Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 885: The fact

Sun Lianghai kept his head down, did not urge, nor was he in a hurry, it seemed that it didn't matter if he sat down like this.

At that moment, Sun Lianghai knew that he had been hypnotized unknowingly and could "escape".

He knew that the reason for being able to come out of hypnosis was definitely not because of his strong will, but because the frequency of the young man's fingers slightly changed, letting him go.

Sun Lianghai, a similar hypnosis expert, has never seen him before.

In Xiangjiang, anyone who has the real ability to hypnotize will be treated generously and will not end up in the rivers and lakes at all.

The young man in front of him was definitely not something he could offend, Sun Lianghai knew in his heart.

Xiao Liangzi estimated that it would cost a lot to please him.

"Mr. Sun."

After a long time, Wu Mian suddenly said softly.

"Please tell me, Doctor Wu."

"Are there any photos? The sooner the better, it's better to be the photos before you and Zheng Wenli got married." Wu Mian asked.

The relationship diagram painted by Sun Lianghai is already very clear, and Wu Mian has been pondering it for a long time, but has not found any possibility.

His curiosity about this matter surged, and even risked a headache to maximize his thinking speed.


Gained nothing.

Sun Lianghai is worthy of being a professional, and he has searched all the possibilities, even the rare ones in medical treatment may have been thought of.

There is not much room left for Wu Mian to think about, and it can even be said that there is no Welfare will give you a red envelope in cash! Follow the vx public book friend base camp to receive it!

The more I thought about it, the more Wu Mian admired this woman named Zheng Wenli.

Professional Sun Lianghai and himself couldn't find any flaws, this was simply a god-level cheating. Wu Mian believes that the only flaw is that Sun Lianghai's pre-marital examination was wrong, and it is likely that Zheng Wenli's hcg examination was done with someone else's urine.

Such things are not uncommon, and Wu Mian has seen similar situations more than once.

But this is just a guess. Wu Mian wanted to look at the photos and look for traces of pregnancy from the photos.

Sun Lianghai couldn't tell whether he was a professional doctor or the most professional kind, so he might not be able to tell. At this point, Wu Mian has extremely strong self-confidence.

"There is one." Sun Lianghai said, he did not disappoint Wu Mian.

"Doctor Wu, do you think Zheng Wenli changed her urine sample secretly?" Sun Lianghai asked next.

Wu Mian's eyes narrowed, but she nodded.

"It's unlikely." Sun Lianghai said, "I was an old man with no abilities at the time, and he treated her in every possible way. I thought of this possibility, and went to a private hospital specially for the pre-marital physical examination. I have checked the single room, and there is no possibility of manipulation."

"..." Wu Mian sighed.

Sun Lianghai really believed that he was professional, and he could even think of such things.

"Doctor Wu, this is our pre-marriage photo. Take a look at it." Sun Lianghai took out a photo from his wallet and handed it to Wu Mian.

With old-school wallets, old-school film photos, and old-school notepads, Sun Lianghai has an old breath from his bones.

Wu Mian took the photo carefully and looked at it carefully.

In the photo, there are three people. Sun Lianghai is standing on the left. Next to him is a woman in the middle. She looks very young, not like her 30, but is about 26 or 7 years old.

She is very tall, a head taller than Sun Lianghai, about 1.75 meters tall, she has a good figure and beautiful eyes.

In the language of the old capital, it is called Pan Liang Tiao Shun.

Standing with Sun Lianghai, both Wu Mian and Chu Zhixi felt that the girl was blinded for nothing.

Standing on the right hand side of the photo is a white and pure little boy. He looks like a teenager. According to Sun Lianghai's description, he should be the child born to Zheng Wenli and his late ex-husband.

It can be seen from the child's eyebrows that Zheng Wenli's ex-husband is also very handsome. This child should be more like her ex-husband. But the similarity is that he is tall, half a head taller than Sun Lianghai when he was only a teenager.

Standing together in this "family" is extraordinarily weird. Sun Lianghai and Zheng Wenli are incompatible with each other.

Sun Lianghai didn't speak either, he quietly waited for Wu Mian to look at the photos.

Unlike the previous relationship diagram, Wu Mian watched this photo for 5 minutes before returning it to Sun Lianghai.

"Mr. Sun." Wu Mian squinted his eyes and stared at Sun Lianghai closely.

"Doctor Wu, please tell me."

"You are sure that there is nothing wrong with Ms. Zheng's whereabouts, are you."


"I don't doubt your professionalism." Wu Mian said, "but I found an omission in the photo, and I am not sure. If you say it, please refer to it."

"Doctor Wu, please tell me."

"How old is Ms. Zheng's child?"

"I am fourteen years old this year." Sun Lianghai explained, "It's like this in rural areas. It's relatively early to get married and have children."

"You have been to Ms. Zheng's hometown. You should have inquired about it or learned about it from the side. But what you just heard is not too detailed. Have you seen a picture of Ms. Zheng's child?"


Sun Lianghai was startled.

Photo? Isn't it right in front of you? !

He didn't pay attention to old photos, such as birth photos of children.

"I mean, can you be sure that this child is only fourteen? And it was Ms. Zheng's birth?" Wu Mian frowned and asked cautiously.

This sentence was like a blast of thunder, hitting Sun Lianghai's head.

"Assume, I just said hypothesis." Wu Mian said lightly, "Looking at the photos, if you don't know what the relationship is, my first impression is-you are Ms. Zheng Wenli's father, and Ms. Zheng Wenli has found a younger man. Friends, you took a picture together."

Sun Lianghai was dumb, and he also thought of a strange possibility.

But this idea is so weird...

There was no need to beat the drum again. Sun Lianghai followed Wu Mian's line of thought, and suddenly found that things that had no flaws became suspicious.

Looking across it as a ridge and a peak on the side, it is probably Sun Lianghai's lingering feeling now. Re-examining this matter from another angle, everything that I saw, thought, and knew instantly changed.

Wu Mian did not continue to say but looked at Sun Lianghai quietly.

" you it possible?" Sun Lianghai's voice trembled, he asked.

"Excluding everything that is impossible, what is left is the truth." Wu Mian said, "What do you think?"

"Yes, Dr. Wu, you are right." Sun Lianghai said dumbly, "I... now check it out."

"Mr. Sun." Wu Mian said softly.


"It's good to go together and good to go." Wu Mian persuaded, "It was just a misunderstanding."

Wu Mian gently exposed the hostility in this matter with words, and Sun Lianghai nodded, "Don't worry, I don't have enough life. I will not become a black and evil force by sweeping away evil."

"That's good." Wu Mian nodded.

Chu Zhixi looked at the old photo in surprise, his preconceived ideas were completely defeated, and the truth turned out to be like this!

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