Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 217 Rich Man

In the Endless Land, one of the three great empires of the human race, the Kingdom of Ella, has all kinds of news in its capital every day, and these news have become the talk of the citizens after dinner.

In the past few months, in this most prosperous capital of the empire, although there are different topics of conversation every day, there is always one person who cannot be avoided - the only remaining royal family, Princess Daphne!

At the banquet half a year ago, everyone thought that Princess Daphne would choose her spouse at that banquet, and Princess Daphne’s performance at the banquet was indeed the same at the beginning. Everyone even thought that Princess Daphne would choose her spouse at the banquet. A decision has to be made.

But at the last critical moment, Princess Daphne "escaped" the banquet on the grounds of "physical discomfort."

After that night, some people said that Princess Daphne was delaying and did not want to get married yet. Others said that Princess Daphne fell in love with an ordinary nobleman, but he was not qualified to marry the princess.

There were divergent opinions for a while, and there were all kinds of speculations.

As time goes by, the aura of Emperor Ella becomes weaker and weaker. Even priests and priests predict that even if he is hanged with treasures from heaven and earth, the emperor may not survive next month, so Daphne The princess's marriage is even more imminent, and it became a new topic a few weeks ago.

But just a week ago, a novel event quietly crowded the hot spots in the capital of the Ella Empire.

Although this event is not as important as Princess Daphne, after all, after talking about it for so long, it can get a little boring. Therefore, the popularity of this novel event has gradually become as popular as Princess Daphne.

"Hey, have you heard? I heard that a new noble has recently arrived in Ella City!"

"Yes, yes! I heard that the aristocratic young master is rich! There are more than a dozen beast-eared girls from the cat tribe around him! And they are tame and obedient! Oh my God! That guy must be so happy at night!"

"More than that! Let me tell you! Didn't the Ghana Auction House hold an auction a few days ago? That noble young man directly auctioned off all the treasures! It's so inhumane!"

"Tell me, which family does that noble young master come from? He is so rich! I have never heard of it! It can't be fake, right?"

"Haha, fake?! Did you know! The lover of my father's distant second nephew and his cousin's second daughter is working as a concierge among the top nobles in the city! They held a banquet the day before yesterday! They invited the noble young master ! He only brought one person!"

"Alone? Not even with a bodyguard? He is so rich, isn't he afraid of being kidnapped?"

"Hijacking? You were laughed at! Do you know who the noble man brought? It's a nine-tailed fox from the fantasy species!"


The sound of shattering wine glasses came from the tavern.

At the same time, Fangte bought a large house in the most expensive area in the center of Ella City, the capital of the Ella Empire! This house is devalued even in terms of land and cost.

And the owner of this house is the noble man who caused a commotion in the city!

"Sir, can this painting be hung here?" A cat-human animal-eared girl with cute animal ears was hanging a painting on the ladder while shaking her fluffy tail.

"Well, okay, okay, do whatever you like."

"Your Excellency, this wine glass is so beautiful, but why is it broken?" Another cat-eared girl ran over holding a glass cup with a broken corner, and asked curiously, what is her favorite thing about shiny things? Liked it. By the way, this wine glass is an auction item at a Ghanaian auction house.

"Well, this may be regarded as a kind of art. Oops, I don't understand either. I'll give it to you." He scratched his head and waved his hand.

"Sir, your room has been cleaned, but Qing'er was too tired and slept on your bed for a while. Don't you mind." The maid named Qing'er blushed and ran to his side.

"It's okay, just sleep."

"Then, sir, can I hold you to sleep tonight?"


"Lulu said she slept with you in her arms last night, and Qing'er Qing'er also wants to hold you in her arms! It's okay for you to do that kind of thing to Qing'er!" Qing'er raised her head shyly.

"What are you thinking, little girl? If I had known that Lulu would sleepwalk into my room, I would have locked the door anyway! Besides, you have to do that kind of thing with the person you love, It's not casual." He gently patted her little head and taught her.

"But Qing'er likes you." Qing'er raised her head, "Oh, sir, don't leave. Let Qing'er sleep in your arms tonight."

"My husband is really popular."

Fang Te fled to his room and locked the door three times. He finally breathed a sigh of relief, only to find a beautiful woman wearing only a layer of gauze lying sideways on his bed.

The nine snow-white long tails half covered the woman's slender white legs, and her seductive eyes were destroying his last sanity.

"Husband, are you coming? It's just the two of us."

"Of course."

Fang Te walked over and sat beside the bed. The empress's eyes were stunned for 0.5 seconds, but she soon went to hook Fang Te's neck with a smile.

However, the neck was not hooked. The empress was like meat in a sandwich roll. She was rolled up into a ball by Fangte and pushed to the side of the bed. A small seal was added, and then Fangte made it to the bed. The head chair began to deal with business.

"Huh, Li'er knows that." The empress who was pushed aside stuck out her little head and looked at Fangte angrily, with a bit of resentment on her face, "It's not like Li'er gave you so much money. Know how to be considerate of Li'er."

The empress' whisper made Fangte feel a little ashamed, because these days, in order to create a huge sensation, Fangte only buys expensive ones and not the right ones! Anyway, you can do whatever you want with your money! This is true whether it is auctioning or buying a house, but the money is all paid by the empress. After all, the orc tribe and the Twilight Continent are in the construction stage, and there are too few circulating funds.

"I will pay you back the money when the time comes." Fangte felt a little guilty. Fangte didn't know if he could afford to pay back the money he spent this week. "It's just that it will take a long time."

"Oh, otherwise, my husband doesn't have to pay back Li'er. All he has to do is spend the night with Li'er." The empress, who was wrapped in the quilt, said happily.

Fangte turned his head and smiled back at the empress: "Thank you very much, but I don't sell my body as an artist."

"Humph! Li'er ignored her husband!" After saying that, the empress turned around like a spring roll, facing away from Fangte.

Just when Fangte was smiling and watching her acting cute, there was a knock on the door.

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