Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 860: Handle this yourself

Signed before the operation... I shouldn't forget it

Dean Zhou's cold hair was standing up all over, how could this happen? ! He leaned over and took a look. In his memory, it seemed that Wang Chengfa refused to find someone in his family to sign, and he seemed to have spoken a few words about it.

Sure enough, Dean Zhou's memory was correct.

The pre-operative signed consent form contained in the medical record was not a blank, no written consent to the operation or signature. Wang Chengfa's signature was dazzlingly placed in front of him, and Dean Zhou looked in a daze.

mB! Dean Zhou cursed secretly in his heart.

How is this going? !

After just undergoing a rescue operation, Dean Zhou's mind was not very clear, and the paste stuck his eyes all over.

Chief Wu, what's wrong? Dean Zhou looked up at Wu Mian suspiciously.

Wang Chengfa is his own, although a little problem occurred during the operation, it was resolved after all.

As long as the person is okay, it should be okay even if there is no signature for the operation. What's more, there are still signatures, in black and white.

This preoperative informed consent form was brought back by Dean Zhou when he went to the Medical University to study electrosurgical technique 6 or 7 years ago. No word has been modified. He can see the concurrency of electrosurgical prostatic syndrome clearly written on it. disease.

Isn't this good? Chief Wu's eyes are blurred? At a young age, how could he not even look in his eyes as well.

"Chapter Wu, signed, signed, here it is." Dean Zhou reminded in a low voice.

"Oh." Wu Mian raised the medical record in his hand, and finally put it down, looking at Dean Zhou, shook his head slightly, and said, "Dean Zhou, there is no power of attorney, only the patient signs it. Do you think it's okay?"

"..." Dean Zhou was silent.

"The medical environment is complicated, I only say what I experienced." Wu Mian looked at Dean Zhou and said word by word, "Do you know why there is a power of attorney?"


"Surgery, if it's really... Assuming today, if you don't have me, you can contact the professor of the Medical University. But to be honest, the professor of the Medical University may not be able to deal with the prostatic resection syndrome. If you can't take the right medicine in the first time, Wang Chengfa will not die. On the operating table, you will also become vegetative due to cerebral Get cash and follow vx. Public book friends base You can also get cash!

"Yes, yes." Dean Zhou said nonchalantly. Although he was not convinced, he dared not talk back.

"The patient is unaware or dead. It is the family of the patient who is going to the hospital to reason with you." Wu Mian said, "What did you say before the operation? What are the risks..."

As Wu Mian was talking, he sighed deeply, "It is not enough for all relatives to sign the key operation, how can you do this!"

Dean Zhou was silent, he didn't think there would be any problems.

"When I was in Xiehe, I performed a lobectomy for a 112-year-old old man. The patient has a variety of senile diseases, and no one wants to get it for fear of causing trouble." Wu Mian said softly, "A call from Haizili, the old principal. Arrange for me to go to the stage for surgery. No way, I bite the bullet and adjusted the condition of the patient for three days."

"Later, the patient's children are still alive, grandchildren, and grandchildren, as long as the relevant people can be found, I will call. Even the one in Haizi...well, I want to call it out and sign it."

Haizili... Dean Zhou was a little dazed, what Mr. Wu said Haizi should be the same as he understood.

"Postoperative patients..."

All of Wu Mian’s good mood was lost by Dean Zhou’s “stupidity”, and he sighed after a few words. After the matter was not finished, he was very little interested and said, "Let's do it."

"Section Chief Wu, next..."

"Some time ago, I sent Director Wang to the Medical University to see a doctor. You know what happened afterwards. Although things were flat, the trouble was also very unpleasant." Wu Mian said, "I will not come forward this time. You can contact yourself for details. Yes. You can come from a medical university, or you can send it to a medical university. You shouldn't be without this kind of human face."

Dean Zhou's back was cold.

He understood what Wu Mian meant, and he didn't want to cause trouble. Wei Dabao and the nurse just mentioned flew away from their eyes as if they had grown wings.

Is it really troublesome? Is Section Chief Wu too cautious? !

"There is a ventilator in the 120 ambulance. I can ask our nurse to send it there. She should be fine with the ventilator."

"Brother, I wear nurse's clothes, so let's follow along." Chu Zhixi whispered, just like being a thief.

Wu Mian groaned, and finally nodded.

"Then go directly to ICU, it is estimated that it will be transferred out in 24 hours." Wu Mian said, "If there are any specific problems, you must pay attention to it and suppress the matter as soon as possible. At the very least, you must obtain the understanding of Director Wang Chengfa."

"Forgive me?!" Dean Zhou looked at Wu Mian blankly.

"If the patient is so conscious, he signs himself and his family members are present, and he must sign at the same time. This is a double signature." Wu Mian said, "You go to the medical legal documents, and I won't talk to you much."

"But Director Wang lives alone in the hospital. At that time, I also suggested that Wang Quan come to sign, but Director Wang refused... After all, it is an old colleague and friend, Section Chief Wu, it should be fine."

"They haven't divorced yet, they have a spouse and children." Wu Mian said coldly.

In an instant, Dean Zhou felt that Wu Mian was wearing a khaki trench coat again, standing in front of him wearing sunglasses and black lambskin gloves.

"Director Wang agreed, who knows if you have explained it clearly? The patient is lying here, and the family members are at home, and they don't know anything." Wu Mian said.

"Section Chief Wu, do you still not notify Director Wang's family members according to the notice?" Dean Zhou asked.

He tried to make himself humble, and he did not dare to go to death and offend someone who had cured his old man's kidney failure after a call.

There must be nothing wrong with the signing of the book right now. Dean Zhou knew it well, but Wu Mian said everything was left to him. Dean Zhou didn't want to argue about this matter.

After all, Section Chief Wu just came all the way to save himself from the fire and water.

Dean Zhou can understand all this clearly.

"You are free." Wu Mian looked at Dean Zhou and shook his head slightly, before he stopped talking.

He turned and threw the medical record back to its original position, sat down and looked at the monitor and ventilator.

An hour later, Dean Zhou contacted Director Pei of the Urology Department of the Second Hospital of Medical University.

Send Wang Cheng to the 120 ambulance. Before getting on the vehicle, Wu Mian tested the ventilator on the car and confirmed that it was correct. He watched Chu Zhixi and Li Qiong wearing white clothes to **** Wang Chengfa to the medical university.

Dean Zhou drove by himself and rushed over.

Wei Dabao inquired clearly about the matter, and when he saw someone left, he asked, "Sec. Chief Wu, can't there be something really wrong?"

"It's hard to say, I hope I think too much." Wu Mian said lightly.

"Didn't it mean that the tube can be extubated in the next day?"


"Director Wang has also signed it, it should be fine." Wei Dabao pondered it carefully, and suddenly thought of Wang Quan's appearance in the Second Hospital of Medical University that day.

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