“Disturbing people’s enjoyment!”

When Xinghe saw this, he turned into a child. With a finger, the two Qiuqiu people suddenly stopped on the spot, and then disappeared like stars. Yingmei didn’t know if she had just seen an illusion.

After turning into Among the two Qiuqiu people whose stars disappeared, there seemed to be a blue spirit body. It bowed slightly to the galaxy and then disappeared, but it was very faint, as if it was not there, making Yingmei feel that she was not there. They lost their sight.

After resting for a short time, the three of them continued running towards the inside. By the way, because Xinghe used some simple magic, the Qianyan Army who were chasing them got lost, so the three of them could slowly move forward. Let’s go.

We soon arrived at a quaint dojo next to Qingyunding.

Overgrown weeds had grown in the center of the quaint dojo, and most of the stone lanterns next to it were primitive and old. , but it lit up again with the arrival of several people.

There were ropes hanging on the surrounding trees, and the wooden signs on the ropes had long been blurred, but they could still be seen as those from Visiting Immortals. It is no longer available for use. There are several steps next to it. On top of the steps is a simple alchemy furnace.

The yellow leaves are falling, which looks very poetic with the sunset.

“Travelers who visit the immortals, please see the immortals, and come here with no taboos.”Yingmei followed Xinghe’s instructions and stepped forward to burn a stick of incense, and then shouted

“oh? No taboos.”Then Yingmei didn’t even see what was going on. A fairy deer appeared in front of the cauldron. His eyes were like torches and he looked down at Yingmei slightly:”I, the True Lord of Cutting the Moon and Building the Yang, visit the immortal and tell me your request.”

“…”Yingmei was shocked by the appearance of the immortal in front of her, but she quickly came to her senses. I explained the situation to the Moon-Cutting and Yang-Building True Lord.

“How can this not make sense… How can it not make sense!”After hearing Yingmei’s words, Zhenyue Zhuyang Zhenjun burst out with aura, which directly caused the earth to shake slightly.

“Liyue Seven Stars… is really disappointing. How could someone assassinate the emperor during the”Immortal Invitation Ceremony”… After the emperor was assassinated… how could the suspicion be passed on to ordinary people watching the ceremony?! snort!…”

However, it seemed that Zhen Yue Zhu Yang Zhenjun was still relatively calm. After pondering for a moment, he looked up at a few people and said,”Traveler, I am already aware of your grievance for being falsely accused of being an assassin. I have already made up my mind on this matter. However, I am arbitrary and may be wrong. I still need to inform all the saints.”

“Go ahead. Take your”No Taboo” and send me a message.”

Yingmei nodded and asked,”Who should I go to?”

“The True King who manages water and overlays mountains, and the True King who leaves clouds and borrows wind. These two are always here, but you may not be destined to meet – just let it happen. There is also a great sage who conquers demons and protects Yaksha. You may be able to find traces of it by going to ‘Wangshu Inn'”


Zhenyue Zhuyang Zhenjun turned around and disappeared after Yingmei agreed.

“Galaxy, where are we going next?”Yingmei then took down the galaxy above her head and asked curiously

“It’s getting dark, let’s go to the pavilion above Qingyunding to have a rest.”Xinghe suggested that the floating pavilion above Qingyunding needs to be unlocked and solved in the game, and then you can use the wind field to fly. It is similar in reality, but Xinghe directly uses flight magic.

Everyone flies into the air. At that time, Xinghe’s slime stretched out two arms and pointed at the two mountains in the distance:”Over there is the True Lord Li Shui Die Shan, and over there is the True Lord Liu Yun Jiefeng.””

There are two mountains. On the top of one high mountain, there are many ambers on the stone walls, and on the other high mountain, there is a lot of scenery.

The floating pavilion above Qingyunding is said to be a pavilion, but it is actually very spacious. There is at least a fifty-square-meter room. According to the size.

There are hollows everywhere, and there are some simple books on the stone desk. There are several treasure boxes in the middle: one gorgeous treasure box and three precious treasure boxes.

“Let’s stay here tonight. I have a sleeping bag here.”As he spoke, Xinghe’s slime vomited out three sleeping bags and a tent. There were no fire-making tools.

After all, this is the place of immortals. Forget about making fires and so on. Anyway, the cooking girl has saved them. It was hot when it was taken out. Although it was cold here, there were sleeping bags and tents, which were enough.

While Yingmei was installing the sleeping bags, Paimon couldn’t help but open four treasure chests.

“Wow…”Amidst Paimeng’s surprised shouts, Yingmei looked over. First, Paimeng ran over with a note,”Look, look what I found.”

Immortal Jumping Over the Wall: Liyue with Complex Craftsmanship Famous dishes. Carefully selected ingredients are soaked in stock and simmered over slow fire. Merely copying the recipes based on memories, the immortal was moved by his mortal heart and returned to the human world.

Paimon is a foodie, so he was the first to bring the recipe blueprint. Yingmei looked at it and found that although it was difficult, there was no shortage of ingredients. Let’s try it next time.

After taking all the mora and minerals from the treasure box, Yingmei discovered that Xinghe was missing. She looked around and found that Xinghe had gone to read those ancient books.

So after putting away the things, we walked to Xinghe’s side and started looking at it together.

The books are full of ancient things, but there is something like a note, which writes about the origin of this pavilion.

‘This place above the clouds is made of the unique floating stone as the base. The original intention was just to escape from the trivial matters in the world and ignore the good or bad luck in my life, and I just wanted to find the abbot’s place. This place was once commandeered by the immortals and used as a test to find the Taoist Heart. Taishan Mansion is now closed. They finally gave me the peace and quiet here.’

‘That’s great, but I don’t mind it anymore, I want to walk around in the world. Let’s go to Guiliyuan first. It can be said that”Return to the world and return to separation again, use a floating life to escape the floating life”’’

Xinghe remembered that this pavilion should have been built by Liuyun Jiefeng Zhenjun.

There was no talk all night, mainly because everyone was tired from the day, so Xinghe turned into a human and read these ancient books after everyone fell asleep.

Early the next morning, after having breakfast, we continued to visit the immortals. Yingmei pointed to the farthest Hulao Mountain.

“Next we should go find the remaining three immortals. Let’s fly over to the mountain over there.”With the magic of Xinghe, it is relatively simple to fly there.

The feeling of flying is very comfortable. At least Xinghe also likes the feeling of soaring in mid-air, but the flight time is very short. Xinghe will reach the destination It was placed at the teleportation anchor point of Hulao Mountain. There were some red maple bushes nearby.

Paimon looked at the densely packed teleportation anchor point with curiosity. The amber made my eyes light up. There is a small pool in the center below. The pool is very shallow, only about 1 meter. The water is crystal clear. There are many lotus flowers on the water. The lotus leaves look very strange. The white color is pink, but the yellow lotus flowers are floating quietly on the water.

There are many red maple-colored trees around. The leaves of the trees here have not fallen, and there are many ambers around. Of course, there are some scattered electrical crystals, which look fairy-like….”Why haven’t you seen the immortal?”

“Look for it nearby.”Yingmei also looked at it curiously, then shook her head and said

“Look over there!”Suddenly Paimon pointed to a huge amber not far away on the edge of the cliff.”There is a figure in there!”

The three of them approached Amber. Yingmei sensed it, then took out her weapon and shattered Amber with one blow.

Then a man in black came out of Amber. He was breathing heavily and coughing as soon as he came out.” cough! Cough, cough…cough!”

Yingmei and Paimon both backed away in disgust. This man’s name is Li Dang. He is a member of the treasure thief group, but he has not done any evil, just petty theft. When he saw Yingmei, he immediately thanked him and said,”I How…you rescued me? Thank you…”

Then Li Dangping calmed down and remembered something and asked immediately

“correct! Have you seen my brother? His name is Li Ding. We went up the mountain together, but I…I don’t know what happened? Was it swallowed by this piece of amber? I lost consciousness at that moment…I don’t know…if my brother was also swallowed by amber.”

Yingmei shook her head:”I don’t know. Li Dang looked at Yingmei’s shaking head, looking very disappointed:”Okay, I won’t bother you, thank you… I’m going to find my brother.” I hope he is safe…”

With that, Li Dang left in a hurry.

Paimeng looked at his walking figure and looked at the top of the mountain facing Yingmei:”Let’s go back to the mountain to have a look.”

Just when they returned to the mountain, they met two people by the pool. One of them was Li Dang, so Yingmei and Paimeng walked over. Li Ding looked at the two people and said excitedly and gratefully:”I’m both here. I heard what my brother said, thank you, thank you for rescuing my brother.”After speaking, Li Ding and Li Danghuan Helong raised their hands above their heads to thank them.

“Alas, we have no choice. We really have no money to support our family. We also heard people say that there are treasures hidden in the amber on Hulao Mountain.…”

“We were obsessed with it and secretly went up the mountain, hoping to find some treasures in amber and take them back to sell them for some money. The result… you have also seen that the immortal punished me, and I was swallowed by amber. If you didn’t rescue me, I don’t know when I would be able to come out. After saying that

, the two of them clapped their hands again, clasped their hands together, raised their heads above their heads and thanked again:”Fortunately, the immortal is merciful and sent you two immortal envoys to rescue me.””

Yingmei immediately straightened her waist and said:”I understand, don’t be confused again now.”

When Paimon heard Yingmei, he whispered:”…Wow, why did you get into the role so quickly, but…you do have the aura of a ‘fairy envoy’.”

Brothers Li Ding and Li Dang nodded quickly and said:”Yes, yes, our brothers have been taught.”

“He was rescued by an immortal envoy. We brothers will definitely change our ways in the future and find a right way to make money. Even if it means going to the dock to sell some of our strength, this is also a saying.”

“By the way, we can’t disturb the Immortal Mansion anymore. We’ll go down the mountain right now. Thank you Immortal Envoy…”

After thanking the Immortal Envoy profusely, the two of them left.

Paimon watched the two of them running away and put his hands behind his back and said expectantly. To:”…if only we were really”immortals”. But I always feel that this immortal has a bad temper? But we didn’t do anything bad, and we probably won’t…”

Before Paimon could finish speaking, a voice came from the mountain.

“He disturbed the gate of the mountain without permission, and released admonished thieves privately.”

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