Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 940: If there is a battle, it will be recalled and the battle will be victorious

"In the clean area, wear protective equipment."

Wu Mian's voice is not loud, and his speaking speed is slightly slower than usual.

"Preparation-wear neat, short-sleeved brushed hand clothes, short hair, and easy-to-wear work shoes."

"Assess before operation..."

Just after reading the beginning, Matthew was deeply speechless.

It turns out that the N95 standard wear method is like this,

It turns out that what I did was wrong!

Here, Mr. Wu has a special action. Put a band-aid on the metal nose clip of the N95 mask first, and then put on the mask.

A layer of isolation clothing, a layer of protective clothing, and a layer of disposable isolation clothing; with the help of Matthew De, the cuffs of the protective clothing were put on with tape; two pairs of gloves should be worn.

Matthew Dee pinched his time. It takes at least 7 minutes to get dressed...

He was speechless.

Although Teacher Wu explained while wearing it, this time is too long.

No wonder it is necessary to train in advance. If this is thrown directly to Tianhe City, it will take at least half an hour for medical staff to wear a full suit in a panic.

Never take a test. Half an hour is considered good. It is estimated that many people will have their skin exposed to the outside, or have non-standard actions, and bring objects in the contaminated area to the clean area.

If this is the case, I am afraid that a medical staff who is not careful will be infected.

Matthew De remembered the nurse who used the yellow medical waste plastic bag as shoe cover on the social platform.

Standard protection is really troublesome, troublesome when wearing clothes, and even more troublesome when undressing!

The area alone must be divided into three areas, a polluted area, a semi-polluted area, and a clean area.

And every step of **** must be seven steps of hand disinfection...

If the staff were to be replaced every four hours in accordance with the regulations, Matthew could not help but feel numb at the thought of so many hospitals, critically ill, and countless medical staff in Tianhe City.

The consumption of protective materials is the amount of days.

Fortunately, with domestic production capacity and logistics capacity, these consumptions can be solved no matter how large they are.

But now it is the Spring Festival, almost all factories in the country have stopped working, and they are using inventory materials.

Huge consumption, exhausted inventory, these are all problems that need to be overcome.

While watching Wu Mian's recorded video, Matthew de thought about it in a mess.

After finishing the video, Wu Mian took out the protective equipment and folded it.

Both Matthew De and Wei Dabao knew that Teacher Wu wanted to save supplies. After all, it was only during the training period.

"Ms. Wu, what should I do when I go to the bathroom?" Wei Dabao asked suddenly.

Wu Mian was taken aback, and patted her head with her hand, "Forget! Doctor Wei!"

"I am here."

"I'll buy diapers in a while." Wu Mian said.


Matthew De had thought of countless times that when he was old, if he was paralyzed, he would need to use diapers on the bed. At that time, it seemed that it didn't matter whether it was alive or not. He preferred to die with dignity.

But when the medical staff put on the protective clothing, is it time to enter in advance when they need diapers?

Matthew De was helpless.

Wei Dabao couldn't laugh or cry, "Chief Wu, it's not enough."

"Go to buy, lesbians also need their menstrual period." Wu Mian said solemnly.


Matthew De and Wei Dabao realized that the various complex things that the front line had to face were beyond imagination.

"Okay, let's do that first." Wu Mian said, "You will inform the Mayuan the first batch of people one by one. For the rest, you will organize the second, third, and fourth teams."


"Chief Wu, I..." Wei Dabao was a little scared, but he felt he couldn't persuade him.

"You stay." Wu Mian said, "How old are you, and you have no experience in severe illness. Let's go and join in some fun. Take you there. It's better to bring more nurses."

Wei Dabao felt relieved, but he was immediately unconvinced.

I'm not as good as a nurse? !

"You need to be in good health." Wu Mian explained, "Starting yesterday, several large tertiary hospitals in Tianhe City bypassed the competent authorities and publicly asked for help from the society, do you know?"

Wei Dabao shook his head, and Mathieu looked serious.

He saw dozens of Tianhe City hospitals, including Union Hospital, Tongji Hospital, Zhongnan Hospital, and Provincial People's Hospital yesterday, and jointly issued announcements.

"Due to the rapid development of the epidemic, all hospitals are in short supply of protective materials, including medical masks, protective clothing, and goggles. We now seek assistance from the whole society and publicly solicit protective materials."

An old medical director like Matthew De must understand what it means to bypass the higher-level authorities and ask the whole society for help.

These deans must be driven mad.

From another aspect, it shows how tight the supplies in Tianhe City are.

"I don’t think it’s very possible to change the guard for 4 hours in accordance with the rules and regulations. There is a gap in the medical staff, but the gap in supplies is even greater. After you go, try to hold on, and work for 4 more hours is 4 hours, at least everyone Can save a set of protective clothing." Wu Mian said.

You cannot drink water, eat, or go to the bathroom; the protective clothing is airtight and sweat is like rain. Eight hours is estimated to be the limit.

When Matthew thought about the tragic situation on the front line, he couldn't help but feel anxious.

If the medical industry has been silently implementing, almost all front-line medical staff have silently dedicated their youth, then this time Tianhe's support will burn their lives.

"Okay, that's it, you can go back." Wu Mian took a breath and said, "There must be some medical surgical masks in the hospital. Recently, many people in society must have come to ask for them. You are optimistic about the Mayuan. Now masks are strategic materials. No one can give it to anyone."

"I know." Matthew nodded, turned and left with Wei Dabao.



While the military doctors of the major military area hospitals are ready to go, all the large tertiary hospitals across the country are also actively preparing.

Together in the same boat, this is a feeling engraved in the bones of Chinese people and flowing in the blood. Although not all medical professionals understand the situation in Tianhe, everyone knows that it is dangerous.

In the Southern Hospital, a war invitation is placed on the dean's desk.

Dear Nanfang Hospital Party Committee:

We were ordered to Xiaotangshan in 2003...

17 years ago, all the medical staff of the medical team that supported the imperial capital Xiaotangshan once again called for battle.

Line of words,

A pen signature,

One bright red handprint,

If there is a battle, it will be recalled and the battle will be victorious!

Every word is sonorous and powerful, like the sound of a horn in the blood, resounding through the sky.

Seventeen years have passed, and the gray hair has climbed up the temples.

As long as the motherland needs it,

As long as the people need it,

The victorious team has never been absent.

The inscription of all the members of the former First Military Medical University to Xiaotangshan Medical Team and the date of January 23, 2020 will be remembered forever.

At the same time, the bright red handprints below and the signatures on top will be remembered.

White clothes like snow

Look at the hands, patch up the sky!

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