Slime's Evolutionary Journey

Chapter 314 The last look

In the mountains, an almost transparent slime sat next to a silver-haired woman. The huge light pillar in the sky absorbed the divinity, soul and spirit of all the gods except Fangte. The divine power became increasingly unstable, as if it was about to destroy the entire world at any time.

The silver-haired woman slowly opened her eyes. Beside her, a transparent slime was looking at the red sky.

"I'm finally awake." He turned around and looked at Ajiya. Her divinity was stripped away by Fang Te and replaced by Fang Te's heart after the divinity was removed. She was no longer a god.

Ajiya slowly sat up and sat on the ground. In her eyes, Fangte saw the woman's depression for the first time: "Why did you do that?"

"What to do?"

"Why did you give me your heart?"

"Oh, you're talking about this." Fangte spread out his tentacles nonchalantly, "I have already extracted the divinity and soul from my heart, and I couldn't survive. Besides, who allowed the gods to plant a heart?" Only the divine seed can replace it. It’s a waste anyway, so I might as well give it to you.”

"Li'er and Emilia are indeed right, you are a playboy." Holding her chest tightly, Ajia felt his heart beating in her chest.

Fangte's brows twitched: "How did you come to this conclusion? No! How did they come to this conclusion?"

"How you got it is not important. What is important is, do you really want to die? Just disappear from the world like this? Emilia, Li'er, and Lilin are still waiting for you, don't you..."

Ajia bit her lips tightly, but her words stopped abruptly when she saw that the almost transparent slime's body was decomposing into golden spots of light.

I stretched out my hand to touch him, but could no longer touch his form.

"Who would want to die?" Fangte said slowly, "I've already died once, who would want to die a second time? But, it's too late, and my divinity and soul are almost gone. Fusion into the light pillar, the me you see now is just the remnant of my divine power. In fact, the original me died the moment the chess game ended."

Ajiya was speechless. For some reason, the life and death of this slime had nothing to do with her. However, her heart was filled with grief, her heart was twisted like a knife, and two lines of tears fell down.

"What should they do? They are still waiting for you to come back."

Ajiya lowered her head and held the hem of her skirt tightly, unable to bear the sight of the slime slowly turning into a point of light.

Fangte shook his head: "The world in the future will be beautiful, and they will live a good life. The slime named Fangte who appears in the history books in the future will be just a slime with no worries and no family. , just a slime full of spring."

After twisting his body and looking at himself who was about to die, Fang Te continued:

"Okay, there's not much time left, there's only one last step left, I'm leaving."

Fang Te smiled and waved his hand to Ajiya: "Outside a small forest outside the central area of ​​Dongxia Kingdom, there is an urn. That is my brother's ashes. Originally, I should do this, but I It’s too late. After everything is over, please help me spread his ashes all over the world. By the way, scatter more in the sea. After all, that guy said he hasn’t seen the sea yet.”


Ajiya held her hands on the floor and tried to stand up, but before she could straighten her knees, a huge feeling of sleepiness swept over her consciousness, her eyes began to blur, and her mind went blank.


Ajiya fell sideways to the ground, two lines of tears streaked across the corners of her eyes and fell to the ground.

Without looking back, Fang Te floated into the sky and walked towards the huge light pillar.

Beside the light beam, Fangte finally looked at the entire world. This was the first time that Fangte looked at the entire world so calmly and clearly.

After several months of world war, the world was devastated. Corpses fell to the ground one after another, and no one went to collect them. Perhaps it was because the families of the dead soldiers had also left this world.

Looking towards Ainia, passing through the northern border, Fangte saw the orc child holding his mother and crying. He also saw the orc mother and her child chewing on the rotten monsters. His eyes reached the capital of Ainia. , most of Luoyang City was reduced to ruins. Among the remaining orcs, Fangte saw that familiar and lovely face, she was handing a piece of bread to a child.


As if feeling the gaze, Yuelu stood up and looked in Fangte's direction.

Withdrawing his gaze, Fangte looked towards the city of Ella. The beautiful girl was sleeping. Buster and the only angel species were maintaining order in the city. Maybe it was because his daughter had not been heard from, or maybe he was worried about the next incident. When the war broke out, Buster didn't look relaxed.

Looking towards the Twilight Continent, a succubus girl was in a daze in the room, with a teacup placed beside her.

The girl seemed to be waiting for something, but she didn't know that she might never be able to wait.

Looking at the ocean of the world, the buildings of the sea-dwelling species have been completely destroyed by the ocean monsters. Countless sea-dwelling species are also wandering in the ocean of the world in order not to be baptized by the flames of war.

The floating land is the continent with the best preserved buildings. However, there are no traces of angel species on this huge continent. Even the thousand angel species left by Fangte have been destroyed by Yi. Los was squandered.

Fangte's eyes swept over continents, villages, creeks, and seas. In this world, being alive is a luxury.

Finally, Fangte looked at the Forest of Sages. Above the Forest of Sages, in a classical pavilion, the rays of light entered the window, spilled on the floor, and fell on the girl. This beautiful girl The girl is holding her brother and reading a book. Their harmonious figures are decorated with a light gold border.

"Sister, sister, I miss Brother Druid." The young lady sitting on the girl's lap covered the storybook with her little hands, raised her head, and looked at her sister who was reading the story to her.

At the same time, Xiao Zhengtai was also a little puzzled. Normally, her sister would read the story correctly, but recently she always read it wrong, and she was in a daze from time to time.

The girl's eyes froze and she said nothing, then she touched her brother's hair with a smile.

"Sister, where did Brother Druid go? Isn't he coming back?"

"Yes, I will definitely come back."

The girl smiled slightly and looked into the distance.

Fangte, who could only see but not hear, withdrew his gaze from the Forest of Sages, and took one last look at the world.

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