Flying over the Canyon of the Dead, on the plain only a thousand meters away from the Kingdom of Gears, a man's wounds were simply bandaged.

But the wound was too deep, and his old wound had not healed yet and he had a new one. In addition, because he had not practiced well, blood was still oozing out of his wound, and even the blood on his arm dripped across his fingers and dripped on the ground.

The long fair legs of the red-haired girl were exposed. Her dress was in tatters and simply covered her important parts. She was tightly protecting the man. She had exhausted her energy and could not do anything more. 's resistance.

"Let me guess, you are not my brother's men." The man stood up with the girl's help and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"Your Highness Tao, there are some things that it would be better for you not to know, so that you can leave more peacefully." A man wearing a mask stood up and said coldly.

"Hahaha, from the beginning, I thought that only my brother would lead the team to hunt me down. My brother's men were hesitant and afraid of hurting me, so they broke out of the siege several times because of me. But I didn't expect that two days ago, there were more people. A team, this team is ruthless, and the target is not Hong Ji at all, but wants to take my life. Most of the wounds on my body are basically caused by this masked team."

Tao stood firm, gently put down Hong Ji's protective hand in front of him, and stood in front of her.

"I also asked myself if I had offended any forces, but I have never been out of Odeya since I was a child, who could I offend? Then I thought if I had offended some noble officials inadvertently, but they simply didn't If you don't take me seriously, which aristocratic official would risk my brother's hatred to assassinate me."

"Cough cough cough" Because the injury was too serious, Tao coughed up a few mouthfuls of blood. Hongji hurriedly covered his thick palms when she saw it, her eyes full of worry like that of an ordinary girl.

"It's okay." Tao smiled and patted the back of her hand, looked at the masked team with strong combat power again, and said slowly, "So I guess, you should be sent by the emperor, right? After all, my brother dotes on me so much that I have become his only weakness. For the sake of the Ella Empire, my father has actually wanted to do something to me for a long time. With such an opportunity to let me die violently in the wilderness, I I think my father will never let me go."

"Your Highness, you are smarter than I thought, and you are also very kind. However, the last thing you should do is to be born into an emperor's family!" The leading masked man said, and he had already taken out a long robe engraved with magic marks from his waist. knife.

"No, I'm very glad that I was born in the emperor's family." Tao turned sideways with a smile, gently touched her cheek, and said softly, "If I had not been born in the emperor's family, I would not have met Hong Ji. So, I don’t regret it at all.”

The masked man in the lead sighed softly, and his tone was no longer so cold:

"I really didn't expect that His Highness would actually fall in love with a mechanical species. Your Highness, if you have anything else to say, I will tell you."

"Please tell my brother to govern Odeya well, don't think about me, let alone become rigid because of my relationship with my father, and finally, let him take good care of himself."

The masked man nodded and made a final salute

Two thousand miles away from the country of gears, one team faced off with another masked team. They had already had a preliminary confrontation. It was obvious that Ladd's men were not as good as them!

"Who sent you? Are you trying to kill me?" Ladd looked around at the masked men surrounding him, "No, you want to attack my brother!?"

"Your Highness Ladd! The matter will be over soon. Please take a rest here."

"What if I insist on going there!" Ladd looked at these masked men with sharp eyes. The eldest prince, who was always known for being elegant and virtuous, actually showed a deep murderous intention, which shocked the masked men.

"If you insist on going there, don't blame us for being rude."

The masked man stepped forward and drew his sword.

Rad narrowed his eyes, thought for a moment, and raised his left hand slightly. In an instant, all the swords of Rad's guards were half unsheathed. The elements of magic and the moist and quiet air around him immediately became agitated, and everyone subconsciously Hold the sword tightly!

Ladd did not hesitate and waved his hand in the air cleanly.

On the plain thousands of miles away from the barrier of the Gear Kingdom, the masked man walked step by step towards Tao, Hong Ji,

"Hongji, I'm sorry, I broke my promise, I'm afraid I can't send you back." Tao gently stroked Hongji's cheek.

Hongji shook her head, her delicate cheeks slowly caressed in his hand.

"Master, actually Hong Ji has been lying to you about something." Hong Ji held Tao's palm touching her cheek with her slender hand, "Actually, the last time Master restored Hong Ji's memory, Master had succeeded, but Hong Ji blocked the memory connection at that moment, and the master mistakenly thought that Hong Ji’s memory was still disordered..."

Tao was a little surprised, but it was just a surprise.

"The master may not know that the memory of the mechanical species is actually connected to the 'will'. If Hong Ji does not disconnect the memory link, all of Hong Ji's memories will be shared with the 'will', and then the 'will' will Knowing Hong Ji's location, 'Will' will immediately send other machines to take Hong Ji back. Hong Ji didn't want to leave her master, so Hong Ji deceived her master."

Hong Ji lowered her head, her expression full of self-blame.

"It's okay, it's over. At least now, aren't we together? We are together now, and we will be there in the future when we get to Hades." Tao said with a smile.

The masked man moved forward step by step, perhaps because he saw that Tao and Hong Ji were bound to die, so he gave these short-lived lovers some opportunities.


Hong Ji raised her head and looked at Tao with a pair of ruby-like eyes full of love. At this moment, Tao was completely stunned.

Because she laughed.

The corners of a pair of cherry-lipped lips are slightly raised. This curved arc is so perfect and clean. It is as intoxicating as a clear spring, and as beautiful as thousands of stars shining together.

At this moment, Tao seemed to see the most beautiful scenery in the world. Compared with this smile, countless precious flower beds are nothing, and the most sophisticated technology is nothing. For this smile, he would even betray the whole world. .


Hong Ji picked up Tao's hand and held it gently in front of her.

"Henji hopes that the master can survive."

The masked man had arrived less than ten steps away from the two of them. Just when he was about to give them a pleasure, the roar of the machine resounded through the sky!

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