Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 234 Two Brothers

In the courtyard of the Royal Castle of Odea, a man and a girl in red were sitting on the edge of the pond. The two took off their shoes and put their little feet into the green pond.

The winter in Odea is not cold. Even if it is only November, the water in the pool only gives people a cool feeling, without any chill.

"Master, this courtyard is so beautiful."

"Of course it's beautiful. You know, when I was a kid, I couldn't get out of the palace, so I could only play here with my brother." Tao looked around, took in all the scenery in the courtyard, and took a deep breath, "I didn't expect that I would be thirty After many years, nothing has changed.”

"Master, will your brother like Hong Ji?"

"Hongji, you have asked me no less than ten times. Besides, what does it matter if my brother likes Hongji? I just like it." Ci Ke held Hongji's little hand, and Hongji blushed. Turning over their palms, the two intertwined their fingers.

"Okay, let's go shopping in Odeya with Beniji after I finish handling the matter. My brother seems to have arrived."

Zike stood up holding Hubi's hand. As soon as they put on their shoes, they saw a man slowly walking into the courtyard from the main entrance.

His expression was solemn, his left hand clenched into a fist behind his back, and the other hand in front of him. Cike could clearly detect that his hands were shaking.

There was only one middle-aged man, but that was because he had scolded everyone away before entering the courtyard.

Looking at the man standing with the woman in red not far away, the middle-aged man's mouth moved slightly, and his pupils were covered with a faint mist. In the man's eyes, there was something that had not happened in decades. of tenderness.

Ci Ke looked at the middle-aged man with a smile. Just as he was about to take a step forward, the corner of his clothes was gently pulled by Hong Ji.

"It's okay. Hong Ji waits for me here, okay?" Ci Ke gently stroked Hong Ji's little head. Hong Ji bit her lip. After hesitating for a moment, she nodded and gently let go of Ci Ke. Gram's clothes.

He is on this side of the pond, he is on that side of the pond. To him, it is something he has not seen for more than thirty years. To him, it is something he has not seen for more than nine thousand years.

The two faced each other and walked slowly towards the small wooden bridge across the pond. With every step, what appeared in their minds was the inseparable scene from their childhood! Every time they step forward, what appears in their hearts is the indelible affection between brothers!

In the huge palace backyard, he was the only one, and he was the only one! He would give everything for him, even the throne, and he would give everything for him, even his life.

"Brother, long time no see."

In the middle of the wooden bridge, a man named Tao bent down with his hands clasped. A huge red koi carp was swimming under the wooden bridge. On the bridge, their eyes were already wet.

"I thought you were dead."

From the corners of the eyes of this emperor, who was considered the most virtuous and enlightened by Odeya's subjects, two lines of tears fell silently, dripping on the wooden bridge, and the light yellow wooden bridge was wet with tears.

Tao didn't say a word, he just bent his arms at ninety degrees and didn't get up for a long time. His etiquette was impeccable.

"After my father sent someone to assassinate you, I broke up with my father. It was I who forced my father to step down from the throne!"

Prince Ladd spoke word by word without crying or choking, but the tears flowed down so naturally.

"I originally thought that forcing my father to step down from the throne that he cherished was the greatest revenge for him. However, when I led my soldiers and forced myself in front of him, my father smiled and said to me with a smile, ' You are finally going to take my position, and you will do better than me!' I told him angrily, saying, 'I will destroy this country,' but he confidently said, 'You won't, because your brother I once told you that I would be a good emperor.'"

"That day, my father smiled and issued an edict to pass the throne to me, and I really did not have the heart to destroy this country, because this country is where you have lived, and it is the only connection between our brothers. I can't bear it, but , I can never forgive my father."

"After my father abdicated, he first stayed in the palace for two years, and then moved to the once-burned woods outside the city. He stayed there for more than ten years. During these years, I never saw my father until The person who secretly protected my father told me that he left, and until the end, I didn’t even see my father’s last glance.”

The emperor has not told anyone these things for more than thirty years, not even his most beloved person - the current queen. These things have been tormenting him and making him feel guilty.

Zike could feel how lonely and difficult his brother's life had been over the years.

"I am unkind to my brother and unfilial to my son. Tao, brother, am I a failure?" Looking at his humbled brother, Ladd confided in his heart.

"He doesn't know." He stood up slowly and looked directly into his brother's tearful eyes. His tears had already fallen. "But he knew that a prince named Ladd would always be the best choice for the incompetent second prince. Good brother."

The breeze carried the leaves in the courtyard and gently fell on the water's edge. Several small fish gently pressed the leaves with their soft mouths. Circles of ripples spread from under the leaves, and the small fish swam. Open, the ripples dispersed, and the tranquil pool surface reflected the sky, the floating white clouds in the sky, the small bridge, the people on the bridge, and the people on the bridge hugging each other tightly. .

On this day, Odeya, the wisest emperor, showed a heartfelt smile for the first time in more than thirty years.

On that day, Odeya's court was terminated for the first time since the emperor took office. Even on this day, for the first time in this huge castle palace, the emperor's figure disappeared for a whole day.

Outside the palace, two men who looked to be in their thirties were walking on the street, walking step by step towards the suburbs. The royal secret guards were deployed in full force to guard the most noble person in Odea, but they He didn't dare to get too close.

"My father lived here for the last three years."

At noon, Ladd took Cike to a forest. When he saw this strange but familiar forest, Cike couldn't help but froze.

At first, Cike just thought that the place where his father lived in seclusion in his later years was close to or on the way to a place he was familiar with. But when his brother told him "this is the place", everything was so unreal.

Seeing Zike's complicated expression, Ladd didn't say anything and just walked into the woods silently.

"Master, what's wrong?" Seeing Ci Ke in a daze, Hong Ji said softly.


Zike said with a smile,

"Let's go in."

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