Smallholder Farmer

Chapter 619 Blood test is a mess (2)

ps: Second watch, bless those sweet couples who are in pairs, very happy! Happy Valentine's Day!

In fact, what exists must be reasonable. This blood test to recognize relatives is somewhat reasonable and scientifically based. At least the blood types can be relatively compatible. The blood types between parents and children can basically be the same, so they will be compatible. Besides, the search for bone marrow transplantation is also a search among relatives, and the blood between relatives must have some special relationship, such as the dna, and Xu Shilang also added some things into it. Yuyue doesn't know what it is. Yuyue wants to get this kind of potion-like thing, which is worth studying.

The result was correct, Fan Qianhe's blood was mixed with the blood of five children.

Miss Gao's blood could not be mixed with Jinyan's and Yuyue's, but mixed with those of the three babies. In this basin, the blood that was shown convinced Yuyue, and there were two drops of blood hanging on the side So, Yuyue was pierced with a needle again, and squeezed into a basin with her brother's blood, and the three little Jins didn't escape, and theirs were squeezed into another basin. The young lady offered two drops. As a result, the one who spoke with Yuyue had tried it before, and they didn't blend in, but the one with her three pro-children became one.

A clerk of the Ministry of Punishment took down the result immediately.

In the same way, it can be proved that the blood of the Jin family's six children must be able to fuse together, and the Fan family would like to say that they are the same as Yuyue. To prove this, the blood of Fan Qian and Miss Tong Gao's three children and the Gao family's three uncles can be fused together!

This is a new experiment...

The result turned out to be a great national unity, and the blood that fused together proved these people. Needless to say, this is the relatives of the Gao family, but Yuyue Tong Jinyan cannot be integrated with the third uncle of the Gao family. Originally, alas, Yuyue gave up and wanted to make trouble.

So, the six uncles of the Jin family squeezed their blood out, trying to get along with Yuyue and Jinyan!

At this time, Prince Rui was on the sidelines. Instigated by someone to speak:

"Then what did the Zhong family boy call for an inspection?"

Only then did the emperor see that Zhong Wuneng, who was ordered by the Zhong family to do a blood test, was standing aside, looking at this wonderful fusion of blood, he was very excited!

"Yes, why did I ask him to participate? Little girl, what the hell are you doing?"

Yuyue was also stunned, ha ha. This, this, originally intended to make trouble, yes, if you insist on reminding me, then continue to make trouble.

So, the Jin family's blood was taken out. Yuyue pointed at Master Jin, smiled and said nothing. New Year's Eve. The Holy Majesty was being tricked by this cousin father-in-law to play this blood test, and he was also upset at the time. Seeing the little girl playing tricks, she let her make trouble. Anyway, it was not her own trouble. Who made the first day of the new year Can't watch the fun?

"Then uncle Guo should squeeze some blood and try!"

"Why?" Master Jin was watching with excitement. Immediately, the two grandchildren will be acquired, but at this time, he is bleeding himself. What do you mean?

"Oh, the Gao's family is bleeding all the time, you can still not bleed what you proposed?" Prince Rui said. So Mr. Jin also donated a drop of blood, and it all melted into one piece.

Yuyue looked at Mrs. Jin and murmured in her heart, you said you are too temperamental, guarding such a violent husband-in-law, you won't go out of the wall or anything, if there is someone who can't get along, That would be great fun!

So, the six members of the Jin family squeezed out more blood, and the ones who said so sincerely also squeezed out. Yuyue smiled and stretched out her hand, dripping a drop of blood!

To be honest, the six of the Jin family will be integrated into one! Yuyue's loneliness hangs on the side!

Collective dumb! The emperor happily rushed to the side of the basin, looked at Mr. Xu:

"How is this going?"

"This minister doesn't know!"

Test these two babies! The emperor pointed to Jinyan and said to Yuyue. After testing, it is natural that they are brothers and sisters. They have tried it a long time ago, and they can get along well, but they can't get along at the Jin family at this time.

"Your Majesty, maybe I wasn't born by my father?" Yuyue laughed so hard in her stomach that she was about to twitch.

"Come on, test!"

Fan Qianhe was passed on, blood test again, of course it is a kiss!

The nine brothers of the Jin family retested together, and it turned out that they were all from the Jin family!

The six retests are also of the same father and mother.

In addition, Yuyue and Jinyan re-inspected, and now it's better, and the Jinyan's are no longer in harmony.

"Check the water!" The emperor shouted! These tricky emperors who inspect relatives know a lot. Checked, no vinegar or anything. Otherwise, if it doesn't melt, it won't melt at all.

"A little more..."

Yuyue burst into laughter, but she still didn't melt! The blood of my two brothers and sisters does not merge with the six brothers of the Jin family.

The emperor looked at Zhong Wuneng, who was dazed by the side, and personally took his hand, pierced a hole himself, and squeezed the blood into the water basin—test!

Yuyue smiled and squeezed blood into it...

A glistening blood bead formed, and then, Xu Yuxian detected the precipitation of his relatives...

Fan Jinyan just stayed away. In his heart, he had already accepted that this mother was the choice of the Jin family, but why is it like this at this time?

"Wow, my uncle is Marshal Zhong?" Yuyue's cute and charming smiling face gave Prince Xian a headache. You really think well of this idiot becoming your brother-in-law!

The emperor didn't believe it, but this was the fact that was tested in front of him, so he couldn't help but believe it. Looking at Zhong Wuyan in a blink of an eye is very strange!

Let's just say, is there someone who is rushing to be a godmother? The emperor's eyes were full of distrust, and he called out to the prince, but no one would believe what he said.

"You, the only girl in the Zhong family, come here for a test!"

This godmother turns into a real mother, that's the rhythm of going crazy. Yuyue didn't recruit any more. Seeing that the third son was still a competent godfather, he didn't show any demons again. Xu Yuxian was dumbfounded by this blood test, and the emperor scratched his head.

Not melted! It must be that the princess has nothing to do with the two children. The members of the Zhong family who were watching the excitement breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhong Wuneng was caught again for a blood test. Still melted! The emperor's associative power is really not covered up. Fan Yuyue has never thought of actually testing Fan Qian and Tong Zhong's incompetence. He even asked Princess Ding to participate.

The blood of the three melted! Everyone was dumbfounded, including His Royal Highness the Xian Wang! Only Yuyue knew in her heart that the blood types of these three people were the same, and if they were the same, they might not be compatible. What a coincidence!

"Well, the second child of the Fan family, come out and give me a test! Also, I heard that the grandfather of the two is here, so he also came to have a test!" The emperor quickly got to the source.

The only thing Yuyue prayed for was that the three of them had the same blood type!

Luck is not always on Yuyue's side. After this test, Fan Qianhe is not the son of the Fan family!

The old ancestor had a ghost in his heart, so naturally he couldn't explain why. Fortunately, the emperor is not a fool. The Fan family changed the genealogy back and forth. It's not that the ancestor's is changed to a good identity, and it's against morality to pretend to be a noble person, so he just listened to it as a joke, so just change it!

At this time, the emperor laughed when it came out:

"So your surname is Zhong? Let's just say, your ancestors have never produced warriors, how can you be good at archery! The former old marshal of the Zhong family is good at archery!" What does this mean? , that is known to passers-by, not to mention that everyone here is smart!

"Your Majesty! This minister is from Fanjia Village, not Zhong!"

Fan Qianhe knelt down with a slam! Knocking her head loudly, Yuyue took a step back, and the skin on her forehead was broken. What a solid-eyed kid, you said that your mother threw you around like a straw, does it matter if you are straw or straw?

The two brothers and sisters of the Zhong family were left alone. There was such a brother in my own family. I never heard that my father had an outer room outside. All births in the inner room were recorded. There is no brother or brother in the genealogy that I don't know.

The emperor and Yuyue have the same idea, to mess everyone up, and the Duanmu family married a princess from a farming family. When he was speechless, Fan Qianhe, whose forehead was bloodshot and dizzy, transferred it to Zhong's account. Yuyue feels helpless, this ginger is really old and spicy, how could he do it like this?

The old ancestor didn't dare to open his mouth, and the handsome Gao didn't dare to open his mouth either. Prince Xian opened his mouth, but also closed his mouth. As if he made a fake first, it is not good to protest strongly now.

Prince Ding and his son absolutely did not expect this result, it is really... At the moment, they can't figure out what will happen in the future after this stroke.

Master Jin likes it very much, okay, this is hooked up with the Zhong family again, among the four big camps, who else doesn't hook up with this baby? Jiang family!

Master Jin looked at the handsome young master of the Jiang family, his eyes glistened with gold. Back then, he had also come to ask for a kiss. Xiaoshuai Jiang shivered, glanced at Master Jin calmly, and retreated to the depths of the crowd went. With this posture, it is troublesome to test one...

The problem is still not resolved, who is Fan Yuyue's mother! Yuyue looked at the modest father beside her, and her thoughts changed sharply. What should I do? This matter is completely out of my control. I sincerely say that after many tests, I will definitely be able to melt. If I didn't drip blood into the basin myself, I would Can't run away, the emperor is really a bit weird, so the emperor who took the blood himself, is not afraid of the blood of our lowly people staining his eyes.

The emperor personally took the blood of the six members of the Jin family, and then took the blood of Jinyan Tong Yuyue. As a result,

"It's fused! It's fused! The Fan brothers and sisters are Miss Jin's flesh and blood!" Xu Yuxian's voice trembled when he spoke, it was not easy. This is also the first time I have encountered such an outrageous thing.

"Your Majesty, it didn't melt just now, but now it melts, is there something wrong with the water?"

Prince Xian was a little upset when he saw that his daughter-in-law's family was going to become the Jin family, so it's better not to! Besides, the little girl looked at her with pointed eyes, touched her nose, and came out to stir up trouble.

There is indeed a problem with the water. This is the clean bowl that the fourth son of the Jin family took casually, and he scooped clear water from the altar in front of everyone. The fourth son of Jin can swear to God that he can still do it even when he watched the emperor personally inject blood. Standing still, his eyesight has always been good, he hurriedly scooped up a bowl of water and put it on it. Originally, Xu Shilang has always been scooping like this, and there is nothing wrong with doing so, but if King Xian said this while pointing to this bowl of water, then there is a problem! (To be continued. If you like this work, welcome to come)


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