Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 287 War begins

"I've met the master's wife."

On the northern side of Dongxia Kingdom, Yuelu and Ryan jointly attacked the northern territory of Dongxia, and all four thousand orcs among them were dispatched! In addition to the 150,000 orc warriors, it seems that Cross is bound to break a gap in the northern border of Dongxia Kingdom.

However, the ones responsible for guarding the North are Emilia and Lilin, both of whom are Fangte's wives and loved by the orcs.

"Oh, Yuelu seems to have grown taller."

In the sky outside the important city in the north, Lilin and Emilia stood side by side. The breeze blew through the girl's skirt and black hair. Her beautiful face looked very eye-catching. Opposite the two girls was a girl. A girl with long hair and a light blue dress. Today, she did not wear her favorite double ponytails or her favorite pink skirt.

"Thank you, Master Ma'am, for the compliment."

Yue Lu clenched her little fists and lowered her head. As a general, she did not issue an attack order for a long time, and the somber battlefield fell into an unspeakable silence.

"You are very brave."

Emilia broke the silence first and looked at the kind and cute little girl in front of her with a smile.

Hearing Emilia's compliment, Yuelu raised her little head, her eyes already wet with tears.

"That's not true." Tears slowly fell from Yuelu's cheeks.

Shaking her head, Amelia said softly: "Yuelu has done a great job."

Emilia knew that they had no room to refuse the Creator's order. Even if they were unwilling in their hearts, they still had to do it! This is a mark from the soul that they cannot violate, they can only abide by it.

It can only be said that fortunately Emilia and the Empress have the ability to resist as gods' favored ones, and Ajiya did not force them, so they can stand on Fangte's side! As for Luoluo and the others from the Nine-tailed Sky Fox clan in Dongxia Kingdom, Ajiya gave them the chance to choose. Otherwise, Luoluo and the others would have left Dongxia and stood by Ajiya's side.

But even so, Yuelu still tried her best to disobey Cross's order.

Really, she has been very brave.

Looking back, Amelia looked at Ryan on the ground, nodded, and smiled like a spring breeze.

"Master's wife."

Under the ground, the burly lion-human boy standing in front of Wanjun had red eyes, clenched his remaining fists, and his body was trembling.

He knew that as the general, Yue Lu was resisting Cross's will in great pain! I also know what the master’s wife means. After all, the master’s wife is always so gentle.

"Listen to my military orders!" A tragic roar spread throughout the wilderness, "Orc warriors! Attack with the whole army! Attack the city!"


The tearful roars scattered the clouds, and tens of thousands of orc warriors roared towards the city in front that they least wanted to attack, attacking Dongxia's halberd warriors!

Ryan, who was rushing at the front, immediately aroused violent blood. His eyes were blurred with blood, and his remaining sharp claws tore apart bodies one after another! Blood splattered all over his body.

In his mind, scenes flashed by like a revolving lantern, including the scene of Teacher Fangte telling dirty jokes in class, the graceful figure of the teacher's wife walking around in a black short skirt, and the scene of Teacher Luoluo. With a bulging face and a wooden ruler, he pointed at his mistakes in reading and writing Common Language, and the nervous figure of Teacher Yaya, the class teacher at the "sports meeting".

At the end, the smile of the master's wife appeared in front of the lion tribe boy.

It turns out that the teacher’s wife can also smile. She looks so pretty when she smiles. No wonder the teacher likes the teacher’s wife so much.

The scene faded and the fighting continued, but two traces of tears slowly crossed the young man's cheeks.

At the same time, in the southern and western territories of the Eastern Xia Kingdom, Feitun and Posuomen led the charge.

The two of them, who always pay attention to tactics, don't have any tactics, as if! For them, dying in Dongxia is the best choice

Outside the country of gears, the net of turbulence was thrown away by Salsas. The entire country of gears was shaken. Without the net of turbulence, the country of gears officially came into contact with the world, and time synchronized with the world in an instant!

It's just that Alsace disappeared immediately after breaking the turbulence net, and just issued an order to conquer the Gear Kingdom as soon as possible.

Alsace's departure was completely expected by the mechanical species, because Fangte once told the Gear Kingdom the true condition of the body of the spiritual species!

The current gods have just awakened, and their powers are less than one-third of what they were before they became self-proclaimed! So even if they join the battlefield! After breaking the turbulent net, there is not much divine power left in the body, and most importantly, these gods are as arrogant as the heavens, and they will never bend down to kill an ant personally.

"Two-headed dog demon! Charge!"

"Bone Horse Clan! Charge!"

"Dark Elves! Draw the bow!".

After breaking the turbulence network, all the demon species transported by Arthas in the Twilight Continent attacked without saying a word! However, in the hands of any of them, there is no weapon that the previous machine species built for them!

"Number Zero, didn't we make weapons for them? Why don't we use them?" A mecha who had just been promoted to S-class asked a mecha girl next to him.

"I don't know, maybe they are stupid." The girl tilted her head and covered her mouth with a smile, her smile was like a flower, almost no different from a normal girl.

"Number Zero, I like you and I want to marry you." Looking at the mechanical girl's smile, the boy gradually became obsessed.

"don't want."

"Huh? Why?"

"I don't like boys. They're too childish and not cute. I like Sister Hubie!"

"Ah! Why is this like this?"

Amid the chatter and laughter, the demon species from the Twilight Continent have arrived and entered the Kingdom of Gears! There were sounds of fighting, explosions, the turning of gears, and sounds.

In a tall tower in the distance, two identical girls in red stood behind a man. The gears in the eyes of the girls and the man were constantly spinning.

"Which god do you think will lead which race to win the final victory in this war?" the man said slowly.

"Who knows? However, Beniji (Red Queen) is still very confident in that slime."

"Well, although that slime is very naughty, maybe he really won?" Hong Ji said with a smile.

There was a roar, Hubi flew high into the sky, landed on the tower, and stood with the three of them.

"Hubby. I believe that Fantawild is very, very strong."

"Yeah, that slime is really strong."

Zike said with a smile, looking into the distance,

"In every sense of the word."

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