Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 178 The Gap of Despair

"The Dog Demon Clan! Charge with me!"

A roar that scattered the clouds spread throughout the battlefield. On the high ground above the basin, a two-headed dog demon three meters tall and five meters long rushed straight into the battlefield followed by a hundred personal guards!

His whole body was covered with red hair, his muscles were all over his body, his claws were sharp and lengthened, saliva flew down from the sharp teeth of his two huge heads, and he was far behind. He and the hundreds of dog demons behind him were moving at extremely fast speeds. Quickly, each step left huge footprints on the hard ground.


In less than ten breaths, Ha Chi'er rushed onto the battlefield, flew towards an ogre blocking his steps, and bit it down in one bite! The artery in the ogre's neck ruptured directly, and bright red blood spattered all over his body!

"For the Dog Demon Clan!"

With their leader personally joining the battlefield, the morale of the Dog Demon clan was once again high, and their combat effectiveness soared instantly! The intensity of the fighting in the basin has escalated to several levels.

"Come with me!"

One of Hachi'er's heads spat out the ogre's arm, and used his magic power to issue orders. His voice spread throughout the battlefield!

Then without any pause, Ha Chi'er spotted a weak point in the ogre battle formation and rushed towards it! More and more two-headed dog demons followed him.

A total of 40,000 two-headed dog demon warriors stabbed straight into the densest part of the ogre battle formation like the sharpest spears in the world. This behavior of giving up the rear and only rushing forward was extremely extreme. It's life-threatening, because this is equivalent to completely handing over the left and right wings and the rear to the enemy. As long as their momentum passes, the Dog Demon Clan will be finished.

The battlefield general of the Ogre Clan was not a fool. He mobilized his troops in time to block the attack of the Two-Headed Dog Demon Clan, and also mobilized his troops to prepare a dumpling for the Two-Headed Dog Demon Clan from the left, right and rear.

"A bunch of reckless people!"

The ogre battlefield general smiled. He didn't want to eat the two-headed dog demon completely, and he couldn't eat it!

What he has to do is to try to hold back the two-headed dog demon clan. As long as the dog demon clan's combat power is consumed, the time can be delayed as long as possible, and as soon as the clan on the way to support arrives! All of this rebel army must be buried here!

However, many times, imagination is indeed beautiful, but reality is always very skinny.

Just when the ogre demons drew out the mobilizable troops from the battlefield to outflank the two-headed dog demons and were about to succeed, bursts of wailing and screams came from both wings of the battlefield!

They've been tricked.

One after another, the thick black bear human warriors landed on all fours and ran madly towards the two wings of the ogres!

"Thunder Bear Clan! Smash them to pieces!"

"For Rhaegar! (Thunder Bears belong to the orc race, but believe in Rhaegar, the God of Thunder)."


A total of 20,000 Thunder Bear Clan warriors rushed to the Ogre Clan and surrounded the two-headed Dog Demon Clan's wings, standing upright! Open your bloody mouth! Bare fangs! Their huge bear paws are mixed with black thunder power (it should be blue, but due to too many dark elements in the Twilight Continent, this thunder bear tribe has mutated.)

For the Thunder Bear Clan, there is nothing in this world that cannot be solved with a slap, if at all! That's two slaps!

The bear's paw with the power of thunder directly hit the ogres. The huge force mixed with the power of thunder directly scorched their black skin, which could be called iron armor, and completely smashed their internal organs!

The Ogres who escaped from the battlefield and were about to attack the two-headed Dog Demons from behind were even more confused! The gas ghosts kept spraying black gas outwards! Even a clan like the Gas Ghost Clan, which was born and lived in gas, was almost blinded by its own gas, let alone the Ogre Clan!

On top of the Dark Crow City Wall, the face of the ogre leader turned dark! The rear of the battlefield was pitch black, and countless ogres and enemies were facing each other in the gas. They didn't fight together until they checked their eyes and said in their hearts: "Oh! So you are the person I am looking for."

The two-headed dog demons pierced the entire battlefield with all their strength, and their wings were hit by tens of thousands of thunder bears! Everything on the battlefield was developing in a bad direction!

"We can't fight anymore! We still have Dark Crow City! With Dark Crow City! We will be able to hold on until the arrival of the Blood Clan!" The leader of the Dark Crow Clan clenched his hands tightly, and his palms were sweating continuously!

"Hateful! When did those idiots from the Dog Demon Clan and the Thunder Bear Clan become so cooperative!" The Ogre Clan slapped a palm on the city wall, causing a piece of the wall to dent directly!

Although the leader of the Dark Crow Clan and the leader of the Ogre Clan were very unhappy, the war situation had reached this point and everything had been reversed. They could only convey the order to withdraw their troops from the city!

But the moment the order arrived on the battlefield, the Crow Clan and the Ogre Clan realized how stupid their decision just now was!

The Dark Crows flew back quickly after receiving the order, but forty-nine S-class machines had already laid out the densest air defense net!

This kind of prevention and control network was created by Fangte through countless drills and actual combat, and was specifically designed to deal with troublesome races in the air.

The layout of this kind of air defense network actually requires at least a thousand flying species, but Fangte used the strength of the S-class combat species to make up for the lack of quantity.

Each of these forty-nine machines holds a fifty-meter-long large fire knife in both hands! Their positions make up for each other! The fire knives are criss-crossed, and the distance between the fire knives is perfect, which can minimize the "mesh" of the air defense net without affecting other mechanical species, and the mechanical species can achieve conscious connection. So the forty-nine mechanical species achieved a true tacit understanding!

I am afraid that only the mechanical species can form an air defense network with such a small number.

Hundreds of Darkcrow warriors didn't believe in evil and rushed over! But it soon turned into a roasting crow, and then its strong desire for survival prompted the Dark Crow Clan to stop in front of the mechanical species! And all the red-eyed Black Eagles behind them completely gave up the advantage of attacking from the air to the ground, and surrounded the Dark Crows from all directions!

On the ground battlefield, the remaining ogre warriors are still very large in number. Although they are unwilling to do so, they still need to obey the order and withdraw! But just when they retreated! Each and every ogre warrior stepped on the air with both feet! I fell directly into the hole I didn’t know when I dug it!

Thirty thousand Sand Scorpion warriors appeared from the ground behind the Ogres! It became the most desperate gap between them and the Dark Crow City, which was only a thousand meters away!

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