Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 225 Undercurrent emerges

"Can Nubiadi be saved?"

"No! I tried it. I was so angry that it was too late."

"Li'er, do you have any idea?"

"No, besides, it's not entirely the husband's fault. The last time I saw him, his end was already approaching. This time it just happened that the husband was angry with him. There's no point in forcing him to live longer."

"Then that means I have to take the blame all the time!"

"That's what it looks like."


At this time, the three old foxes Fante, Buster, and Anthony have reached an alliance.

Buster and Anthony felt that what Fante said made sense. Instead of letting Fante violently conquer Ella, it would be better to join Fante now. After all, the forces that joined Fante were doing well. They were worried about this slime. His character is still very trustworthy.

And they really couldn't bear to watch Daphne marry someone they didn't like.

Furthermore, no matter which noble marries Daphne and takes control of the government, there will definitely still be nobles who are dissatisfied. Although the Ella Empire will not fall apart, turmoil is still inevitable.

In this case, if you don't join Fantawild, you can use the power of Fantawild to cleanse all those nobles! And it won’t be turbulent! How good is this.

Since the plan to unify Ella and the Moxi Empire was so big, it was hard to explain for a while. The three of them were just nobles who simply agreed on a time to meet and then went to attend the banquet separately.

Under the playing of the royal band, dancing began in the courtyard, and Princess Daphne was surrounded by young heroes. For Daphne, this first dance is particularly important and not casual. You can choose someone to dance.

"Master, would you like to dance with Li'er?" The empress, who had become a maid of the cat people again, smiled and extended her small, white palm to Fang Te.

"Don't make trouble, there is no way for the maid to dance with the master." Fang Te said softly, tapping her little head gently.

The empress couldn't help but pouted her lips, with a look of dissatisfaction on her face, and whispered softly:

"If I had known better, I wouldn't have been your maid."

"Don't make trouble."

With another gentle knock, the empress held her head in her hands, looking slightly resentful.

Unknowingly, several other women came to Fang Te and invited him to dance with Fang Te, but they were all declined.

First of all, Fangte can't dance at all, and secondly, most of these people are brought by these nobles. Although Ella "the aristocratic circle is really chaotic", it is still very bad to be so blatantly green with those nobles.

After politely refusing, Fangte felt that he could find an opportunity to escape. After all, his purpose of coming here had been achieved, and he had also gotten acquainted with these nobles. Next, he only needed to further build a good relationship. There is no need for me to stay in this place any longer.

Just when Fangte was about to find an excuse to escape, dozens of eyes suddenly looked at him at the same time, making goosebumps all over his body.

"No way!"

He raised his head and looked forward, and cold sweat broke out on Fangte's forehead! Now I want to find a hole in the ground to crawl into!

Princess Daphne passed through the crowd, and the young noble subconsciously made way for Daphne! She is walking towards herself step by step!

Fangte even checked to see if there was anyone else around him! As a result, he found that except Li'er and himself, there was no one here!

"Don't come over! Don't come over! Something will happen!"

Fang Te's psychological activity was extremely intense, and the empress even pinched Fang Te's back with a smile.

Men are all big pig hooves!

As Daphne got closer and closer to Fangte, the eyes looking at Fangte became stronger and stronger, and the hostility became stronger and stronger.

"your Highness."

In the end, Daphne stopped in front of Fangte, and Fangte's heart felt like thousands of prairie beasts were rushing past!

"Master Bruce, can you dance with me?" Princess Daphne stretched out her slender hand, waiting for Fantawild to lead her.

Princess Daphne had spoken frankly enough, and even extended her hand. If Fangte refused, it would be disrespectful to the royal family, and it would be disrespectful to the royal family. And Fangte could not say that he could not dance!

After all, have you ever seen a nobleman who can't dance?

"Princess Daphne, I'm very sorry. Master's foot is injured. I'm afraid I can't dance with the princess. Please forgive me." When Fang Te was in a dilemma, the empress on the side said "wittily".

Fang nodded and apologized with a smile.

"In that case, it's such a pity." Daphne withdrew her hand and folded her hands in front of her, "Daphne is still curious about Earl Bruce. She wants to know more about the Earl, so please don't think Daphne is troublesome. "

"Bruce is just a country noble. It's an honor to be invited to meet the princess. It's not worth the princess's time." Fangte now wonders if the princess is deliberately trying to bring hatred to him!

"Master Bruce is really humble. Daphne likes you very much."

"Cough cough cough" Buster and Anthony who were standing aside were choked by wine at the same time. They wondered if Daphne knew Fangte's true identity!

Daphne once again launched an "attack" on Fangte, and Fangte gradually guessed what she really meant!

She didn't guess her true identity, but she was using herself to reject all the nobles!

at this moment! She announced a message to all the nobles! That is:

she! Daphne! No more marrying!

"After the banquet, can Mr. Bruce stay? Daphne has lived in Ella City since she was a child and has not been able to go out. She is very interested in the outside world." Daphne said with a smile, very close to Fangte , it’s just a body distance away!

"Your Highness, I'm very sorry. There are still things going on at home, but if the princess wants to hear about little things in the country, Bruce can ask the maid at home to come into the palace and tell you about it." Fangte took half a step back seriously and said.

"Then I'm sorry to trouble you."

Daphne's claim has been fulfilled, and there is no reason to continue to pester Fantawild.

During the following banquet, the atmosphere was extremely depressing.

Fangte was the least likely to become Daphne's consort, but Daphne expressed a favorable impression of him. Through this incident, all the nobles understood that she would not choose anyone. She did not want to rely on any nobles, but I want to become the second empress in the world!

After expressing their clear intentions, except for a few nobles who refused to give up, most of the nobles no longer deliberately approached Daphne, and some even left the banquet directly without giving any face to the royal family!

Finally, the banquet ended in an extremely delicate atmosphere. Fangte was the first to leave, but was the last to leave.

Riding in the carriage, the empress fell asleep leaning on Fang Te's shoulder. She lifted the carriage curtain and looked at the castle that was getting farther and farther away.

The undercurrent has emerged.

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