Tu Shan red red

Race: Tushan Fox Demon

Hair color: orange hair

Pupil color green pupil – → red pupil (using demon power).

Cute fox girl, animal ears, royal sister, big breasts, queen, bare feet, long tail hair, bells, dull hair, goddess, healing

Physiognomy, clothing

Fox ears with pale pink fuzz in the ears and waist-length hair in kumquat. At the end of the hair, tie a red bow with two bells hanging from it. The pupil color is light green in normal times, but it turns red when it comes to combat. I often wear a delicate and beautiful antique dress with a modern twist and a pink and light purple, or a red antique dress with a white long-sleeved robe, and there are two red bows with two bells hanging from the belt on both sides of the dress. Barefoot, footbell rings with golden bells on their feet. The body is slender and tall, the temperament is elegant and domineering, and it has the temperament and style of a king leader. Character character

Domineering and indifferent, but with a gentle side. If the people they value are in danger, the Red Cross will protect them at all costs. I don’t like to owe money to others, and I also follow the principle of never owe kindness.

You have to know that Tushan Night Dream’s favorite people are Yaya and Rong Rong, and later took the initiative to give up the position of the eldest sister


1: Insulating claws (can capture all magic weapon energy with demon power with bare hands, even stronger than armed color domineering).

2: Teleportation (a momentary shift to any position within a certain range).

3: Exorcism (can be used to dispel the opponent’s BUFF or fly the parasite out of the parasite’s body).

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