Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 891: Seek medical advice

"But you also said he didn't even look at it." Yun Lan said.

"It's not the same, the predecessors of the great supernatural powers have their own way. A few months ago, the old man of the Xiangjiang dealer had a cancer operation. It is said that he was changed in shape when he was weak after the operation." Lu Jiu turned in a deep voice, "I didn't find me, but Several geologists have seen it. Some people say there is no problem, and some say there is a problem, but no one can solve it."

"It's because the operation was not done well," Yun Lan asked.

"Surgery on the stomach can't turn into a woman's voice." Lu Jiu said, "And it wasn't done by a doctor in Xiangjiang. I was looking for an American to pay attention to the public.. Bookmate Base camp, read books every day to get cash/points!

"What happened later?" Yun Lan asked curiously.

"Later Daochang Lin and his junior uncle went to Xiangjiang, and the matter was resolved in one afternoon." Lu Jiuzhuan smiled, "Banker, Patriarch, a life, how much is it worth?"

Yun Lan curled her lips.

"It is said that the dealer didn't give much money at the time. Maybe they felt that the northern part of the land was barren, so they just sent it away. The younger brother and heir of the fourth uncle, went to Xiangjiang and just sent it off once, and the dealer will be like this for the rest of his life." Lu Jiu Turn around.

"Ha!" Yun Lan listened interestingly, and continued to gossip, "Brother, are they angry."

"People didn't say anything. It's fate in some way, not a liar, and his eyes are on money." Lu Jiuzhuan smiled and went gossiping with the younger sister.

"I know, you told me." Yun Lan smiled.

"Well, I don’t know how to solve it later, but I heard that the Zheng family and the dealer have made a big move recently and are going to invest in Montenegro. In the extreme north, investment can make money? Isn’t it too much money, it’s not easy to do it, just Can you approach Lin Daochang and his junior uncle in the name of investment?"

"But he can't just say it's sick without even looking." Yun Lan said unhappily, "Isn't this irresponsible."

"There is no cause and effect, and no connection. The word responsibility is impossible to talk about." Lu Jiu said, "There is indeed a problem with that person's situation, but I have little knowledge and can't see it. Or else, I will take a few years later. See Mr. Lin for such a gift, and talk about it by the way."

"Brother!" Yun Lan said, "You are perfunctory me."

"No." Lu Jiu said, "You graduate well and become a doctor. Don't worry about these things."

"Brother, where did Lin Dao grow up, I remember it was a rustic place name."

"Lao Yi Mountain." Lu Jiu said, "A real person is not to be seen, what's wrong with Lao Yi Mountain? What's so good about Baiyun Mountain?"

"I know!" Yun Lan smiled, "I'm going back, and I will have a big round tomorrow, I have to prepare in advance. The doctor is hard, earning less money and living more."

Seeing Yun Lan bounced and left, Lu Jiu Zhuan didn't think much about it, looking up at the flowers blooming, the clouds rolling and the clouds relaxing.



Yun Lan left, did not go back to the hospital, but contacted the patient, bought a ticket, and went straight to the provincial capital of Montenegro.

Now the transportation is convenient, from south to north, it takes only 4 to 5 hours by plane.

In the evening, Yun Lan and a weak woman appeared at the provincial airport.

Yun Lan carried a pair of shoulders, her tight jeans couldn't hold her youth and vitality. The two long legs attracted countless coveted eyes, but Yun Lan didn't care. She took the patient and rushed to the taxi exit.

"Sister Chen, don't worry, I'll take you to see an expert." Yun Lan comforted the patient as he walked. "My brother said, he thinks you are a kind of illness, but he can't say it well. Let's ask you to understand. ."

Chen Qiaoqiao was not embarrassed, but worried.

After so many years, she and Yun Lan have a very good relationship, and they are already similar to best friends.

"Yun Lan, you said that if I'm sick, I won't be able to check it up."

"I don't know." Yun Lan said Sashuang, "I am also curious.

"..." Chen Qiaoqiao was silent.

She is just a working girl, and the inspection fee of several thousand yuan seems to her to be a huge sum of money, let alone going abroad for medical treatment. Yun Lan bought the air tickets to Montenegro. She didn't say thank you, but she remembered it all in her heart.

After getting in the car, Yun Lan sat in front, "Master, go to Laoyashan."

"The little girl went to burn incense? You have a southern accent."

"Well, I heard that Laoyashan is efficacious, let's go and worship." Yun Lan chatted casually, she was cheerful, and learned a lot about the road leader of Laoyashan with the taxi driver all the way, all the way to the foot of Laoyashan, Yun Lan Thanks, get off with Chen Qiaoqiao.

On the weekend, the traffic at the foot of the mountain was crowded, Yun Lan nodded, the popularity here is not bad.

"Yun Lan, isn't it to see a doctor?" Chen Qiaoqiao asked, holding Yun Lan's sleeve.

"Yes, the chief Lin Daoist here said it was sick, but he refused to elaborate. Let's ask what's the situation." Yun Lan is also bold, but the weather in the northeast is too different from that in the south, and the temperature difference is at least 30 degrees. Lan and Chen Qiaoqiao both wear singles.

He came in a hurry, and even forgot about this, Yun Lan was also very speechless.

Fortunately, both of them are young, they are walking fast, and their bodies warm up. When he came to the top of Laoya Mountain, Yun Lan found a Taoist boy, "Little Master, please find Dao Chief Lin."

"Lay, my master will not open a clinic today."

"Opening?" Yun Lan was surprised.

"Acupuncture, didn't you come to see my master for treatment?"

"..." Yun Lan was startled for a moment, and then said, "Thank you, please, the junior from Tiannanlu Nine Turns, please see me."

There are not many famous people and they are from Tiannan. Mingyue glanced at Yun Lan up and down, and went to find Taoist Lin.



"Uncle Master, do you think I want to build a greenhouse in the backyard? You can stand this cold weather, but I can't." Lin Taoshi wrapped in a military coat and sat with Wu Mian in the backyard courtyard.

"If you are cold, go and work by yourself, I'll think about something." Wu Mian said while looking at the azure blue sky. It will be late, and there is a burning cloud on the horizon, which is really beautiful.

"I'll sit down with you, and I have to watch Lin Yun study at Lin Daoshi nagging, "Mr. Chu teaches fast, he is old-fashioned, and if he can't memorize it, he will beat him. It really hit Lin Yun's hand, and it hurts in my heart. "

"Three-character classics and thousand-character essays, is it so difficult to memorize?" Wu Mian asked with a smile.

"Separate people, you can recite it once you read it, after all, Lin Yun is still young," said Lin Daoshi, "I can't recite for him either. Little Shishu, when will Mr. Chu leave?"

"Zheng Linyuan's illness is still recovering, at least a year from now." Wu Mian said.

Lin Daoshi frowned, trying to say something.

"I still have to study. I only hope that my son will be more than happy and come to the prince without disaster. Words are good, but they must have the fate."

"What the little uncle taught is." Lin Daoshi said carelessly.

I have crossed the mountains and the sea...

Wu Mian moved his finger, and immediately heard that it was Lin Daoshi's mobile phone.

"Old Lin, change your ringtone."

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