Sniper Track

Chapter 109: moon, shadow, people

"Is there a home... someone who can't go back...?"

Kaisha fell into contemplation, as well as longing for that world.

Mingming's home is right there...but I can't go back...

It sounds cruel and real.

Kaisha smiled and thought to himself, "The real thing, isn't it cruel?"

Raising his head, through the window, Kaisha looked at the crescent moon in the sky.

Kaisha likes the moon very much, but at first she just thought it was magical.

Sometimes it is complete, sometimes only half of it is left, sometimes it becomes a crescent moon, until finally, on the dark day, it completely disappears...

Turning around the moon, after the new sun arrives, a crescent crescent slowly appears...

Week by week.

Chen Xingxi told him that the planet was called "Moon".

It turns out... is it also a ball?

It's just, why does a ball bend and round from time to time...

Just like a person's life, sometimes it is complete and sometimes incomplete.

Later, Kaisha saw pictures of the moon.

Looking at the gray land, and the world riddled with holes, thousands of miles of desolation, despair and loneliness.

This planet is really a good match for me.

From then on, every night when Kaisha thinks of home, he will look up at the lonely moon.

Chen Xingxi shook his head and thought silently in his heart, "Oh, here we go again..."

Every time Kaisha gets homesick, she looks up at the moon. Chen Xingxi had already discovered this.

Everyone knows that those ancient poets also felt nostalgic when they saw the moon.

"Raise a glass to invite Mingyue, meet Yingying as three..." Chen Xingxi said softly.

Upon hearing this, Kaisha broke free from the lonely atmosphere and looked at Chen Xingxi eagerly: "What did you just read?"

Chen Xingxi smiled and said, "An ancient poem!

Raising the glass, inviting Mingyue to drink together, and adding his own shadow, there are exactly three people, aren't they alone? "

Kaisha murmured: "The opposite shadow... three people...

嘁, I don't like this poem, you should keep reading it yourself! "

Chen Xingxi looked at Kaisha, who was somewhat arrogant in his words, and asked, "What's going on? Don't you like the moon very much? I think this poem fits your mood very well."

Kaisha no longer looked up at the moon, but turned to stare at Chen Xingxi.

Chen Xingxi shrank back and hugged his little quilt tightly, like a little girl afraid of being tainted by bad people: "Why are you looking at me like this??"

Kaisha said angrily, "Use this poem yourself.

You still have me in your shadow, but I...have nothing..."

The lonely eyes are very like a **** who has been exiled from the world.

Lonely, noble, and sad is heart-wrenching...

Chen Xingxi hugged Kaisha and put him in the bed, and the two of them slept together.

Kaisha was startled like a puppy whose tail was accidentally stepped on, struggling violently, and said in a panic, "What are you doing! *#$###!"

Because of being too frightened, he even spit out fragrance in his mouth in panic.

Kaisha, a person with a monotonous painting style like a black and white movie, at this moment, there was a blush on his face.

Chen Xingxi smiled and said, "Aren't we good brothers? What's the big deal about sleeping in the same bed?"

Kaisha was trembling: "I'm afraid, you kid, don't you have any plans for me, right?"

"Silly critic!" Chen Xingxi yelled, "I'm a serious person, what can I think of you! Your current thinking is very dangerous!

Well, let's lie back to back, it's alright, right? "

After speaking, Chen Xingxi turned over and turned his back to Kaisha.

Seeing this, Kaisha also turned around and the two were on the bed back to back.

Chen Xingxi pouted: "Hey, I just let you lie down because you looked so lonely just now. You even slandered me... What!... You are really interesting!"

Kaisha snorted coldly: "Hmph, then you can't talk properly! What's the matter with dragging me on the bed! A normal person would be frightened by you!"

Chen Xingxi lifted a corner of the thin quilt: "Kaisha, do you want to cover a quilt too..."

"No, I'm neither afraid of cold nor heat, this temperature is just right for me, I don't need a quilt..."

Chen Xingxi "headed" Kaisha with his back, and Kaisha shouted "what are you doing?" in shock, Chen Xingxi seemed to be chatting with Kaisha, and seemed to be talking to himself: "Light and shadow have always been a couple. Contradictory unity.

They will never intersect with each other, they will never merge, but they will never leave each other.

Where there is light, there is shadow, and where there is shadow, there is light..."

Kaisha: "..., what do you want to say?..."

Chen Xingxi smiled: "What do you think!

I think we are like light and shadow, you are my shadow, and I am also your shadow!

So, I gave you the poem just now, but you are not allowed to refuse it! "

Kaisha recited in his heart again: "Raise a glass to invite Mingyue, and Yingcheng three...


Are you also my shadow?

Kaisha said impatiently in her tone: "Oh, it's alright, now I understand! I'm so annoying..."

Facing the shadows... three people...

Kaisha smiled "puchi", and then hurriedly held it back, for fear that Chen Xingxi would find his embarrassment, and after thinking about it, he pushed Chen Xingxi with his back: "I am your shadow, and you are also my shadow!

Xingxi, thank you..."

"Thank you fart!"

Chen Xingxi replied with a "bad" tone.

Kaisha couldn't help showing a smile at the corner of his mouth. Looking at the window, he could see the moon from this angle.

His eyes swept across the moon, Kaisha closed his eyes, no longer missing the homeland where he didn't know if he could go back, and no longer immersed in the lonely atmosphere of the moonlight.

At this time, Chen Xingxi was the only one in his world.

With her back to Chen Xingxi, Kaisha thought in her heart, "If you really can't find a chance to go home, I'll just follow you for the rest of your life...

It's not bad..."

After all, where there is a family is the real home.

"In my heart, do I already consider you family?..." Kaisha thought silently, startled by her own thoughts.

Chen Xingxi twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "What nonsense are you talking about, how can you give up your goal?!

No matter if you can do it or not, you have to work hard!

Don't worry, we will work hard together and we will definitely find your way home. "

Kaisha nodded stupidly: "Well..."

Suddenly, Kaisha remembered something important, and shouted frantically: "What?! How could you hear what I was thinking in my mind just now?!

Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!

When did it start? ! "

Chen Xingxi: "I just heard your voice just now."

"Nonsense, I don't believe it!"

"I did not lie to you."

"Shut up! Ah! I'm so annoying! Wasn't I the only one who could read your mind before? How come it's the other way around?!!!"

"I'm not gonna lie to you, I just discovered this new ability..."

"I believe in you, you bad old man is very bad!"


Chen Xingxi ignored Kaisha, and after a while, Kaisha stopped.

Chen Xingxi closed his eyes and quietly waited for the "dream" to come.

Peace of mind and forget everything.

There are no fittest, no monsters, no accessories... no world...

Just wait another short night, the first accessory in your life will come into your life.

Are you excited?


Everything, let it take its course...

It's good to be ashamed.


The sun rises and the moon sets, the heaven and the earth are perfect.

With the rising of the sun, people ushered in a new day.

Chen Xingxi got up from the bed, and Kaisha, who was beside him, retreated into the shadow at an unknown time.

Thinking of the embarrassment of Kaisha's rage last night, Chen Xingxi couldn't help but smile.

Kaisha frantically said, "Don't laugh!"

Chen Xingxi: "Why don't you make me laugh?"

"I... I don't care, anyway, the Great Demon King won't allow you to laugh!"

"How do you know I'm laughing at you? I don't."

"That doesn't work either, laughing at nothing! Humph!"

Chen Xingye packed everything early, knocked on the door, and then entered Chen Xingxi's room. The bickering between Kaisha and Chen Xingxi also came to an end.

Chen Xingxi glanced at his watch and said, "Xiao Ye, why are you so early?"

Chen Xingye: "Hey, yes, I slept well last night, but I couldn't sleep a little in the morning... I must be too excited?

After all...I will soon see my own accessories.

Brother, aren't you excited? "

Chen Xingxi scratched his head: "Ah? I...I'm alright..."

Chen Xingye sat on the chair in front of Chen Xingxi's desk, and said slowly, "Brother, Grandpa Quan said that we should go today, but he didn't seem to say the specific time.

If we go now, will he not be finished yet?

Or... are you sleeping? "

Chen Xingxi thought for a while: "Well then, I'll take a shower first, and we'll go straight over after we're done!

Go quietly, if Grandpa Quan is still sleeping, we will exercise for a while at the nearby training ground, or wait in his yard until he wakes up.

how about it? "

Chen Xingye: "Well, I think it's okay! That's it, listen to you, brother."


It is much easier and faster for boys to get up and wash up than girls.

Chen Xingxi washed his face and brushed his teeth again. It took less than five minutes before and after After changing into a dress, Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye came to Quanxiong's small yard.

At this time, it was just past 8:30 in the morning.

Quanxiong's courtyard door was already open.

Not only that, but in Quanxiong's forging room, there were even voices of conversation.

It seems that Grandpa Quan wakes up very early.

It's just... who will come earlier than the two of them?

Quanxiong is a master craftsman. Of course, a small military camp cannot hire him as an accessory maker for the army. Of course, Quanxiong would not agree.

In the Shikou Barracks, there are three accessory makers, all of whom are soldiers.

The three of them are responsible for the daily maintenance of the army's accessories and the manufacture of accessories for the fittest.

However, occasionally a few soldiers often come to deliver delicious food to Quanxiong, and Quanxiong will also make accessories for them when they come and go.

Perhaps, there was a soldier in the house who came to visit Grandpa Quan?

"Master Quan, hehe, this is the 'giant tower' gun **** you made for me. It's a little broken. I don't worry about the three boys in the army. Besides, the accessories you forged, of course, you need to repair them. right?

Hey, you can help me take a look..."

Quanxiong: "Okay, take out the gun... Where is the bad place??"

"Master, it's right here, you see, it's all worn out..."

Quanxiong: "..."

Quanxiong: "Get out of here!! Just scratching like this, you came to wake me up early in the morning! Get out!"

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