Clear pupils

Hair color: blonde hair, pupil color, red and purple pupils

When cute leprechauns, spider girls, big breasts, and loli are poor breasts, spitting, kimono, gentleness, tattoos

Physiognomy, clothing

Big golden wavy long hair. There are two scars on the face, – the passage is on the forehead, which is vertical; -The passage is on the bridge of the nose and is transverse.

Personality traits

Qingpu is weak and kind, although he is a demon, his strength is strong and even ranked in the middle and upper, but he will not hurt people with this.

Usually, most of them accompany Su Su to help Su Su and take care of and protect Su Su. At the same time, the kung fu of weaving clothes and weaving paintings can be called the best, so most of the clothes in the house are woven by Qingpu, because the desire is at work, and the demon pattern of Qingpu (the proclivity of night dreams) is retained

(Late Awakening) Awakening Martial Soul: Blue Silver Emperor (allows a certain range of plants to grow blue silver grass while consuming extremely low).


1: Demon silk (spit out silk with demon qi, even nerve demon poison, can be paralyzed, can even control the puppet action, in addition, the demon silk can be attached to another demon poison, so that the demon silk will solidify when exposed to air, solidified stronger than concrete. )

2: Weaving: One of the fairy silk skills, make a garment. (With special effects, it can only be used once a month).

3: Brocade weaving: One of the silk skills, weaving landscape brocade paintings. (With special effects, it can only be used once a month).

4: Cobweb binding (restrictive skill, can be single, group, blue and silver emperor condensed cobweb, bind opponents).

5: Blue Silver Cage (Group restriction, Blue Silver Emperor turns into a cage to trap the enemy

6: Eight Spider Spear (Using blue silver grass to condense into spider feet, it can cast gold wire to devour the opponent’s energy and release poison. )

7: Blue Silver Field (Release a large amount of blue silver grass within a certain range, while isolating a certain bad state in the field, control all blue silver grass use skills within the field, now only use winding and domain exploration. Using the field as a medium, cooperate with spiritual power to explore the surrounding information within the scope of the field. )

8: Ambitiousness (Enemies cannot detect their presence in the Blue Silver Realm, and will accelerate enemy consumption).

9: Haina Baichuan (The ultimate evolution of the blue silver realm, in the place where the blue silver grass is owned, the field can convert all the blue silver grass vitality into any form of energy that the blue silver emperor needs, replenish itself, as long as there is still blue silver grass, then the energy of the blue silver emperor will not be exhausted. This energy transformation can be life force, soul power or spiritual power. This ultimate realm effect undoubtedly allows the Blue Silver Emperor to fight opponents of the same level in the forest

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