Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 290 Ten Chess Pieces

In an instant, the magical elements gathered crazily under the leadership of the Empress. Just when the Empress waved her hand to destroy the stone pillars on the table, Fangte transformed into a human and held her hand, and gently hugged her in. In the arms.

The empress, who was gently held in Fang Te's arms, felt that her body was extremely weak in an instant. A wave of tiredness surged into her heart, and her body suddenly lost all strength.

"It's okay, just have a good sleep. Things will be over soon, and the world will be beautiful in the future."

"Fantasy! I will hate you forever!"

The Empress bit her lips tightly and mobilized all her magic power to resist Fang Te. However, the Empress who had just guarded the Eastern Xia and Western Territory rushed back overnight and was already exhausted. What's more, Fang Te was already a god. For Fang Te's divine power, Under hypnosis, the empress could not struggle, and her eyelids gradually closed.

Closing her eyes completely, the empress's soft body fell weakly into Fangte's arms.

Fangte hugged the empress, laid her flat on the bed, and covered her with a thin quilt.

Brushing her hair and looking at her peaceful sleeping face, Fangte's eyes were extremely gentle.

"I'm so polite."

"With that slime of Ania? Emmmm, there is nothing special about celebrating the holidays, but that slime owes me some debts."

"What kind of's a love debt..."

"As long as you pass through the cave, I will let you leave Dongxia. How about that?"

"Husband! You are back"

"Li'er, right? My husband, let me call you Li'er."

"Hmph! Why is your husband so carefree! Isn't it enough to have Li'er?"

"If your husband promises Li'er a condition, Li'er will help you."

"I don't care! That little human girl is already married to her husband! Li'er wants it too!"

"Hey, husband, Li'er also wants to go to Ella together."

"Husband, I didn't expect the snow in Ella to be so beautiful. Let's go see the snow together."

The scenes with Li'er kept flashing in front of Fangte's eyes, and unknowingly, tears were already rolling in Fangte's eyes.

"Forget Di Xin, forget Ji Gong Nie, forget Li Longji, forget Fangte."

He leaned down and looked at the empress's delicate lips. Fang Te gave him a gentle kiss. The golden light slipped from Fang Te's mouth into the empress' lips and teeth. After a long time, when the golden light completely disappeared, the two lips They gradually separated.

"Take good care of yourself, otherwise you will disappear."

He rolled up the carving knife and ten stone pillars on the table, mobilized his clones, and a clone that looked exactly like Fang Te appeared next to him.

"Deleting her memory, is this really good?" The clone looked at the empress on the bed, with tenderness and helplessness in his eyes.

"There's nothing wrong with it." Fangte stood up, "The war between Liya and Lilin is almost over, and they will be back soon. Then I'll have to trouble you to deal with them."

After looking back for the last time at the beautiful woman lying on the bed, Fang Te left the room with the stone pillar and carving knife.

In a cave deep in the bamboo forest, the crisp sound of carved stone pillars slowly came out, and with each carving, his body became weaker and weaker.

It’s only fifteen days! He had just completed the fifth stone pillar, and the battle between Odeya and the Canyon of the Dead had officially begun. He raised his head and looked outside the cave. Perhaps he felt that time was too late, so he accelerated the construction speed.

In early October, he finished carving two stone pillars with a desperate attitude.

At this time, because the sea-dwelling species raided Ainia when Ainia was fighting against the Eastern Xia Kingdom, after more than a month of fierce fighting, the orc species withdrew, and the crisis in the Eastern Xia Kingdom was temporarily lifted.

On the tragic battlefield in the East, corpses were everywhere. Although Lilin and Emilia blocked Yuelu and Ryan's fierce offensive for a month, their bodies were already scarred and their magic power was almost exhausted. In order to prevent Yuelu and Ryan Ryan made a "turnaround" attack, but the two did not return to Zhuju immediately.

More than twenty days later, during this period, the war between the Ella Empire and the Forest Elf has also come to an end. The Forest Elf defeated Longka, and Longka died on the battlefield. Ella's defense line shrank. In just fifteen years, the Ella Empire One-third of the territory was lost within a day!

The Ella Empire hopes to get assistance from the new god Fante, but no matter whether it is on the battlefield of Dongxia Kingdom, the battlefield of Hui Odeya, or even the battlefield of the Gear Kingdom, the figure of this new god is not seen, as if Fangte seemed to be missing.

The Ella Empire once wanted to seek refuge with the Elf God in exchange for a moment of respite. The Elf God also sent envoys to the Ella Empire to see Empress Ella, saying that as long as the Ella Empire surrendered, Ella would The country will not be destroyed.

But in the court, Daphne, a girl who had never even killed a chicken, stepped down from the throne and took out a dagger from her sleeve. The envoy was decisively wiped out by the empress without any precautions. Throat, the green blood of the elf splattered all over Daphne's body.

There was silence in the court, and all the ministers and nobles did not come back to their senses. They just stared blankly at the emperor who was holding a dagger in his hand and his body was stained with green blood.

After that, no one in the Ella Empire court said that they would surrender to the Elven Envoy, because they all knew that the knife their empress slashed at the Elf Envoy's neck not only cut off the envoy. The minister's throat is their desire to surrender!

There was no way to surrender but to fight. Without any hope of luck, the Ella Empire's resistance to the elves reached another climax.

By the beginning of November, the crisis in Dongxia Kingdom had been temporarily relieved. Lilin and Emilia also returned to Zhuju. At this time, Fangte had already carved the seventh stone pillar.

Back at Zhuju, despite how similar Fang Te's avatar was to the empress, Lilin and Emilia immediately saw through the fact that the empress was Fang Te's transformation during the process of getting along day and night.

But before they could ask about the situation, Fangte put them into a deep sleep.

When the eighth stone pillar was carved, Fangte deleted and modified all their memories about themselves using the same method.

One more month to go!

Beside him, the tenth stone pillar has been completed. The shape of the stone pillar is based on the basic shape of a chess set, but the appearance is different.

When the last cut of the tenth stone pillar was carved, the carving knife slipped from Fangte's hand, and the chess piece fell at Fangte's feet. Fangte's eyesight went dark, and with a smile, Fangte fell down in the cave. .

Ten fully carved stone pillars were scattered around Fangte. They looked different, but they shone with the most beautiful light, illuminating the entire cave.

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