Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 785: I feel a little bit forced

"Old Lin, you really understand what you think." Wu Mian said with a smile.

"Little Master, you don't know what place I am here." Lin Daoshi smiled bitterly. "On the one hand, I am the old folks from ten miles and eight townships, and on the other hand, it is connected to the hospitals in Linzhou and the provincial capital. Falling to me, I can only hear that it is not. Especially my classmates, I have to brush my face when sending patients."

"Lao Lin, you don't want to go back to be a doctor for so many years?" Wu Mian asked leisurely, looking at the stars in the sky, "Haven't even thought about it? You are so ruthless."

"Uncle Master, look at what you said." Lin Daoshi sighed, "I graduated from university at that time. At that time, the university hadn't started to expand. It can't be said to be a standard golden sign, but it is now 985 or 211. graduate."


"I'm definitely not reconciled, you said I am a college student, still studying medicine, five years, five years!" Lin Taoshi said, stretched out a hand, gestures in front of Wu Mian.

"Hurry up and cover it, I think your peripheral blood supply is not good." Wu Mian said, "Now press a blood oxygen clamp, and it is estimated that the blood oxygen saturation does not exceed 92%."

"Little uncle, you see what you said." Lin Daoshi smiled, he closed his hands and let out a sigh of relief, "I was also sad at first, but my dad pulled me up with feces and urine. When I got to university, he left without waiting for me to honor him. I have some last wish I have to do."

Wu Mian looked at the starry sky and said nothing.

"I didn't think I could do it at first, so I built a Taoist temple indiscriminately, prepared to save some money myself, and asked the villagers to blow up a stone in the mountains, and just make a stone tablet." Lin Taoist laughed, "After that, I see the villagers. I’m sick. The doctors here are really not good enough. Why don’t I grab some medicine for the folks."

"You are also a barefoot doctor."

"That's, it's a barefoot doctor who graduated with a bachelor's degree." Lin Daoshi smiled, "I will send it to the Medical University if I have a serious illness. If I have my face, they try to spend as little money as possible. To be honest, my teacher, this face is a god. Big."

Wu Mian understood what Taoist Lin meant, and it has not been easy for Lao Lin these years.

"But gradually everyone's life is getting better and better. Linzhou has seen several tourist areas nearby. In addition, we rely on the mountains to eat the mountains and the water to draw water. The Kaijiang fish in the provincial capital is all from our neighborhood."

"The days are getting better, and my days are getting better. I also think that my income is not lower than that of being a doctor, and I am used to my days of idleness, and I can't stand it if I find someone to take care of me." Lin Daoshi said, "Just like that until 05. Annual high-priced medical cases."

"Are you scared?" Wu Mian asked with a smile.

"Yes, the specifics are very complicated, and the media don’t know anything. They instigated me in the middle and looked at the tooth cold. Anyway, I didn’t want to go to the hospital anymore. I honestly became my Lin Xianchang. , Everyone bows to me, isn't it fragrant?"

"Lin Xianchang, tut."

"Little Master, please don't laugh at me, it's true." Lin Daoshi said, "In 2005, my income here was about the same as that of my classmates. Don't look at their experts and professors. It's all nonsense. They were all young at the time, so whoever can make a lot of money."

"and after?"

"In the future, the agricultural tax will be cancelled. With the new rural cooperative medical system, the life of the folks will be better and I will feel more comfortable. I have bought a few BMWs. Some of my classmates are rich, but they dare not spend it! "

Lin Daoshi said, very proud.

"The common people have their own sufferings, and the doctors have their own sufferings. Uncle Master, do you think the doctor-patient relationship abroad is particularly harmonious?" Lin Daoshi asked.

"Why?" Wu Mian said, "For example, in the United States, you really dare not go to the hospital if you look down on the disease. Maybe it's pretty good at home. If you go to the hospital, you will inevitably bankrupt your family. Otherwise, why do the middle class work out every day? Are they in good health? In fact, they are just afraid of going to the hospital."

"Isn't there insurance?"

"Commercial insurance, the highest amount... tell you what this thing is for." Wu Mian said, "It doesn't make sense. The medical group is like the arms group. They are all predators. You said, how much money can you raise them? So fat."

"But they have a high level of technology."

"It depends on what kind of disease." Wu Mian said, "For example, the operation of a tooth for an eye is high, but ordinary people can't afford it. At that time, the research on this operation was not because the people of the Leiden family had it. That’s why I started to study it.

High-precision surgery is for the rich. Lao Lin, to be honest, in their eyes, you are not a rich person. Better than beggars, but not much. "

"..." Lin Daoshi was speechless.

"With your little assets, you have to go bankrupt in a rush. The middle class in the United States is declining, and wealth is concentrated. Looking at this trend, the end-class people are prophecies, not science fiction."

Lin Daoshi knew the difference between the middle class and the final class that the little uncle said, so he didn't believe it.

"Lao Lin, you learn a little better and watch less of the official account. Haven't you seen that the Ford Foundation has given less money these years, and there are fewer flattering articles in China."

"Huh? Is this the reason?"

"This is just one of them." Wu Mian said, "Too lazy to pay attention to the Ford Fund. Guess if I write an article, how much do they charge me?"

"One billion?"

Wu Mian did not speak, but looked at the stars in the sky leisurely.

"Lao Lin, you continue. What you said just now is quite interesting." Wu Mian said, "From two perspectives, this perspective is quite special."

"I listen to people's nagging." Lin Daoshi said, "Listen to patients' nagging in Laoya Mountain, go to the provincial capital, and listen to my classmates' nagging."

"Talk about it."

"There is also a patient who sees some people on the Internet saying that the doctor’s attitude is poor and the hospital charges a lot, and they feel that they have spent so much money on seeing a doctor, and they must have been slaughtered. They will not be able to give these doctors a good face in the see When I went to the online doctor to make news, I thought, I’d better do more checkups in the future, try to avoid risks and save money for you. If you miss a diagnosis, you won’t be able to eat.”

"Little Master, tell me, what is this all about?" Lin Daoshi sighed and said, "Each has its own truth, who is wrong? I think they are all right."


"Don't fool me like that, what do you think, Junior Uncle?" Lin Daoshi asked with a flash of light in his eyes.

"I have no idea."

"Cut, just the two of us." Lin Daoshi smiled, "Little Master, tell me what you think. In Lao Guo's words, tell me something that the TV station doesn't allow to broadcast."

"Society, isn't it normal to have contradictions?" Wu Mian asked.

"How can it be solved?"

"Lao Lin, you are a little bit forced to do it." Wu Mian said contemptuously, "Speaking of Po Datian, I am a doctor. You let me solve social conflicts? Dreaming!"

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