you say, people have completely collapsed." Deng Ming sighed and said, "Are you coming here?"

"Yes." Wu Mian clasped both hands on the steering wheel, and looked straight ahead, earnestly and attentively.

"Then let's talk about it when we meet," Deng Ming said with a sigh, "It's less than 30!"

"Ms. Wu, what's the situation?" Professor Barak asked.

Wu Mian briefly talked about the patient's medical history. Professor Barak said, "It must be the **** pathology department that once again magically turned the positive result into negative!"

"Not necessarily." Wu Mian said, "The information is incomplete now, let's check the situation after I go."

Professor Barack kept talking all the way, and he obviously had the attribute of talking. Speaking is as important to him as breathing. If he doesn't speak for 10 seconds, he will suffocate.

When he arrived at the district office building, the fire brigade had already left. Shi Zhonghua was waiting downstairs. Seeing Wu Mian's car came and hurried up to meet him.

"Teacher Wu, I'm sorry."

"It's okay." Wu Mian said, "What is the patient's situation?"

"Hey, isn't she here to ask for leave?" Shi Zhonghua said, "I was already determined to try the operation and take a period of leave. But when I was filling out the personnel form, I suddenly suffered severe abdominal pain, and everyone present was terrified. She said that her face was as white as paper, and the beads of sweat crackled."

"Huh?" Wu Mian frowned and looked at Shi Zhonghua.

"They called the 120 emergency call for the first time, but after a while, Cui Binbin's abdominal pain eased, but her mood suddenly collapsed. Also, if the painful sweat beads come out, I don't want to live."

"What about people? I'm still here when I go to the hospital."

"On this side, I don't want to go to the hospital for anything." Shi Zhonghua said, "The endoscopy room said it was a tumor, considering colon cancer. But the pathology said nothing can be done. Cui Binbin has no confidence in the provincial tumor. District Chief Deng said Help her contact the higher-level hospital and visit the Imperial Capital and Demon Capital."

While talking, Shi Zhonghua looked at Professor Barack behind Wu Mian.

"This is Professor Barack from Massachusetts General Hospital, my former assistant."

"BOSS? Am I still your assistant now? I will always be! I am your most loyal assistant and a permanent member of the medical team!" Professor Barak said quickly.

Shi Zhonghua stared at Barack in a daze? How come this foreign expert has no expert reservations?

If it weren’t for seeing several large multinational companies landed in the new development zone? If it weren’t for seeing Teacher Wu healed many patients, Shi Zhonghua would definitely think that Barack was the trust Wu Mian had brought.

How can a world-renowned expert and professor be so shameless...

"Is the patient's information available?" Wu Mian asked.

"Only the photocopy of the medical records? The other materials are at home." Shi Zhonghua said, "But Cui Binbin's parents are rushing here? I told them that I had a consultation with an expert? Let them take all the films."

"Okay." Wu Mian nodded.

"Teacher Wu, please come here."

"I won't go to see the patient, help me find a room, I will glance at the information." Wu Mian said? "You take Barack."

"Bellak? Speak well." Wu Mian exhorted, "Describe the high-end of Jianxie Hospital and tell us how awesome you are."

"Boss, do you really want this?" Professor Barak looked at Wu Mian in surprise.

"The patient has lost confidence. The first thing to do is to give the patient the courage to live? A reversal. I believe you can do it, you can do it." Wu Mian smiled.

Professor Barak shrugged? Accepted the task.

Shi Zhonghua first brought Wu Mian and Wei Dabao to a reception room, and then went out with Professor Barak.

The copy of the hospitalization medical record is on the table? Wu Miandao, "Doctor Wei? Take a look? Tell me what you think."

"Oh." Wei Dabao picked up a thick copy of the medical record? He felt a little sad.

If you finish reading this thing, it will take at least half an hour. I don't know if I have time to finish it. Even if I barely read it, I'm afraid I can't make any constructive comments.

However, Wei Dabao dared not refute, picking up the copy of the medical record and flipping through it page by page.

While Wu Mian was sitting on the sofa, tapping with his right hand on the armrest of the solid wood sofa, the dull voice broke the silence of the reception room.

Wei Dabao was worried that Section Chief Wu had no patience, but Wu Mian didn't say a word until he read the medical records.

"Chief Wu, I've finished reading."

"Any thoughts?"

"Uh..." Wei Dabao hesitated.

"When you think of what to say, discuss it briefly. We will ask the patient about the course of the illness later, and then we will sit down and talk in detail."

Wei Dabao listened. He heard from Wu Mian's words that Section Chief Wu didn't seem to think that the female patient named Cui Binbin had colon cancer.

This is strange, Wei Dabao wondered how to lean in the direction of denying colon cancer. However, the digestive endoscopy saw the tumor "with my own eyes", and even the mirror couldn't pass it through. This is not a tumor but what else can it be.

Coupled with the elevated tumor marker CA125, blood in the stool, and severe abdominal pain, these are all diagnostic criteria for colon cancer.

Proper colon cancer, although it is poorly diagnosed by pathology, the positive rate of needle biopsy...what is the positive rate of this thing?

"Doctor Wei?" Wu Mian asked in a low voice when Wei Dabao was in a daze again.

"Oh oh oh." Wei Dabao was He made a decision in an instant, or according to his own heart, don't play tricks with Chief Wu.

After clearing his throat, Wei Dabao said, "Chief Wu, I think it's colon cancer."


"First of all, the earliest symptoms of sigmoid colon cancer like bloating, discomfort, and indigestion may appear, and then there may be changes in bowel habits, such as increased stools, diarrhea or constipation, abdominal pain before the stool. Later, mucus or mucus may appear. Purulent **** stools." Wei Dabao began to endorse.

Wu Mian did not interrupt Wei Dabao, but listened quietly.



Wei Dabao talked for three minutes before he confided the relevant symptoms with everything that could be linked in "Diagnostics". The standard almost memorized all the punctuation marks.

"There is a problem." Wu Mian asked Wei Dabao after he finished speaking, "It is said that the earliest symptoms appeared 2 years ago. If it is colon cancer, after 2 years of development, why has the abdominal lymph nodes not metastasized? Dr. Wei, you Have you considered this question?"

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