Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 828: Pervasive

"My husband found that his blood sugar increased during the first physical examination, which she thought was incredible at the time." Xue Chunhe said from the beginning, after the initial period of tension, he gradually calmed down.

Ketoacidosis is just ketoacidosis... nothing more.

The illness is very serious, but Xue Chunhe feels a little relieved when he thinks about the equipment of Jianxie Hospital and the technical force led by Teacher Wu.

And Mr. Wu also said that he hasn't been unconscious, and he has no symptoms of liver failure or kidney failure. Even if he hasn't noticed, his condition will not be very serious, so the prognosis should be good.

What I have to do now is to tell Mr. Wu the basis for the treatment of these years.

"When she was young, she was an athlete, played badminton, and was in the city team. She always thought she was in good health, and she was a little confused when she saw that her fasting blood sugar was 12.5mmol/L." Xue Chunhe said, "I told her. Now, diabetes can be caused by many reasons, and it has nothing to do with good health."

Xue Chunhe spoke a little verbosely, closed his eyes, his eyelids were slightly swollen and bounced slightly.

Wu Mian didn't interrupt him. It was just ketoacidosis. He took someone to the hospital for treatment immediately. The problem...not a big deal.

What he wants to know most is the treatment process for so many years to rule out a few rare and a few particularly rare diseases.

"Later, my wife said that this is all fate, and one has to accept fate. So she started to take metformin, control her diet, and exercise normally. In the following two years, her blood sugar control was good, maintaining around 4.5-6.5mmol/L."

"But a few years ago, there was a group of scammers who used free medical examinations and walked around to deceive elderly people who love small and cheap to go to our community'free clinic'. My wife happened to pass by and listened to them talk about diabetes."

Having said that, Xue Chunhe smiled bitterly.

"They said that western medicine only treats the symptoms but not the root cause... Teacher Wu, I don't have any opinion on Chinese medicine. I admit the curative effect of Xuebijing and Danhong. But the swindlers in the community...Oh."

"Go on, I'll listen to you, and hurry back." Wu Mian said, "Although the ICU technical strength of our hospital is there, I will not go back and watch the indicators come back. I am still not at ease."

"My spouse didn't know which evil he committed, so he believed what they said. When I came back, I told me that I can control it by taking metformin, but it may not be necessary for another ten or twenty years."

"I said that I would take insulin if I couldn't control it. She lost my temper with me at the time, saying that taking insulin is considered a disabled person abroad and will be discriminated against!"

"So many patients take insulin every day, and I haven't seen anyone discriminate against anyone." Xue Chunhe nagged and continued, "Huang Ling Jiangtang pills, this was the first one I ate.

I consulted the director of the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine of the Second Hospital. He said that Astragalus, Ganoderma lucidum, Ginseng, and Eucommia have the effect of lowering blood sugar, but it is not recommended to take external medicine. The courtyard has. "

"But my lover has a stubborn temper. We Northeast women are really half the sky..." Xue Chunhe just wanted to be verbose, and then dragged himself back, "This medicine is also useful.

I have been staring since she started taking oral administration. The first thing I do when I get up every morning is to check my blood sugar. Although the effect is a little worse than metformin, the blood sugar is maintained at about 8.4mmol/L, but she insisted and I stopped talking. "

"Actually... I think her blood sugar can be controlled well without taking medicine..." Xue Chunhe said in his mind.

"Before the fall of this year, another group of scammers went to the beginning of the science popularization of diabetes. My spouse is old, and I took a notebook to record seriously. I looked at it and found that there are basically nine truths, and the conclusion is false. What 2000 Our ancestors discovered diabetes many years ago, but it was called diabetes at that time."

Wu Mian nodded.

"I had a fight with her. I said that if diabetes can be completely cured, next year's Nobel Prize will be his. How could this be possible!"

"But my spouse was obsessed with his heart, and started to change the medicine orally, saying that it will be effective in 3 months and a radical cure in half a year."

"I started to worry about staring at my blood sugar every day. It may be a matter of controlling my diet. The blood sugar is maintained well, less than 10mmol/L. But that is also high. I have been persuading her to come to the hospital for a good check."

"I blamed me this time. Maybe it was because of me that she was anxious and got angry. She didn't eat well for a few meals, so she didn't know if her blood sugar went up."

"That's right! Last night I said why I suddenly wanted to eat apples..." Xue Chunhe suddenly thought of this, and he kept regretting, "Maybe it was because my spouse smelled rotten apples when I breathed. Mian kept thinking about his eyes and didn't think about it."

When Xue Chunhe said this, he felt very guilty.

"The room of Zhilan and the restaurant of abalone are normal, please don't go to your heart." Wu Mian persuaded.

"Well, my blood sugar may have been high last night, I guess I haven't eaten much." Xue Chunhe said.

"Nothing else." Wu Mian asked.


"It's okay, people can be saved if they are not in a coma." Wu Mian comforted, "I met a comatose patient with ketoacidosis with a blood sugar of 62mmol/L, and finally came back. My sister-in-law's blood sugar was less than 30. , Then I will go back and have a look."

"Teacher Wu, everything is up to you."

"Don't worry, a small problem." Wu Mian said, "The Mayuan estimates that you will contact the nurse to help. You can't do without people. If there is any inconvenience, just say, I and the Mayuan can do it, don't hold it by yourself. It’s just a sickness, as long as it can be treated, it’s a trivial matter."

"Yes, I know." Xue Chunhe nodded and said.

"Then I'm leaving." Wu Mian finished speaking and turned to leave.

The group of crooks in the community didn't know how many coffins they had deceived over the years, and Wu Mian was also helpless.

However, Xue Chunhe's lover is not very young ~ lover is still the dean of a large tertiary hospital in the provincial capital, and even believes this.

It's really pervasive.

As he walked, he contacted Chu Zhixi, briefly explained the situation, and asked the girl to contact Zhang Zimo, Director Zhang, to prepare in advance.

When Wu Mian hurried back to the hospital, he read the doctor's order given by Zhang Zimo.

Icu has given Xue Chunhe's lover a full set of biochemical examinations and blood gas analysis, and has given a series of symptomatic treatments such as rehydration, pumping insulin, correcting electrolyte disorders, and correcting acid-base balance disorders.

Xue Chunhe's lover was not in a coma, except that his limbs were weak, his muscle tone was not grade 5, but only grade 4 at most, and Wu Mian's left upper limb was estimated to be grade 3. Without liver failure, renal failure can not be said, at most it is oliguria.

But Wu Mian didn't worry too much.

For a professional medical team, ketoacidosis is only a "small" problem as long as it is discovered in time. Zhang Zimo is very experienced, and after the diagnosis is clear, there is no problem with the subsequent treatment.

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