Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 920: Big orders from the sky

"How much do you want to buy?" Matthew De asked, "I contact their manager."

"One hundred thousand to two hundred thousand."

"..." Matthew De was stunned. The production line of 3m masks and Stourley's sterile gloves was the first to start.

But Li Yifei asked for so many masks at once, and he didn't know if there were any in the factory.

The money is not much, not even a million, but why does Li Yifei want so many masks? !

"Let me ask." Matthew De said vaguely.

"Thank you, Dean Ma." Li Yifei smiled.

When the two deans went out, Matthew De asked in a low voice, "Xue Yuan, what does Boss Li want so many masks for?"

"I don't know." Xue Chunhe was also a little confused.

"When you gave me the information, I took a look. This company has managed its market value very well in the past year, and its performance is estimated to be good. However, the mobile game company should not have too many employees. Two hundred thousand 3m masks... this has to be worn. Which year to go?!"

"Who knows, maybe... maybe..." Xue Chunhe couldn't make up any explanation.

That is a 3m mask!

Ordinary surgical masks cost a few cents apiece, but they may be less than a dime if they catch up with other brands and are of poor quality. However, the price of 3m n95 masks is at least 10 times that of ordinary surgical masks.

It is said that waste is a kind of beauty, it turns out that it is really like this. Xue Chunhe thought about it and smiled, "If someone wants a mask, just contact me. The buyer will never come to the door, so let's get the person out."

Duan Fei's relationship with Teacher Wu is not too close, and it is impossible to do anything for him. But buying and selling, just make a phone call, this kind of effort is still to be done.

"Xue Yuan...Do you think the pneumonia of unknown cause in Tianhe City is severe?" Matthew had a very bad idea, he lowered his voice and asked.

"Probably not." Xue Chunhe thought for a while and laughed, "If there is a problem, the order for masks shouldn't fly over like snow flakes? I guess Boss Li wants to take care of the business."

"Uh..." Although Matthew De didn't think Xue Chunhe was right, there was nothing to refute, so he could only respond.

Strange thing, why do you need so many masks? Matthew De has been pondering what Li Yifei said.

Sending Dean Xue away, Matthew deliberately checked the information about Sanqi Mutual Entertainment on the Internet.

The annual revenue is tens of billions. For some branch companies, Matthew does not know what it means. He only cares about how many employees the company has.

But in this regard, he did not find relevant information on the Internet.

No matter how many employees there are, there will be no more than the Second Hospital of Medical University. Moreover, hospitals are large users of masks. In normal time periods, such as years ago, the Second Hospital of Medical University would only stock 6,000 surgical masks and a small amount of n95 masks.

200,000... Being rich is self-willed, and Matthew felt that he couldn't understand it.

Looking at Li Yifei's appearance, he didn't seem to be anxious. Pneumonia of unknown cause should be just a rumor. He bought "some" masks just in case.

Although the number is a bit larger, there is nothing wrong with it. Matthew finally gave up thinking about Li Yifei's true thoughts and called Duan Fei on the phone.

Duan Fei's recent days have been brisk.

The scale of the factory is only medium, but Duan Fei is satisfied.

From a small owner of an adult goods store, to the factory manager of a branch of a multinational company, Duan Fei is extremely proud of the wide span.

He didn't have much work every day, but under Li Yiqing's supervision, Duan Fei reported his work to WeChat and Wu Mian every week.

Although Wu Mian rarely replies, Li Yiqing still insisted on sorting out the information and data, and let Duan Fei send it to Wu Mian.

Duan Fei was accompanying him at Jianxie Hospital at this time.

After Li Yiqing's operation was completed for a week, she was transferred to the general ward after staying in ICU for 3 days and was in a stable condition. Duan Fei stayed to take care of Li Yiqing.

Duan Fei was a little sad after receiving a call from Director Ma.

"Brother Fei, what's the matter?"

"Director Ma said that a southern boss wants 200,000 3m n95 masks." Duan Fei said, "This is going to be the New Year, and there are still a few orders in his hand. I can't make up such a large number."

Li Yiqing smiled. She looked at Duan Fei and said, "I have seen the North American orders, and it seems that they will be shipped 30 days later."

"Isn't it about Chinese New Year? I won't be able to work for at least half a month." Duan Fei said, "You have to prepare the goods in advance."

"I think... I have an idea, take a look, Brother Fei." Li Yiqing said, "First sell this batch of goods with inventory, and then only take three days off during the Chinese New Year, and officially go to work on the third day of the year, pay overtime, and hurry up. Anyway, the people on the assembly line are all our locals, and we give twice the money. Who cares about celebrating the New Year at home?"

Duan Fei thinks about it, it seems the same is true.

"I'll discuss it with everyone." Duan Fei was also a little excited, after all, this is the first big order he "gets".

"Don't forget to reserve more raw materials." Li Yiqing smiled, "Go ahead, I can go to the ground by myself and it doesn't hurt anymore. I don't need to look at me here every day. I can take care of myself, Fei, don't worry. ."

"Okay." Duan Fei hesitated for a while, then he should come down, "Then I will go to the factory, and I have to discuss related matters with Manager Yuan."

"I think Manager Yuan will not disagree." Li Yiqing said, "It is a rare opportunity to have such a large order during the New Year. The money is not much, but after all, it is a good start for next year."

"You're right." Duan Fei stood up, put on his clothes and got ready to go. "Mi Lier, lie down, call me immediately if you have anything to do. It's not far away anyway. I can get over in five minutes."

"Yes, Brother Fei." Li Yiqing smiled, "Director Li Zhong said, I will be discharged from the hospital in a few days, so don't be so nervous all the time."

"That's not okay, you are a major operation, how can it be possible if you are not nervous." Duan Fei said, "I'll be busy and bring you food tonight. What do you want to eat?"

Send red envelopes to read the benefits is coming! You have up to 888 cash red envelopes to be drawn! Follow weixin public account book friend base camp to draw red envelopes!

"It's all I don't do anything every day, and I don't have any appetite." Li Yiqing said with a smile.

"It's just taking medicine. If you don't eat, your body recovers slowly." Duan Fei turned to go out and waved at Li Yiqing.

There were too many things to be busy, and suddenly a list fell from the sky.

For all kinds of big factories, this is nothing, but for the small factories located in Bajingzi, they are already busy. The mask looks simple, but the process is actually quite complicated.

Not to mention anything else, just a flannel cloth will cause a headache, it must be stocked, but you must carefully calculate how much you prepare.

Duan Fei has recently learned some relevant knowledge under the urging of Li Yiqing, and it can be regarded as entering the door.

Although I don't understand deeply, and many things are still groping, it is much better than the previous ignorant state and preparing to plunge into the milk tea shop.

Walking out of Jianxie Hospital, Duan Fei took a deep breath, and his whole body became energetic.

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