Meiyou Edfeldt

Dress and look

Usually the hair is tied up, and when it is not tied up, it is black and straight, and the magical girl transforms into a magical girl costume with a purple theme. Amber pupils, from the appearance to the one-every move, you can see that it is a big lady’s temperament.

Personality traits

She is more willing to believe in reality and her own knowledge than what does not exist, so she is evaluated as a little girl who has no dreams. Because I believe in reality and knowledge too much, I can’t fly no matter how I practice, and I have a stubborn mind that even watching animations will be very rigid in saying all kinds of knowledge, which means that this is too utopian. He has a heart that can stay calm at all times, and he can even stay calm when he sees Rin Tosaka and Luvia being knocked to the ground. It was also evaluated by Illya as exceptionally good for this calm and bold judgment, not like that of a layman. Miyu, who fights for friends, will never retreat or run away, and is very similar to Illya, that is, turning your face is turning your face. The speech is very clumsy, even her expression cannot be understood, people can’t understand her heart, but this is just that she is very clumsy.

Ability setting

1: Magical Girl Mode

2: Cannon Fire (Fire mana as a ranged attack).

3: Sniper shooting (unlike artillery shooting, this is to concentrate a little to attack the opponent, and you must find the right time, which is extremely powerful).

4: Rapid fire (Shoot multiple mana bullets like a shotgun to attack the opponent, which is not very powerful, but can be used to lure the opponent).

5: Radiation (Shotshots are fired at the same time as mana beams).

6: Limited Summoning (not completely fantasy summoning, using any ability or treasure).

7: Dream Call

(1) Saber

It can also be used with all the abilities of “Saber”, including its proud Sword of Oath Victory.

(2): Rider rank card

(Has all the abilities of Medusa, including riding the English rope.)

(3): Assassin rank card

Has all of Assassin’s abilities, including its delusional visions. However, this form is weaker than the ordinary magical girl form.

Skill 1: Breath Blocking (hides yourself and makes any query method ineffective, even at close range).

2: Throwing (Greatly increases the hit and power of throwing, effective for anything


3: Wind Removal Protection (can resist the power of the Sword of Oath Victory level) 4: Delusional heart sound (, makes a sound, affects the five senses, making it illusory

5: Avatar puppet (make a puppet that looks like itself to resist attacks).

6: Doppelganger (can create a large number of avatars based on one-tenth of its own strength, which can act on avatars).

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