Sleepless Doctor

Chapter 942: Money is not important; you are important

One hour and thirty-six minutes later, Liu Wei contacted the driver's master.

A large truck with sixteen wheels stopped to the side of the road. After getting off the car, the driver master kept a distance from Liu Wei, took out a pack of cigarettes, and gestured at Liu Wei.

"I don't smoke, thank you." Liu Wei said.

The driver's master pulled off his mask, lit a cigarette, and leaned against the half-high wheel, "I smoke a cigarette and catch my breath."

Liu Wei nodded.

"There are only 4 unloading workers left in the entire warehouse." The driver master said, "Who would have thought that there are so many goods for the Chinese New Year."

"..." Liu Wei was silent.

"you are a doctor?"

"Well, from the Anesthesiology Department."

"At that time, we will bother to find the goods you want," said the driver's master. "It is estimated that it will take a day when the unloader is finished. You must be anxious on that side."


"How is the hospital now?" Seeing that Liu Wei was silent, the driver's master asked.

"Not good." Liu Wei said, "There are no supplies."

"Hey." The driver's master sighed, and the mask on the half of his ear fluttered slightly. He took a hard breath of cigarette and then vomited it out in general, "Starting to work, I hope I can lean a little outside."

As a result, Liu Wei became a temporary stevedore.

The forklift sent away batch after batch of goods. Liu Wei carefully looked at each of the goods three times, just like checking seven correct procedures in the operating room, for fear that he would be dazzled and miss the goods he should get.

These are all life-saving supplies.

Two hours later, I finally found assistance from the Second Hospital of Zhejiang University in the corner-ten boxes of 3m4515 protective isolation suits, 1 box of n95 masks, and a box of other protective materials.

"So much, it can be used for a while," the driver master asked.

"One to two days, it's still saving." Liu Wei's joyful mood was interrupted, and he said helplessly, "The hospital's protective materials are consumed too much."

The driver master was taken aback. A full ten boxes of 3m4515 protective isolation suits can only be used for one to two days?

He doesn't understand medical treatment, but from Liu Wei's expression, it can be seen that the middle-aged doctor is very tired and depressed.

I wanted to comfort Liu Wei, but when he thought of him as a doctor, the driver hesitated, and then he smirked.

"Master, thank you." Liu Wei said politely.

"Then I'm leaving." The driver's master hesitated, then turned back to the driving seat.

The engine of the large truck roared, and when it turned around and left, the truck stopped after 20 meters.

The driver's master jumped out of the car, holding Liu Wei's familiar sky blue in his hand.

"That's all left." said the driver's master. "My wife has to squeeze into the car, and I can't get used to wearing it. It's too stuffy and can't breathe. I will give you the rest."

He took out a mask from the sky blue, waved the rest, and threw the bag to Liu Wei.

Liu Wei caught it in a daze.

Transparent packaging, the plastic outer membrane is torn apart, three masks have been used, and seven are left.

"Little brother!" The driver master walked to the car, turned and raised his fist at Liu Wei, "Take care!"

"Take care of yourself!"



New Year's Eve is here.

Without the joys of previous years, the entire Tianhe City was immersed in inexplicable pressure.

The atmosphere in Bajingzi, far away, was not so dignified, but Jianxie Hospital vacated a ward as quickly as possible and used it as a fever ward. The eight men who are going to go out with Wu Mian have a set of protective clothing, and they are practicing putting on and taking off the "equipment" according to Wu Mian's requirements.

Everyone is serious, with a very serious expression.

Two hours ago, they thought it was okay and went to put on and take off the protective clothing in front of Wu Mian.

But the results of the assessment were disappointing.

Looking at the simple program, all eight people have errors. Li Qiong, who made the fewest mistakes, made three mistakes. The key is that when undressing, his hand always touches the close-fitting isolation gown behind him.

In the video, it seems that Wu Mian puts on and takes off the protective suit. It only takes 7 minutes to complete. It is better to slow forward and explain each step in detail.

But when other medical staff wear it by themselves, they realize that it is difficult. Every time it takes at least 30 minutes to put on and take off it, the procedure is cumbersome and terribly complicated.

They practiced over and over again, making up for their shortcomings before going out in accordance with Wu Mian's requirements.

"Assemble!" Wu Mian's voice sounded in the corridor.

The doctors and nurses gathered quickly, and there was a nursing cart in front of Wu Mian, with a row of medicine boxes neatly placed on it.

From the time when people were selected and assembled to Jianxie Hospital for assault training, Wu Mian gave them injections.

Zidaxian, subcutaneous injection, 1.6mg.

It's just that the dosage is very large. The instructions say twice a week, and Wu Mian gives them subcutaneous injections twice a day.

"In 2009, Tamiflu was a special medicine, but it was out of stock at the beginning." Wu Mian said while giving nurses injections, "There are several severely ill patients who survived by two injections a day. of."

"Thymosin for injection has the effect of regulating and enhancing the immune function of human cells. It can promote the maturation of T lymphocytes in peripheral blood after mitogen activation, and increase the secretion of various lymphokines after activation of various antigens or mitogens. increase the level of lymphokine receptors on T cells."

"Ms. Wu, this is an imported medicine, it's very expensive." A nurse said with a smile, showing her arm, and coming to Wu Mian's side.

"Correct your two mistakes." Wu Mian said with a smile. "First, the company that produces Zidaxian has long been acquired by state-owned assets. It can be said that it is an imported drug, but to a certain extent it is a domestic drug."

"Second, if I take you there, I will bring you back. Money is not important; you are important."

The grinning nurse was taken aback.

In the past, I occasionally imagined that Teacher Wu would say two ambiguous and intimate words to myself. When I think of that kind of scene, hormones will be secreted in large quantities, and the deer will bump into my heart.

But now...

Teacher Wu looked at him smiling, but everyone could feel the dullness and pressure in his words.

"Two injections a day, I don't know if I can guarantee it when I get to Tianhe City." After Wu Mian finished the injection, he made a gesture, and the next nurse stood in front of him.

"Ritaxian needs cold chain transportation. I guess there are no conditions in Tianhe City." Wu Mian said, "After you go, no matter what you see, you can't cover yourself."

"Ms. Wu, what do you mean?"

"Many cancer patients are scared to death." Wu Mian said, "Psychological cues are very important. I don't want you to be scared."

"No, no."

The doctors and nurses said one after another.

At this moment, they still don't know what kind of scene they will face when they go to Tianhe City.

Wu Mian didn't say much, after hitting Ridaxian one by one, he gave himself another shot.

"Training." Wu Mian said, "We are scheduled to set off at 19 o'clock in the evening of the first day of the new year. Before that, we must meet the requirements!"

"come on!"

"come on!!"

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