Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 928: die on the battlefield

January 22.

Tianhe City is in chaos, just like the year of flooding, the **** was crumbling, and the peak of the flood rose extremely fast and violently. Everyone in the medical circle of Tianhe City could hear the dam made up of medical staff, creaking and breaking down unknowingly.

The water has flowed over the dam long ago. As medical staff, everyone is carrying it habitually. Maybe the next second, maybe one minute, maybe ten minutes, the entire medical system will collapse.

No one knows when that point is, but everyone, including several expert groups, knows that this is only a matter of time, and the time will never be long.

Most people in the country are preparing for the New Year

Many citizens of Tianhe City posted help messages on social media

Some people indignantly condemned the doctor for inaction

Only a few people were in the meeting to study the response plan, 83-year-old him, 72-year-old she...

Time is running out, and they are racing against death.

Zheng Kaixuan's medical knowledge is abundant, but he doesn't look at it enough in front of him and her.

Zheng Kaixuan felt desperate, he and she and others also felt the same, but they didn't even have time to despair.

A huge plan that has never been seen in the history of the Republic was put forward by her, discussed, and reported to the superior.

There are millions of citizens, tens of millions of citizens in Tianhe City, the spread of severe infectious diseases, and the nation's lives have been devastated. Countless factors have been taken into consideration. The huge plan is medically feasible and even necessary.

But what about sociology? !

In a big city, press the pause button, and all the necessary supplies, water and electricity, and the network to maintain the operation... How many people are needed to cooperate with this operation? Any small negligence will cause a breakdown.

Like dominoes, there will not be only one partial collapse, it will spread to the whole country.

This is a serious challenge, a challenge that has never been encountered in a lifetime.

At this moment, something called historical responsibility falls on their shoulders.

Heavier than Wangwu and Taihang,

But they didn't break their shoulders.

Once the plan fails, personal ruin is a trivial matter. No one knows how tragic the situation will be faced by millions of people in Tianhe City and the billions of people across the country.

The hell-like afterimages of ten rooms and nine empty, uninhabited thousands of miles, and countless roadside dead recorded in the history books will soon appear in front of them.



January 23, 2:30 in the morning.

The Tianhe Epidemic Prevention and Control Headquarters issued Announcement No. 1 that the airport and railway station will be temporarily closed from Han to Han.

The commander presses the pause button.

One stone stirred up a thousand waves.

At midnight, it caused a huge earthquake in Tianhe City, a huge earthquake in the province, and a huge earthquake across the country.

But life still has to go on.

People who choose to stay behind have different reasons, but everyone has unspeakable fear and anxiety in their hearts.

Although it was still early in the morning, the children's hospital had already lined up in a long queue.

The panic of closing the city and the worry of the child's illness seem to be piled up in every corner of the hospital. The cries of the children one after another are like constantly pouring oil on the dry wood. It only takes a spark to, detonate all the dry wood.

No one knows how long it will be before the situation is out of control.

The turbulent crowd was filled with irritability, and panic, restless, and anxious tormented people's hearts.

"Thank you, please."

A faint, dull voice came from behind.

If you have a doctor in the department of respiratory medicine, you can immediately hear that the person speaking has severe chronic obstructive pulmonary disease-shortness of breath, difficulty breathing, sputum obstructing the airway and causing chronic suffocation, even if you can hear it clearly from the words .

The anxious patient's family turned around, and he couldn't help but want to curse.

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But when he lowered his head and saw an electric wheelchair, all his dissatisfaction was vanished.

As if moving mountains and seas, the crowd gave way for a short time, and the motor of the electric wheelchair was quiet, and the elderly in the wheelchair gently expressed gratitude to the patients' families.

Dong Zongqi, 85 years old, is an expert in pediatric respiratory medicine and the winner of the Huaxia Pediatrician Lifetime Achievement Award.

His health is not good, he is plagued by various old-age diseases, and he is far from being tough as Academician Zhong Nanshan.

On Thursday, January 23, the day he went out of the clinic.

Mr. Dong knew the news of the closure of the city early in the morning, but he still came to the hospital in an electric wheelchair to go out of the clinic.

"Director Dong, why are you here!" The guidance nurse saw the familiar electric wheelchair and asked in surprise.

"Thursday, I am out of the clinic." Dong Lao said lightly.

"..." The consulting nurse was taken aback, pushing the wheelchair behind and whispering, "Dong Lao, don't you know if there is an infectious disease recently, today we have closed Tianhe ~ the city."

She is also very anxious. Like everyone who stayed behind, she doesn't know if she will come tomorrow.

The moment he saw Mr. Dong, the nurse thought that Mr. Dong hadn't heard from him. After all, it was possible for an elderly person his age to block information.

"It's all said that I'm out of the clinic." Dong Lao said, "When there is an epidemic, isn't there a shortage of people?"


"Come on, help me dress." Dong Lao said in his characteristic COPD voice.

Just listening to him speak, the nurse finds it difficult to breathe, and it is conceivable what the old man's body is like.

If you wear isolation gowns, masks, face masks...

Can you breathe? It is a question of how long his body can last.

"Director Dong, what are you doing."

"I have been sick for a whole life, and I can't rest assured of every patient." Dong Lao said, "My body and spirit are okay, I can eat it, there is no problem for the time being."


"Don't worry, I will say when there is a problem, don't cause trouble to the front line." Dong Lao said gently.

Helpless, the nurse began to help Lao Dong wear protective clothing and a mask.

"Old Director, why are you here!" A doctor who went out of the clinic saw Dong Lao's figure and immediately ran out and asked after seeing a patient.

"There is a big I won't come to anyone." Dong Lao said slowly, his condition has been unable to make him speak even a little fast.

"Old Director, this is not okay, you are a nonsense."

"What do you guys know." Dong Zongqi said, "I treated the s virus in 2003. You have more experience than me?"

"But your body..."

"It's okay, I can see 50 children in one day." Dong Zongqi leaned slightly and asked the nurse to put on protective clothing for himself.

The doctor was speechless, watching the 85-year-old director exhausted all his energy to cooperate with the nurse to change clothes.

The old director must know how serious this illness is. The 85-year-old came from the old society and experienced countless experiences. But he still came here unimpeded, even if he just notified the city in the early hours of the morning!

Breath alive

Go into battle

Even the horse leather shroud.

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