Sniper Track

Chapter 113: Teenager's Closing Ceremony

Following Chen Jianxie's order, the ground of the entire Shikou military camp began to vibrate.

Apart from the soldiers who were hiding under the railings with Yujinding before, Chen Xingxi could clearly feel that there were many, many people gathering here.

The footsteps were sonorous and powerful.

Changed to normal, the barracks would be so lively only when the monsters attacked aggressively.

Do not!

Even on the day of Jing Zhe, I'm afraid there wasn't such a big battle!

It is the duty of the soldiers to block the monsters on the coastline.

At this time, not only the soldiers of each company, but also the cooks in the cooking class, as well as the civilian soldiers in the propaganda class, and three accessories manufacturers all appeared in the array.

You know, even when the monsters washed up on the beach, the cooking squad and the civilian soldiers didn't have any reason to bring their guns into battle.

And now, all the people Chen Jianxie can mobilize are gathered here.

Chen Jianxie's whistle blowing method just now is somewhat special.

The series of whistles represented "the whole army is dispatched".

When the whole army is dispatched, it is one level higher than the password of "the whole army goes to war".

Chen Xingxi was stunned, she shrank back and leaned against Chen Xingye.

Because of their hearts, they were also shocked by such a big scene.

More than a thousand people, neatly aligned, lined up on standby.

In just a short moment, everyone in the entire military camp has gathered here.

Wang Jing also stood in the crowd, smiling and looking at the most important "three men" in her life.

Chen Jianxie smiled: "Xiao Xi, Xiao Ye, this is a gift prepared by Dad for you... Do you like it?"

Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye: "..."

Whether you like it or not, let's not say it first, it's true that it scares people a little...

Chen Xingxi looked at the soldiers lined up all around. Among them, there are many faces that Chen Xingxi "knows".

After all, I grew up in the military camp since I was a child, and occasionally, I watched the soldiers training in the open space next to the training ground.

Of course, there are also some young faces, which are unfamiliar.

Chen Xingxi thought, most of these people are recruits who have just joined the army during the year he and Xiaoye studied in Fengtian City?

Whether they are familiar or unfamiliar... these iron-blooded soldiers all showed the kindest smiles at this time.

It can be seen that these lovely soldiers are joy from the heart, rather than passively obeying Chen Jianxie's request.

Chen Xingxi felt that there was a part in his heart that was deeply touched.

"Two young masters, you must study hard! You must stand out!"

In the crowd, an unknown person suddenly shouted.

Chen Xingxi turned his head to look in the direction of the sound, and in the crowd of people, he saw a shiny bald head, shrinking downwards, as if he was hiding with others.

Chen Jianxie said with half anger and half smile: "Who called it just now?! Didn't I say that the title 'little master' is not allowed!"

The sound of laughter and cheers exploded in all directions, Chen Jianxie's words were overwhelmed by the huge sound waves, and he couldn't turn out the slightest waves.

"You must do your best!"

"study hard!"

"Little Master, when will you bring a little girlfriend back to watch over us?"


One after another, one wave overwhelmed another.

Chen Jianxie smiled. Before that, he always treated people with a cold face, and rarely showed such a smile in front of outsiders. Today... is an exception.

The whole barracks cheered, even more lively than the Spring Festival Gala.

There is a happy atmosphere everywhere.

These soldiers are all people who have no chance to go to college.

Perhaps because of family difficulties, they could not afford the high tuition fees for university; perhaps because of insufficient grades in the college entrance examination, their fame fell; perhaps they chose this path of defending the motherland because of the passion in their hearts to serve the country...

They envy Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye, and they envy the opportunity to go to university.

They were also really happy for Chen Xingxi and Chen Xingye.

In their minds, the brothers are the meeting point and fusion of thousands of people's dreams.

These two children, with the blessings of all of them, will walk into the university, the campus of Longjing University, the most famous university in China, and fulfill their uncompetitive dreams...

Chen Xingxi felt a sore nose, which was very deep.

These soldiers, who have just turned eighteen years old, are about to leave their parents' embrace and favor, and come to the military camp in a foreign country alone, suffering and bleeding...

Every year, I only have a few days to go home for vacation and see my old parents.

Protecting the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, and protecting thousands of households in the city.

They, for the sake of China, marched forward without asking for anything in return.

And yourself, and all the residents living in the city... Can these happy people be worthy of the **** sacrifice of the soldiers?

Chen Xingxi felt that there was some remorse in his heart, and there was still a hint of yearning.

It was only at this point that Chen Xingxi really realized this "military soul".

Do you regret it?

Shouldn't it be time to give up studying at university, listen to your father's words, and become an honorable soldier?

Chen Xingxi was shaken...

But, can you really be worthy of that military uniform...

A big hand covered Chen Xingxi's shoulder.

As soon as Chen Xingxi raised his head, he saw his father's smile, and his eyes were full of trust.

Chen Jianxie: "What? Didn't you agree to go to college with Xiao Ye? Why are you still depressed?"

Chen Xingxi: "Dad, you say... Am I worthy of that military uniform?"

Chen Jianxie caught the hesitation in his son's tone, and encouraged: "There is nothing worthy or not, only if you want to!

As long as you have enough determination, I believe that you can do your best in anything. "

Chen Xingxi was in a low mood: "But... I have many shortcomings.

I'm playful, I'm lazy, I'm hot for three minutes... eh? ! "

Before Chen Xingxi finished speaking, he felt that he was being controlled by a huge force, his shoulders were wrapped around him, and he "arched" into Chen Jianxie's arms.

It was actually Chen Jianxie who took the initiative to hug Chen Xingxi.

Chen Xingxi has never felt such a close father's love.

This feeling is very unfamiliar, as if I have never touched it before. It is also very familiar, as if engraved in the depths of his soul and will never be forgotten.

"Xiao Xi, do you remember when Dad hugged you last time?"

"I forgot……"

"Ah... That's right. Speaking of which... I don't remember very well... You say, as a father, am I a failure?"

"No! No!" Chen Xingxi said hurriedly.

In his mind, although he hated and feared his father, the main thing was reverence.

After all, not everyone has the courage to use their entire life to guard a city.

Chen Jianxie also took Chen Xingye into his arms, one in each hand, and let them lean on his shoulders.

Children are growing up, and parents are also getting old.

Chen Xingxi was reluctant to believe all this, but he had to admit that his father had "changed".

The sharpness on his body faded away with age, replaced by a tenderness that could not be found in him at all.

Chen Jianxie hugged the brothers and said slowly: " a failed father. Don't be in a hurry to deny...let me finish.

From childhood to adulthood, the three of us, father and son, rarely had the opportunity to sit together and chat and talk.

So much so that the two of you are getting more and more afraid of me, and you are getting more and more unfamiliar with me, which makes me very scared, I don't know how to get along with the two of you, and slowly, the distance is getting farther and farther..."

"You two are my pride. Sometimes, I don't praise you, but that doesn't mean I don't recognize you.

When you got good grades, I always laughed in my heart, happy and proud of you.

The two of you are like Jing Jing, who was brought up by her, and lacks the care of father's love, but you two did not let me down.

You are very good. Whether it is studying or in other areas, you are not lazy, and your grades are very gratifying.

I was narrow-minded before. I believe that whether you join the army or go to university, you two will become the most powerful fittest!

This blessing is not a gift I gave you two...

Gift, here it is..."

Chen Jianxie let go of the arms that hugged the brothers. Under the watchful eyes, Chen Jianxie still felt a little awkward, so he hurriedly ended the "short hug".

Chen Xingxi looked at his father's hand. On the vicissitudes of life, there were two small pendants.

The pendant is about **** wide and five or six centimeters long, with a spar inlaid on it.

Just like the jade pendants worn by gentlemen in ancient times, modern people also hang this small decoration on their belts.

This kind of pendant, mostly storage, is an indispensable "daily necessities" for modern people.

The price of the storage is not expensive, the more expensive is the storage with a particularly huge capacity.

Those storages that are big enough for the fittest to hold the corpses of giant monsters.

Chen Jianxie handed two belt pendants to the two brothers, one for each, and said, "This storage container has enough space. If there are no unexpected circumstances, it will be enough time for you to use high-quality products all the time."

Chen Xingxi took the storage container and hung it on his belt. With a ray of spiritual power, he entered the storage space.


There is only one word "big" in sight.

It is about fifty meters in length, forty meters in width, seven or eight meters in height, and as high as a two-story building.

16,000 cubic meters...

Chen Xingxi estimated the volume in his heart.

In general, the price of a storage container with tens of thousands of space is more than 50 million, and there is no market for it!

Adding these two together... I'm afraid there are hundreds of millions!

Chen Xingxi said quietly, "Dad...Are you corrupt..."

A district guard, where did the hundreds of millions of wealth come from? ?


Chen Jianxie stretched out his hand, shuddered violently, and hit Chen Xingxi on the head: "Nonsense! I didn't buy this!"

I didn't buy it. Could it be that it fell from the sky?

Chen Xingxi's face was full of "you're teasing me", obviously he didn't believe it.

Chen Jianxie said angrily: "Do you think storage is a one-time consumable? It can be passed down from generation to generation.

The strong men of the older generation retire, this storage tool is naturally to be handed over to the younger generation, and it will continue to function...

These two storage utensils were handed down by our ancestors, and they are almost two hundred years old..."

Chen Xingxi picked up the storage container, put it in the palm of his hand, and rubbed the "smooth" surface with his fingers.

It can be seen that this is not its original appearance, but a post-plated metal casing.

Beneath this bright and beautiful "coat", what should be riddled with holes...

Once the ancestor of the Chen family, the figure who blew the blood of beasts, slaughtered the soul of demons, and dazzled the human race in troubled times, appeared in Chen Xingxi's heart as if entangled in the storage.

Chen Xingxi put away the storage, clenched his fists tightly, and said with gritted teeth, "Dad, I will not let this storage down! I will not embarrass the Chen family!"

Chen Jianxie smiled "pochi": "What is the Chen family who doesn't belong to the Chen family, there are only the two of you brothers in the younger generation, what kind of big family do you really think of?

You don't need to be under pressure, just feel good about it. "

Chen Xingye clenched his fists, put away the smile on his face, and said solemnly: "Dad, every time I go out of the city, I will fill this storage with the corpses of monsters, leaving no gaps!"

Chen Xingxi, who usually doesn't like to laugh, smiled wickedly: "The body of the beast is not enough! It needs to be filled with beast blood, so that there are no gaps and it fits perfectly!

It's like eating a buffet. After you're full, you have to drink three more drinks to fill your appetite! "

Chen Xingxi's words caused everyone to laugh. The originally solemn atmosphere was diluted a lot.

Sun Che twisted from left to right in the crowd, with a few soldiers from the submachine gun company, approaching the place where the brothers were, suddenly rushed up with a stride and threw Chen Xingxi high.

Chen Xingxi was shocked: "Put me down!"

Someone took the lead, and someone followed suit. On the other side, Chen Xingye was also thrown into the air by the soldiers who rushed up.

The soldiers cheered, cheered, shouted slogans, and fell together.

Chen Jianxie said loudly: "Sun Che! I see it is you! I will punish you to go to the island and join Yujinding to destroy the monsters!"

Sun Che's movement was more "slippery" than his head. He had already escaped and hid in the crowd, and replied, "No, Lord Guardian got it wrong, it wasn't me just now."

"Report to the guards! I testify... Just now, the bald head of Sun Da was the first to charge up!"

"Fuck! Zhang Laosan, don't talk nonsense!...Guard, you must not trust him..."

For a moment, the two company commanders scuffled into a ball.

Chen Xingxi was thrown, caught, and thrown again by countless soldiers.

When he "flyed" to the highest point, he could see clearly the sea, the blue sky, and the stable city behind the barracks...

Inside the storage lay a set of combat helmets and bulletproof armor.

The monuments above are scattered with countless scratches, and it is unknown who has used the armor.

Chen Xingxi smiled and looked at Xiao Ye, who was also thrown flying next to him. His body was completely relaxed, enjoying the feeling of "flying up".

Chen Jianxie put his arms around Wang Jing, watching all this in the crowd, watching his precious sons.

Wang Jing leaned on Chen Jianxie's body, closed her eyes tightly, and put her hands together.

"Mom doesn't ask for how prominent and powerful you are. I just hope that the two of you can always take good care of your safety and don't do stupid things... to be able to go home safely..."

"Will suffice……"

Quan Xiong stretched his waist and walked out of the room, yawning and looking a little listless: "Why is it so noisy... Hmm?! Did I miss something?..."

On the other side, Yu Jinding "inner cow is full of faces": "Wuwuwu, guard, brother Chen, I was wrong! ... Slaying the Demon Sword Qi!

Thunderbolt! ...kill the demons!

Woohoo... request for support!

Brother Chen! There are too many monsters!

I can't take it anymore!

Help! "


The cry for help was covered by the jubilant atmosphere.

This grand farewell party is not only a blessing from the entire military camp to the brothers.

It was the curtain call for the two of them when they were young.

After the "curtain call", it is their life that belongs to them...

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