Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 888: Break the bones to play the accordion

"Mr. Cheng, then we won't delay any more time, now we will talk about the treatment process of the operation." Wu Mian said when seeing that the projector was ready.

"Thank you." Cheng Yunhai said after taking the medicine, enduring the pain.

"However, the point to be explained in advance is that this kind of surgery does not solve the fundamental problem. Some people have problems with the blood coagulation mechanism, and thrombosis often occurs; and you have thrombosis because of the working principle of the third-generation artificial heart."

"You can rest assured, if it can be relieved, I will replace the artificial heart as soon as possible."

"Okay, let me explain to you the procedure and principle of the operation." Wu Mian nodded and said, "The operation is called lateral tibial transfer and microcirculation regeneration. So it may be very boring. Let me tell you about this first. The origin of the technology."

"Russian orthopedic surgeon Jay A. Irizalov has discovered through long-term trials and clinical trials that human bones, like connective tissue and epithelial tissue in the human body, have great regeneration and great plasticity.

As long as the doctor grasps the law of its development and growth, and uses certain medical methods, the bones can grow or shorten to a certain extent according to the doctor's wishes, so that the fingers and toes lost due to trauma can "recover". "

Seeing that Cheng Yunhai was a little confused, Wu Mian further simplified the complicated matters.

"The earliest application in China was to fracture the calf, and then stretch a certain distance to allow the bone to grow and achieve the purpose of heightening."

"I know!" Cheng Yunhai said.

Matthew De also nodded lightly, "I heard that there was a nurse from the third hospital, who was very short and difficult to change drips. The nurse finally chose this kind of heightening operation, and the postoperative recovery was not bad. Everyone before. I am worried that the limbs on both sides are not the same length, but there is no big problem after surgery."

Wu Mian nodded and continued.

"Ga. A. Irizalov spent more than ten years on in-depth research on technology and theory, and finally formed the tension-stress law of traction tissue regeneration.

Among them, the orthopedic technique and the theory of traction osteogenesis have been praised by the international orthopedics community as a new milestone in the history of orthopedics development. "

Treatment pictures of related operations flashed continuously on Ptt. The patient's leg was supported by a metal frame. Two metal pipes passed through. There are scales on one side of the metal frame, which should be adjustable.

Some patients only have frames for their calves. In the last few pictures, the patients' thighs and calves are supported by metal frames.

"When I was in Massachusetts, I once performed this type of heightening operation on two girls who wanted to become models. The postoperative effect... is hard to say." Wu Miandao, "There are many complications, although the height is increased by 6.5cm, but I I think this technique is not good."

Hearing Wu Mian's use of the word "not good" to describe it, Matthew smiled.

"It's like an endoscopic sleeve resection of the stomach. I encountered a girl who lost weight a few days ago and had complications after the operation. The damage to the patient is too great, and there is not enough necessity, and it is not recommended. "

"I didn't think much about it at the time. Later, when I met a patient similar to yours, I suddenly thought of Gara Irizalov's procedure."

"The essence of this procedure is to use the body's regenerative function to achieve clinical goals. Moreover, the reconstruction work after tibial fracture... Simply put, the body will enter an emergency state and begin to rebuild blood vessels."

Cheng Yunhai roughly understood what Wu Mian said.

"To perform the operation, first of all, the patency of the popliteal artery must be confirmed by B-ultrasound. I had a rough physical examination just now, and I just touched the popliteal artery."

"I have tried surgery with occlusion of the popliteal artery. There is only a 65.6% chance of revascularization in mice. Fortunately, your popliteal artery is in good condition and should not affect the outcome of the operation."

"I have performed 178 cases of this operation with mice, and the results are satisfactory. After entering the clinic, due to time reasons, only 21 patients and 25 affected limbs have undergone this type of operation. However, I think the existing data have clinical significance. You can try to spread it out in the clinic." The ppt in front of Wu Mian was replaced with a series of data.

Cheng Yunhai took a closer look. The data showed that there were 12 males and 9 females; the age was 48-79 years, with an average of (628) years old. 11 cases of right lower extremity, 8 cases of left lower extremity, 3 cases of both lower extremities; diagnosis of thromboangiitis obliterans in 8 extremities...

Then Wu Mian stopped talking, but replaced it with pictures.

The pictures before and after the operation appeared before Cheng Yunhai's eyes. Wu Mian paid attention to Cheng Yunhai's eyes. Whenever he finished reading a picture, the next one would appear in his field of vision.

Cheng Yunhai was in a daze when he saw those "familiar" pictures. They were so familiar. Although most of them seemed to be lighter than his own, there were a few more serious cases.

Wu Mian’s ppt "Compassionate" focuses on patients in serious conditions.

From skin temperature monitoring to vascular network reconstruction under B-ultrasound, every step is recorded in detail.

Later, Cheng Yunhai noticed a recurring movement called the accordion technique.

On the 5th day after the operation, the tibia was moved laterally, and the free tibial window was moved 1mm every day, which was completed in 4 times. The lateral movement was continued for 21 days, and the reverse movement was performed at the same speed for 21 days.

My own bones... pull it back, pull it over, and jump repeatedly.

Cheng Yunhai was a little helpless, this kind of picture was beyond imagination, and once he carefully studied it, he felt that his right leg hurts a little bit more. The accordion moves, the name is very apt.

Even so, the effect of the operation is really good.

After stopping the movement for 4 weeks, the external fixation bracket for bone movement was removed, and the bracket was fixed for about 10 weeks. The dressing of the small ulcer surface is changed daily, and the ulcer surface is healed naturally, and the large ulcer surface is repaired by skin grafting after the granulation emerges from the wound surface in 3 to 4 weeks.

Although the whole process is lengthy, it works well.

Wu Mian also put a patient video at the end of the ppt.

It was an old man with a white was sitting in a wheelchair, Wu Mian was standing two meters away from Leading red envelopes and paying attention to the public.. Public number Book Friends Base Draw up to 888 cash red envelopes!

There was no sound in the video, and Wu Mian kept using gestures to greet the old man in the video, asking him to stand up by himself.

Obviously, the old man was not very confident, he hesitated.

It took a full minute before he reluctantly stood up, his legs were weak and weak, and he was supported by a nurse to take a step forward.

Although only 2 meters away, the old man was very excited. He slowly walked to Wu Mian and cried silently in his arms.

"This is how the heaviest patient you have seen has recovered." Wu Mian closed the ppt and said with a smile, "This is the basic principle. I believe you have seen it clearly. Is there any problem?"

"Why didn't the doctors in Mayo or Cleveland recommend this kind of surgery?" Cheng Yunhai asked.

"Because their level is average." Wu Mian said calmly.

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