Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 901: Squeamish village official

It was already around seven when Wu Mian and Chu Zhixi returned home.

Entering the door to change shoes, Wu Zhongtai sat on a chair and pinched Zhang Lan's leg.

Lying supine for 8 weeks is a torture for a normal person. Long-term lack of exercise can lead to muscle atrophy and weakness. Therefore, proper massage during resting period to keep blood supply unobstructed is necessary.

Hearing Wu Mian and Chu Zhixi coming back, Wu Zhongtai said, "The food is in the kitchen. See if it's cool."

Known father Mo Ruozi, Wu Zhongtai's tone was very flat, but Wu Mian caught a slight emotional strangeness in an instant.

"Dad, what's the matter with you?" Wu Mian didn't care either. After changing his shoes, he walked to the kitchen, ready to see what was delicious.

"It's okay." Wu Zhongtai said depressed.

"Don't tell me, I can't listen to you if I can't help? Which lazy guy is making you angry? Precision poverty alleviation is difficult, let's just listen." Wu Mian asked. ."

"No head." Wu Zhongtai said with an urn voice.

Wu Mian knew that this was an angry talk, he didn't know the situation in the south, but there was a large black land in the northeast. It is not easy to get rid of poverty, but it is not easy to starve to death. Of course, during natural disasters, the Northeast did not go hungry much.

I heard Wu Zhongtai once said that when there was no food when I was young, a bunch of children went to dig voles in the ground. The voles have obsessive-compulsive disorder, and every grain of food is neatly arranged, looking enough to make patients with intensive phobias attack.

Not to mention food, if there are sunflowers, the voles can transport the seeds back, and knock off the seeds one by one, and store them in preparation for the winter.

"Dad, don't worry, it's almost enough." Wu Mian and Chu Zhixi put the food on the table, paused with their chopsticks, and said as they ate.

"Oh." Wu Zhongtai sighed, "You tell me that you young people, spoiled and spoiled, are more hypocritical than the other."

"I'm not happy when you say that. Why did we young people annoy you? Is it the college student village chief who is lazy again?" Wu Mian asked with a smile.

"Yes." Wu Zhongtai beat Zhang Lan's leg while saying, "It was just cold, and there was a village official who said that his hands were so cold. Isn't that nonsense? Lies are not round, both hands I also recognized it. He only said that his right hand was boring. Isn't that nonsense!"

"Only one hand, don't he wear gloves?" Wu Mian asked with a smile without taking it seriously.

The college student village official just said it nicely. A group of young people from the ivory tower came to the grassroots level. They had never expected countless situations.

The situation at the grassroots level is extremely complicated, and the knowledge learned in the ivory tower cannot be easily solved. Even in many cases, it was completely contrary to their perceptions, and some college student village officials were directly depressed and at a loss.

"It's better for the old party secretary to work at the grass-roots level. Is it okay not to curse?" Wu Zhongtai said.

"Cut." Wu Mian said contemptuously, "The old party secretary is so old. There is an old volunteer soldier in the special needs ward. He goes home to be the old party secretary and he has worked for decades. People's prestige is enough. I went to buy land and was sent back by him."

Chu Zhixi looked at Wu Mian with a smile, only when his elder brother was at home would he have such a rich expression.

"But how old are people? There are so many problems at the grassroots level. I can't just point to the old party secretary." Wu Mian said, "Young people always grow up. I gave a doctor from Tiannan a training yesterday. "

"Why do you teach others."

"The medical treatment is the same as you are at the grassroots level. There are a lot of troubles. I have finished asking the medical history, and she still doesn't know what the problem is."

"Brother, you just see that she is a Ph.D. from Tiannan Medical University. You can know what the disease is in advance. But that's Albright syndrome. Not to mention a Ph.D. It doesn't matter if her teacher knows it or not."

"Yes, the girl is right." Wu Mian said with a smile, "what did the village official say? Can't reach out when it's cold? It's quite squeamish."

Wu Mian changed the subject.

"I'm usually squeamish, and I always say that my hands are weak. I can't carry them on my shoulders, and I can't lift them. What's the use for them." Wu Zhongtai said.

"Now it's mechanization. In a few years, it will all become intelligent. Why do you need such a lot of energy?" Wu Mian quarreled with Wu Zhongtai, and drew a meal.

He ate so fast, a large bowl of rice was pulled into an empty bowl in the blink of an eye.

"Xiao Mian, eat slowly." Zhang Lan said.

"Hey, I'm used to it." Wu Mian smiled, "This is a general general skill for hospitalization. If you eat slowly, you may not be able to keep up with the warmth. Come to a patient, rescue, and operate. After you come back, the food will be cold. Use the microwave to beat the taste. It’s not as good as before."

"You are not a hospital manager now, eat slowly." Zhang Lan frowned slightly.

"Good, good." Wu Mian didn't dare to talk back to Master Mother, he said, it is estimated that Zhang Lan has a hundred sentences waiting behind, and quickly raised his hand to surrender.

Chu Zhixi was not eating well, Wu Mian sat with a smile and watched her eat.

"Dad, if you can't, just change. It's useless for you to get angry, right." Wu Mian said, "It hurts you so badly, you're too old to be guilty."

"I don't like this kind of lazy person. It's not easy to be a village official. I've already thought about something." Wu Zhongtai said contemptuously, "Do you know what he said?"

"Southerners, not used to it."

"He said he didn't have any strength in one hand, and he couldn't even hold the pen when it was cold. It's hard to tell mD lying. Isn't this a fool?!" Wu Zhongtai cursed.

"Old Wu, keep your voice down." Zhang Lan winked at Wu Zhongtai, indicating that Chu Zhixi was still there.

Wu Zhongtai muffled and stopped talking.

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"Dad, what is that person?" Wu Mian asked.

"Why are you asking just chat."

"Graduating from university this year, I say that I am a student union cadre, ready to go to the grassroots level and take root in rural construction. It looks very positive, but the former is the first and the other is the latter. This person, I really can't see it." Wu Zhongtai sighed. , "You said, who doesn't know that it's cold outside and suffers? But he got better and started to be sick."

"No, you can bring me to see." Wu Mian said, "I give a diagnosis, I don't believe who he can find to overthrow it."

"Huh?" Wu Zhongtai was moved.

"Let's put it this way, you take him to the Bajingzi Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and a diagnosis is made. What if the person goes to the University of Medicine and has a diagnosis? They are higher-level hospitals. But no one dared to overturn the diagnosis after I saw the patient."

"Then what if he doesn't say anything?" Wu Zhongtai asked.

"If you don't tell me, don't tell me. Put the two medical certificates there. You tell him that only the diagnosis I gave is valid. If it doesn't work, let him go to the medical university to ask. Wu Mian's diagnosis, I have to see who dares to say no. "Wu Mian looked at Chu Zhixi eating with a smile, and what he said made sense, without feeling any domineering at all.

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