Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 256 The sound of fighting

After more than a month of dullness, Lako, the person in charge of attacking Long Dao, finally launched an offensive against Long Dao!

Do it all at once, second time tired, third time exhausted.

Although this truth is a famous saying of Dongxia Kingdom, Lako still understands it.

He wanted to knock down Long Dao in one go, without giving the opponent any chance to breathe.

Starting from night, tens of thousands of mages flew into the sky above the Dragon Road, and countless spells attacked the Dragon City that cost Ella most of its treasury to build at the same time! On a narrow cliff mountain path that could be stepped down with one foot, soldiers of three or two were charging side by side. During the charge, one of them accidentally fell into the abyss.

Under the command of Feitun, the city protection barrier suddenly opened. Like the three-party coalition forces, two-thirds of the mages from the Ella Empire and Eastern Xia were basically concentrated in Dragon City! The number accounted for more than half of the Dragon City defenders, but based on the overall number, the Dragon City defenders' mages were only two-thirds of the opponent's! Moreover, the high-level mage is more than one or two points lower than the opponent!

"Soldiers go to the dragon path to block it! Reduce the barrier range by half! All mages are prohibited from leaving the city to meet the enemy!"

On the Dragon City wall built on the cliff, Feitun watched the constant explosions and fighting sounds in the distance! The never-ending fire lights up the entire night!

In the sky, the ones used to attack the city are no longer fireballs, but fire dragons! This fourth-level magic blasted onto the city barrier like unnecessary magic. Although the barrier flashed and streamed, it was resolved again and again, but it would eventually be exhausted.


Huge roars spread throughout Long Dao! Echoing on the cliffs everywhere!

Look up! Almost all the soldiers swallowed, and their bodies were trembling! Even Feitun couldn't help but tighten his hand on the city wall!

"What the hell! I just said I hate mages the most!"

Under Feitlen's unwilling complaints, more than thirty giant ice dragons (eighth-level magic: Ice Dragon Technique, created to imitate the Dragon of the Far North! Its strength can compete with the young ice dragon) flew through the air And up! The air for thousands of miles around seemed to be frozen!

On the back of each ice dragon sits an old man wearing a mage's robe! They held the scepter in their hands, no need to chant, and then they swung the Great Pyroblast Technique!

These mages, who are hundreds of years old, are squandering their magic power as if they are desperate for their lives. When the Great Pyroblast Technique is mixed with the breath of the ice dragon, the blend of ice and fire bombards the city protective barrier, and the barrier The connected dragon city trembled violently! Fortunately, this barrier, which took the efforts of countless former sage mages, withstood it!

"General! Please let me wait outside the city to fight! Otherwise, the Dragon City barrier will not be able to hold for long!" A seventh-level mage came to Feitun's side and asked.

"Your Majesty the Master! Please be patient for a little longer!"


The seventh-level mage has no prejudice against the orcs, but he thinks that the orc general is too confident in the dragon city's protective barrier, so he will let himself and others stay in the city and not go out.

But! In this world, which city protection barrier can truly resist the lifeless attacks of tens of thousands of mages? What's more, among these tens of thousands of mages, there are also quite a few high-level mages!

"Please be patient for a while! It will be fine in a while!"

Feitlen squeezed the city wall tightly, cold sweat broke out on his head, and his body was trembling! However, the experienced seventh-level mage knew that the general was not afraid, but because he was nervous! I am nervous about not letting go of any offensive and defensive situation in this battle! He was so nervous that he neglected to make any small decisions!

"I understand! Follow the general's instructions in everything!" When the seventh-level mage saw Feitlen's appearance, he knew that he didn't need to say anything more, because the general knew what he was doing, and that was enough.

Without replying to the mage, Feitelun took a deep breath and looked straight ahead, even though thousands of fireballs and flame dragons flew past.

Above the dragon path, the strength of the warriors of the three-party alliance is at least at the platinum level, and many are even diamond-level warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles! Each of them is strong enough to challenge a rampaging dragon beast in a duel!

Whether a warrior or a mage! The army attacking Longdao can be said to be the trump card among trump cards! If we use this fantastic army to attack a small or medium-sized country, it will probably fall completely in just three days!

It can be said that Lin Wen attaches much more importance to Long Dao than other battlefields! even! If possible, Lin Wen hopes to exchange defeats on other battlefields for victory in Long Dao! As long as Long Dao attacks it! It was like piercing the muscles on the chest of Ella Empire! That heart will be completely pierced!

However, the human warriors and mammoth warriors in Ella's garrison are not vegetarians either! On this dragon path where "one man can block it and no one can break it", the human warriors launched various martial arts to fight together, and the giant elephant warriors did not hesitate to engage in bloodshed! They even had permission! As long as they want! You can perform three violent blood attacks at any time!

Different from the gorgeous scene of the dragon city mage attacking the city, the dragon road is filled with sword light and blood shadow! Each of them fought with their own dignity and strongest desire until the last moment! Even if he dies, he must pull the other person and roll him into the abyss!

"Hey! Elephant! I heard that the girls in your orc tribe are all beautiful. Is it true?"

On the dragon path, a human warrior and a giant elephant warrior more than three meters tall were walking side by side on the way to the cliff dragon path! As soon as they step into the dragon path, they have only two ways! One way is to advance all the way and kill the enemy under the dragon path! There is another way, which is the abyss beneath your feet!

They all know it! As soon as they step into the Dragon Path, they can't go back. They are afraid. In fact, no one is not afraid of death, and no one is not afraid of death. However, even so, they still step on the Dragon Path step by step. There is no regret or timidity in every soldier's eyes.

"Of course! However, the most beautiful one is the girl from our giant elephant tribe."

"Ah? No way. I heard that girls from the cat and snake tribes are the prettiest!"

"Tch, what's so good about those little guys! Only those who are tall and strong like our giant elephant girls are really beautiful. I will take you to see them when the time comes. You will definitely like them."

"You said so, take me to Ainya to see it."

"Yeah, that's what I said."

As they talked, the two of them had already stepped onto the dragon path, and what awaited them was the sound of fighting rising into the sky.

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