Sleepless Doctor

: The anxiety and anticipation of the unfolding of the picture scroll (a single chapter not seen in

I haven't issued a single chapter for a long time, and I have been devoted to telling the story. I finally got here, and I gave a brief explanation of the current situation.

When designing the outline, I changed a lot of ways, and finally felt that they were not ideal.

There is no partial way to unfold the picture scroll from a year ago, showing the situation of last year's danger, internal and external troubles.

The key is that in such a situation, everyone faced mountain-like difficulties, and in the end they won so cleanly and magnificently, and then they were harassed by all the immunities. Looking back, it means more timeless.

At least I can't do it.

In the end, I can only try a grand narrative that has no concept at all.

Looking through a lot of information, some things are trembling in retrospect.

For example, during the epidemic, in 1911, Mr. Wu Liande's management of the Northeast plague was widely spread, and he was fascinated by it. Many people even said why not build shelters earlier.

I have consulted many colleagues, classmates, teachers, and experts, and I almost have a vague answer, written in the book, here to talk about Mr. Wu Liande.

In January 1911, in the northeast, more than 30 degrees below zero, train skins, more than a thousand soldiers with real guns and ammunition, they all got cold back when they said these keywords.

The U.S. evacuates overseas Chinese and is isolated at a military base. Outside is the US Marshal, which is said to be the top law enforcement team, the kind of force that performs tasks such as hunting down lords and evaporating the world.

As for why, thinking about it now, there should be an answer.

Our shelter is not guarded by PLA soldiers.

There is a spoiler for the plot. The patient was afraid, and he digged a hole and escaped from the shelter hospital. It was the same as Shawshank's salvation... Later it was chased by the doctor.

Everyone talked about the difficulty of the medical staff, volunteers, and various levels of party organizations at the time, as well as the strength and resilience of the great people.

No matter how difficult it is, we have survived, relying on medical workers, party members, volunteers, and everyone.

This can no longer be described with just one sentence.

During the period, the shocking things are short and long, and it is impossible to describe all of them.

Then there is e-cigarette pneumonia, which has been foreshadowed.

To make a digression, when I wrote "Surgery Live Room" the year before last, my friend helped me find information about e-cigarette pneumonia in New England Magazine.

At that time, it was not right, so I whispered to myself that the most basic medical knowledge was still there, and I was not credulous because of the endorsements of so many scholars, even the top journals like New England.

Afterwards, I also asked a lot of teachers to watch the films of the two, which were either confirmed or vague, but all thought there was no special discrepancy. Does the doctor speak? Everyone understands.

My point of view is very clear. The so-called e-cigarette pneumonia itself is a new type of pneumonia. Without arguing, there is a blank film there.

Originally, according to the editor, Chapter 927 should be deleted.

But this is a video that is still circulating on the Internet. It is a story told by a person who has personally experienced it. And there was echo before and after. Corresponding to the case of e-cigarette pneumonia, the button was buried for half a year, and I was not willing to delete it.

Try it out...

To tell the truth, the more I write, the more I feel that Zhao Lijian's statement is correct.

Book return to main story

The beginning of the chapter has been foreshadowing until now, in the world, all kinds of people are strung together by a line called destiny.

Because of force majeure, some characters cannot appear later, which is a little regrettable.

I can imagine what would happen if I didn't follow the standard web writing process, but I was still very stubborn. Up to now, I have tried very seriously and hard to paint such a magnificent picture.

The ability is limited, but you must reach the limit of your ability.

So far as the story is written, I am still very satisfied. But we are about to face a new problem, whether it will be 404.

Communicate with the editor many times and try to avoid the lethal blow of the 404 beast. There may be many revisions in the coming days, and even delays in updating, but if you do not encounter force majeure that cannot be bypassed, you will definitely do your best to finish it.

Jian Jian and you book friends report here, and now they are full of eyes to avoid being 404.

Regret it? Still often regret it a little bit. Worried, anxious, and all kinds of negative emotions began to suffer from insomnia.

But now that I have chosen, I will go on without hesitation. In the next book, I will write the story of easy flow, the growth history of the little doctor, all kinds of cars driving in disorder, all kinds of stories about flying in disorder.

Hope everything goes well in the days to come.

If there is a broken watch, it must be because some characters and certain plots have to be revised. Please understand the book friends.

Don't get a 404 for the entire book, put it together.

Finally, one more sentence, the last chapter of today-Defending the Hometown and Defending the Yellow River, I have been tearful when I write this.

The mood is slightly abrupt, but I think this is similar to the perception at the time. Not only is the book friend group, the limit that even my colleagues and my colleagues can imagine is what happened in 2003.

No one realizes that we have experienced a major event that changed history.

Defend your hometown! Defend the Yellow River! Defend North China! Defend all China!

Loud singing

I have been brainwashed by this song, and what reverberates in my ears is the kind of indomitable, majestic majesty.

Bow, thank you all book friends for listening to me finish this story.

Bow, ninety degrees~~~

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