Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 791: Gastric perforation

Lin Duo observed for a while, and saw that Yang Fang's stomach pain did not get worse, and gradually let go of his heart.

After sleeping all night, Yang Fang's condition worsened the next morning, and the abdominal pain had "spread" from the stomach to the whole abdomen.

Lin Duo persuaded him for a long time, but Yang Fang still didn't agree to go to the hospital, and finally had to ask a counselor for leave, and then observe.

When Lin Duo returned to her bedroom at noon, she was startled when she saw Yang Fang's appearance.

Yang Fang's stomach was bulging, and it was more distended than yesterday. Instead of digesting the food, it seemed to have increased.

With a light tap, Yang Fang shouted desperately for pain. And the sound of beating is like beating a drum, banging.

"Fang, I don't think it's right." Lin Duo was a little anxious, she persuaded, "Let's go to the hospital for a look."

"Don't go." Yang Fang was very determined, "I have eaten all my living expenses this month, so I don't have the money to go to the hospital."

"I have some more. Let's go to the hospital for a look. I feel that it's the gastrointestinal tract, and my stomach is full of gas." Lin Duo said.

The two discussed for a long time. Finally, Yang Fang still felt sorry for the money, and the school doctor was not reliable, so Lin Duo helped them to go to a small clinic near the school.

The doctor in the clinic prescribed a drop of medicine. After putting it on, I didn't know whether the medicine had an effect or a psychological effect. In short, Yang Fang felt better.

After another day of tossing, Yang Fang hadn't exhausted her breath, her belly was getting bigger and bigger, and the doctors in the clinic looked scared and suggested that they go to the hospital.

Unable to listen to Yang Fang, Lin Duo mustered up the courage to call Wu Mian's number. First ask which hospital the little doctor belongs to. If it is a big hospital, go to him for help.

"Hello." Lin Duo's heart was beating with Wu Mian's voice on the phone.


"May I ask who is calling."

Lin Duo said intently, "I was the one who recorded eating and broadcasting in the restaurant the day before yesterday. Do you remember me?"

"Remember, how is your companion?"

"She has a stomachache, and it's been getting heavier since she came back... and it's still not exhausted, and her stomach is bulging."

"I'm at Jianxie Hospital. Come here right away. Do you need to call a 120 ambulance?" Wu Mian asked.

"No need, let's go by ourselves." Lin Duo's eyes lit up when he heard the name of Jianxie Hospital.

It was the newly established hospital in the new district. She had heard people say that she always saw luxury cars in front of that hospital.

It turned out to be a doctor from Jianxie Hospital. Lin Duo's eyes flashed with Wu Mian's appearance in white clothes, and his back was radiant, a staircase that opened up to the sky.



"Brother, is that eating broadcaster uncomfortable?" Chu Zhixi asked when Wu Mian hung up the phone.

"Well, it's because of a bulging stomach and pain. I think it might be peritonitis." Wu Mian said.

"Acute stomach perforation? It's been a few days, why did you call?" Chu Zhixi was a little confused.

"I don't know, they will have a physical examination after they come over." Wu Mian opened the cabinet, took out a white suit and put it on, "Let's take a look."

"Yeah." Chu Zhixi nodded, "If surgery is needed, will you go?"

"With Barack here, I don't have to go." Wu Mian said, "The girl ate too much, and after two days...Forget it, you still don't go, let me go."

This kind of operation is more disgusting in gastrointestinal surgery. It is normal to have a full stomach and not eat for two or three days after an operation.

And the longer the time, the more "biogas", and there are even precedents for people to burn them down and catch fire. Considering the time of abdominal pain and the symptoms stated by Lin Duo, Wu Mian firmly rejected Chu Zhixi from taking the stage in order to avoid outsiders.

"Girl, there is a certain risk." Wu Mian said, "If you need emergency surgery, you are responsible for contacting the school. I guess they will come soon."

"Okay." Chu Zhixi said cleverly.

Wu Mian called Professor Barak and went to the entrance of the hospital building with Chu Zhixi to wait for the two girls to come.

Twelve minutes later, a car stopped at the door. Lin Duo got out of the car first, then opened the door and helped Yang Fang down.

"Doctor, hello, trouble you." Lin Duo said politely.

But the gentle and gentle face she imagined did not immediately appear in front of her eyes. A foreign doctor with golden hair greeted her solemnly and said, "Come with me."

Lin Duo numbs his claws all of a sudden, foreign doctor? ! How much does it cost?

"Students, don't worry, don't worry about money first." Chu Zhixi said on the side, "check the body first and see the situation."

When I came to the emergency room on the first floor, since Jianxie Hospital does not accept general emergency departments, it is relatively deserted, not as busy as the emergency department of a large tertiary hospital.

Lin Duo helped Yang Fang get out of the wheelchair in a nervous state, let her lie down slowly, and the foreign doctors began to conduct physical examinations on Yang Fang.

The foreign doctors here speak Chinese fluently, which Lin Duo finds particularly strange. But what was even more strange was that the handsome young doctor had been standing behind, squinting at Yang Fang, as if he didn't even recognize himself.

Professor Barak’s physical examination was simple and straightforward, and then he came to Wu Mian, “BOSS, the patient has severe infection and clear signs of peritonitis. Consider the extensive peritonitis caused by the perforation of the hollow organ.”

"Prepare for emergency surgery." Wu Mian was slightly depressed after seeing the whole process of Professor Barack's physical examination.

What's the matter, it can actually hold out a stomach perforation. I hope that there are no other problems, Wu Mian thought in his heart.

The nurse swiftly began to indwell the gastric tube for the patient, and the gastrointestinal decompression quickly elicited 2L of brown-yellow liquid.

Wu Mian asked while observing, "What is your name?"

Lin Duo was startled, "You ask me?"

"Well, the situation is more urgent, you can say whatever I ask." Wu Mian said.


"What is your name."

"Lin Duo."

"Student Lin, where does the patient live?" Wu Mian continued to ask Province. "

"Do you know the counselor's phone number."

"I know." Lin Duo looked at Wu Mian's serious expression, and could feel an aura of urgency, "Doctor, Yang Fang, it doesn't matter."

"Give me the counselor's phone number." Wu Mian said, "Student Yang considers having a stomach perforation. The specific condition is mild and it is important to know after an open abdominal exploration."

Lin Duo heard the four words open abdomen and probed, and understood the big picture.

Asking for the counselor's phone number, Wu Mian did not call the school, but handed it to Chu Zhixi to contact Matthew De to deal with these matters.

Normally, similar things are handled by the medical department, and Matthew De has a lot of experience in this area.

The patient is pushed to the treatment room of the ward for preoperative preparations, urinary catheters are indwelled, blood is drawn for testing, and the anesthesiologist in the operating room visits the patient.

"BOSS, considering the perforation of the cavity organs, why do I think your expression is serious?" Professor Barack asked.

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