Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 876: Great Satan

Cleveland Clinic, Nevada, USA.

The Cleveland Medical Center is headquartered in Cleveland, with branches in Florida, Nevada, Canada, and Abu Dhabi.

The Cleveland Clinic in Nevada ranks among the top in the world for diagnosis and treatment of vascular diseases.

And here is the location of the Cleveland Medical Center's cutting-edge medical technology laboratory, which brings together a group of top biomedical and medical talents.

Cheng Yunhai sat in a wheelchair silently, and just finished his examination. The latest technology did not help Cheng Yunhai's condition.

His lower extremity arteries are already scarred, and it is difficult to use the body's self-repairing ability to heal silently. Moreover, he has other diseases, and Cheng Yunhai himself has no hope for self-healing.

After trying the latest drugs that have not yet been approved, they still have no effect. Cheng Yunhai has died.

Professor Bob sent Cheng Yunhai away. He said with a little regret, "Cheng, I still recommend that you amputate your limbs. You know, prosthetics are very advanced, and the technology of exometallic bones has made breakthroughs. I believe that prosthetics and human bodies will not be in the future. There will be a too obvious difference."

"Bob, thank you." Cheng Yunhai had just taken analgesics, and his wheelchair was walking on the flat ground. He could still think and talk normally, "I don't want to turn myself into Iron Man."

Professor Bob shrugged and expressed his regret.

"Although your situation is special, please trust Cleveland's technical level." Professor Bob finally persuaded.

"I just want to try the latest genetic medicine, it turns out that it has no effect." Cheng Yunhai said, "Bob, thank you for your concern for me these days. I will not commit suicide."

"If you still have nostalgia for the world, staying in Cleveland is the best choice."

Cheng Yunhai thought of the young man Tao Ruo introduced to him, and asked, "Bob, do you know Wu?"

"Wu? Wu from Massachusetts?" Bob said instinctively when he heard the pronunciation.

"Yes." Cheng Yunhai said, "I recently collected some of his information and found that this is a surprising young man."

"..." Professor Bob was taken aback for a moment, "Are you going to find Wu for surgery?"

"He said he had a way, he could try it."

"Impossible." Professor Bob said, "I know your condition best. The latest medicine has no effect.

The surgery was also consulted, and the group of surgical idiots thought that there were three more stents in the blood vessel, and it was impossible to remove the embolus or stent again. In other words, the blood vessels of your lower extremities have been blocked and it is impossible to open them. "

"Who knows, I'm going to give it a try." Cheng Yunhai also knew that there was little hope. He wanted to see it. If it didn't work, he had to prepare funerals and embrace death.

Professor Bob was silent for a few seconds, and asked in confusion, "How did Wu tell you?"

"He said there is a chance to save my lower limbs and treat it with surgery."

"Is it vascular reconstruction? How can it be possible to have an occluded segment as long as the lower extremity!"

"I don't know." Cheng Yunhai sat in a wheelchair and said softly, "Bob, I actually don't have any hope for this. But I haven't finished the things that belong to me, I really don't want to die."

"Cheng, no one wants to die. You are still young, and the world is still new to you." Professor Bob said, "Wu can't possibly..."

When talking about the word impossible, Professor Bob paused and smiled bitterly, "Wu has created too many miracles, where is he now?"

"A remote rural area similar to Quebec, Canada."

"..." Professor Bob looked at Cheng Yunhai in surprise.

After the argument with Dr. Anthony, Wu returned to his hometown angrily. This is the last news about him. But Professor Bob didn't expect Wu Mian to go to a remote village, and Wu, who was less than 30 years old, was planning to abandon himself? This is really bad news.

"Bob, I already feel my feet are beginning to aches." Cheng Yunhai said regretfully, "I don't want my embarrassed appearance to remain in your memory. After all, without these **** diseases, we should now A kit that can diagnose cancer in 5 seconds is under discussion."

Professor Bob sighed, it was just a beautiful dream. And the man in front of him, although he said he would not take the initiative to embrace death, but that was just talking.

"Are Wu and his teacher reconciled?" Professor Bob asked.

"Bob, I don't know." Cheng Yunhai said, "Even I haven't seen him yet. The reason I can know the information is because a friend of mine has contact with him."

"My God!" Professor Bob said in surprise, "Wu didn't see your specific situation, so he said he had a chance to be treated?!"


"As far as I know, Wu is a very cautious person. Every time he has an operation, the members of his medical team are like being baptized by the Great Devil, afraid of any negligence."

demon king? That young man in Bajingzi? Cheng Yunhai finds this matter more and more interesting.

Although he didn't think that young man could heal himself, Cheng Yunhai liked the title of Great Devil.

Maybe that young big devil really has a way.

"Cheng, when are you going to leave?" Professor Bob asked.

"Now." Cheng Yunhai said, "I don't have much time. I don't want to rely on analgesics. But if there is no drug support, the pain will bring me into the abyss, the endless abyss."

"What is Wu going to do, can you send me an email?" Professor Bob whispered, "This does not involve trade secrets, it's just the curiosity of an old friend."

"I can ask Wu Mian." Cheng Yunhai smiled, "My legs have started telling me that the chatting time is over, Bob, I hope we have a chance to see you again."

"I hope so." Professor Bob walked in front of Cheng Yunhai and bends down to embrace this man with a dark future, this is the last embrace.

Watching Cheng Yunhai leave, Professor Bob fell into deep thought.

He carefully recalled Cheng Yunhai's condition and the existing treatment methods.

Whether it is a bypass, a stent, or the latest genetic drugs, Cheng Yunhai’s lower extremity arterial occlusion is helpless. Professor Bob believes that the only way to solve the problem is amputation.

Amputation from the upper third of the thigh is the only way to get rid of avascular necrosis of the lower limbs and extreme body pain.

There can be no other treatments, Professor Bob thought.

But when he was about to turn around, a strange idea came to Professor Bob's mind.

Is it really impossible?

That's the magic Wu!

It's the legendary demon king of Massachusetts! !

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