Sniper Track

Chapter 121: It's time to blow up your acting skills!

The moment he heard that someone was coming, Chen Xingxi immediately withdrew the magic claws on his right hand, and asked Kaisha to take back the black dragon as well.

The person who came back here must be from the Humanities College!

Chen Xingxi heard what he said clearly, especially the phrase "students of our college", which sounded very cordial.

It's like when a person is in a foreign country and is bullied by a foreigner, suddenly jumping out from the side of the road, a fellow Chinese who draws a knife to help.

Oh my god! O earth!

This is a relative!

In front of "relatives", you can't be so fierce, the weaker the better!

Only in this way can he stimulate his desire for protection!

Thinking of this, Chen Xingxi and Kaisha hit it off in his heart.

Taking advantage of the gap when everyone's eyes were turned away, Chen Xingxi and Kaisha started "acting" inside and out.

Under the combined effect of shadow power and shadow energy, Chen Xingxi's complexion began to turn snow-white, as if he was bleeding profusely, which was more frightening than a pound of blood lost by ordinary people!

All over his body, his blood was almost gone.

To do a play, you need to do a full set.

Chen Xingxi bent his legs and took a "fake" step.

It was the slight sound of the soles of the feet touching the ground that attracted everyone's attention.

Wang Kaijin turned his head to look, and was so angry that he almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.


He was clearly still alive just now, why are you pretending to be so fake now! It was obvious that he still had...


What about the black claws and the shadow of the dragon on your boy's hand? !

When did you put it away! ?

Really chicken thief!

Chen Xingxi shrugged his shoulders with a painful expression on his face, as if something was about to come out of his mouth, but he swallowed it again.

With a grin, showing a little blood on his teeth, Chen Xingxi "difficulty" squeezed out a smile: "Don't worry about me... I'm fine... uh..."


Wang Kaijin felt that he was going to be angry with high blood pressure.

It's a pity that I still felt in my heart that you are a tough boy. Seeing that you are a person with a tough temper... I'm blind!

You are an uncompromising "slut"!

It's pretending to be weak, and it's pretending to vomit blood...

You are quite skilled in this business, so when you see this kind of thing, you don't do anything less!

Such an apprentice is unacceptable. Sooner or later, the master will be **** to death!

If my Wang Kaijin accepts you as a disciple in this life, I will write the word "wang" upside down!

?_?? Ok? ? ?


Wang Kaijin didn't speak, Chen Xingxi swayed weakly while looking at his "savior".


It doesn't matter if you don't look at it, after seeing it, it's Chen Xingxi's turn to raise his blood pressure...

Before he could see the appearance of the person coming, Chen Xingxi saw the badge on his chest...

One gold and one green, four badges.

Chen Xingxi felt that he just wasted too much acting...

You said that you, a rank four, are still so arrogant! They are eighth-rank! Take it easy, I'm afraid he will kill you...

Listening to what you said just now, people who don't know how powerful you are, why are you a fourth-rank?

The visitor is 1.8 meters tall, about the same as Chen Xingxi, but his weight... looks much more "stocky".

Wang Kaijin's figure can be said to be lean and strong, and the teacher of the Faculty of Humanities is a little puffy.

His face was slightly round, his belly was bulging, his legs were thick, about the same thickness up and down, and he looked at least two hundred pounds.

Wang Kaijin's face was ferocious and fierce, but his tone was softened by two points: "Zhang Shengjun, you don't need to worry about this!"

Zhang Shengjun had a big belly, like a giant panda: "Oh? As long as it's about you, Wang Kaijin, I have to intervene! What can you do to me, hit me? Just a little..."

Chen Xingxi: "..."

Why is this guy sticking out his tongue? Like a child who hasn't grown up...

It seems that the thirties have passed! It's even cute!


Wang Kaijin was choked by Zhang Shengjun's "villain behavior", but looking at his appearance, he should have been accustomed to Zhang Shengjun's way of speaking and behavior, he was stunned for a moment, and then recovered: "He beat the freshman of our battle academy. , you have to give me an explanation, right?

Can I understand it as...

What this student did today was instructed by your vice president...

Ok? ! "

Wang Kaijin was put on a big hat by Yangtong before, but now he is now learning and selling, and he has learned well. He picked up this "hat" and put it on Zhang Shengjun's head.

"Small sample! I see how you can betray me!" Wang Kaijin burst into laughter in his heart.

For so many years, two people have fallen in love with each other and quarreled with each other. Wang Kaijin has never taken advantage of Zhang Shengjun. After all, he is a "biased" player who puts all his attributes on strength. , is a man with muscles in his brain.

With his tongue, it is difficult to gain the upper hand in the debate.

Today, this situation is even more unique.


Wang Kaijin's mouth curled into a wicked smile, looking at Zhang Shengjun across from him.

I see how you take it!

Zhang Shengjun was stunned.

A person who has quarreled with him for nearly 20 years and has never won... Why is he so eloquent today?

Could it be that someone opened up the second line of Ren and Du?

Can't figure it out, can't figure it out...

Just like that, Zhang Shengjun moved his head unexpectedly, and happened to look at Chen Xingxi.


The two "sluts" made eye contact for a while, and without saying a word, all the "dirty routines" were already clear.


A cracking sound came from Chen Xingxi's mouth.

With this sound, a **** arrow "bursted out", Chen Xingxi fell to one knee on the ground, his left hand rested on the ground, and his right hand covered his chest.

Lin Gechang was taken aback, his eyes were full of panic: "Chen Xingxi, are you alright!"

Having said that, he was about to rush over to help Chen Xingxi.

Unexpectedly, someone grabbed his hand from behind.

Lin Gechang turned around and saw Chen Xingye pulling her wrist with a wry smile on his face, shaking his head gently at her.

Lin Gechang: "???"

It stands to reason that Chen Xingxi was injured, and he should be most worried about his younger brother, but...why is Chen Xingye so calm now...?

After a short period of thought, the worry and sadness on Lin Gechang's face gradually became dull, and finally, it turned into an indescribable, tangled and speechless expression.

Lin Gechang: "..."

Bingxue is smart. At first, she only cared about it, but she was confused. After thinking about it carefully, she understood the general idea.

You don't need to know too much about anything else, as long as you know that Chen Xingxi's body is fine...

Lin Gechang breathed a sigh of relief, then put on his hips, and said angrily in his heart: "Humph! Big liar! You know how to scare people!"

Zhang Shengjun stepped forward and helped Chen Xingxi: "Are you all right, do you want to go to the school hospital...I'll help you there!"

Chen Xingxi pushed Zhang Shengjun away very "stubbornly", unable to stand still, just as he pushed away, he fell back into Zhang Shengjun's arms: "Old... teacher, I'm fine, I just feel groggy in my head. …”

Zhang Shengjun was "filled with righteous indignation", his eyes were blood red: "Classmate, don't be afraid, tell the truth to the teacher, the teacher will support you!

When I didn't arrive just now... Did he bully you! "

Zhang Shengjun's fat hand pointed directly at Wang Kaijin's nose!

Chen Xingxi was "horrified": "Teacher, what did you say... I can't hear you!"

There were tears in Zhang Shengjun's eyes: "What! Don't scare the teacher! ... Damn Wang Kaijin, did you use your mental power to coerce you just now?

Don't you know that this can damage the brains of children? !

You, wait! This matter is not over, when I report back to the principal, you can wait for the principal to deal with you! "

Chen Xingxi took Zhang Shengjun's arm: "No... President, don't blame Vice President Wang... I believe he didn't do it on purpose...

Sigh... it would be fine if my ears were just so worn out...

The fittest can't do it... I can still go home, go back to the village, and accompany my parents and my mother to grow the fields...

It can be considered that the two of them are not in vain... woo woo, they did not support me in vain... "

At this time, everyone had different expressions.

Yang Tong and Wei Tao, who were not familiar with Chen Xingxi, were already moved in their hearts, but their noses were slightly sore.

Chen Xingye stroked his forehead and smiled helplessly, becoming more and more speechless at his brother's acting skills.

Lin Gechang and Shen Longxiao, who were familiar with Chen Xingxi, tried their best to hold back their emotions, for fear that they could not help but shout out.

"I believe you a ghost!"

"If there is a chance, I will definitely give you an Oscar statuette, and it's also a lifetime achievement award!"

Zhang Shengjun supported Chen Xingxi who was "on the verge of dying", like a candle in the wind, his face was expressionless, but his heart was overjoyed: "That's great! Good boy!

It's the first time I've seen someone who can cooperate with me so tacitly!

Refreshing! "

Wang Kaijin was frightened, and said in a panic, "I... I didn't use all my strength just now... If this child is injured because of me, you can rest assured! I, Wang Kaijin, are not the cowards who dare not be!

From now on, I will send some compensation to his family every month as their living expenses!

All my responsibilities, I will never escape! "

The new petrochemicals of the War Court, headed by Shi Sanming, formed a row.


Is there anything wrong, Dean? It looks like it's pretending to be on the other side!

He was still alive just now, how could he suddenly vomit blood? ?

Wang Kaijin is a person who cherishes talents, especially when he met Chen Xingxi, who made him very satisfied today, he was overjoyed.

But now, seeing that Chen Xingxi seemed to be deaf in both ears, he panicked instantly, and he couldn't even think about the truth.

Although Wang Kaijin is very confident in his own mental control, he is now murmured.

Rank 8 oppresses Rank 3, like rubbing an egg with a stone.

No matter how careful you are, there is still a huge gap in the middle.

"It seems... I probably really hurt him accidentally...

Alas, what a pity, such a young genius, his aptitude is not under Huang Si...

Actually... I was actually ruined by me..."

Wang Kaijin blamed himself.

Shi Sanming said weakly: "President, don't believe him, he just pretends..."

Wang Kaijin was furious when he heard the words: "Shut up! When I see you, I get angry! ... And you!"

Wang Kaijin, who was furious, was extremely terrifying. Not only Shi Sanming, but also his more than ten younger brothers were reprimanded by Wang Kaijin together.

"You came to Beijing University, and you are all our students! What is the school motto of Longjing University!?"


Everyone was speechless.

I just reported on it for two or three days, and I'm still studying at the battle academy, which only focuses on cultivation. How can I have the time to memorize the school rules and motto?

When Wang Kaijin asked this question, everyone was stunned, their heads were empty, and they couldn't say a word.

The more Wang Kaijin thought about it, the more angry he became: "Go back to me and reflect on it! Those of you who are out of the top 100, don't prepare for the freshman competition, go and recite the school rules and student rules for me!

Shi Sanming, you are the leader, right? "

Shi Sanming drooped his head, and the arrogance of Tianjiao disappeared: "..."

Wang Kaijin: "Don't you want a training ground? Don't you envy that the top ten freshmen have private training grounds?

OK! I have arranged for you today!

There are still a lot of empty rooms in my stadium. I will save one for you, and you will live in it for me tonight! Train me to death!

I'll see how many you can rank in the freshman competition!

I'll give you the chance. If you can't squeeze one out of the top ten in the War Yard, then if you rank it yourself...

For the next four years, just wait for me to put on your shoes! "

Shi Sanming's body suddenly shivered.

Mom, I'm afraid...

In all the colleges of Longjing University, the job arrangement is the same.

The highest leader of the college is the dean.

Generally speaking, deans are civilians with low cultivation, and some are even ordinary people who are not fit.

They are the oldest professors with the longest teaching years in the entire are generally close to retirement age.

It can be said that the position of "dean" does not have any real power, but the school sees their hard work and merits, and takes advantage of the one or two years before their retirement to arrange virtual positions for these older generation teachers, so that they can raise them in advance. At the same time, when they retire, the pension will be hundreds of dollars higher.

The deputy deans are the real leaders of each college. They are in charge of all the work of the college. At the same time, they also serve as the counselors of the students. Whether it is the students' leave or other guidance work, they are all responsible.

Wang Kaijin and Zhang Shengjun are the "little overlords" of their respective colleges.

Shi Sanming felt that he was "cold", so cool.

If you can't make it to the top ten in the war hospital, you won't be killed by Wang Kaijin in the next four years?

The training resources will not be given to you, the training venue will not be reserved for you, and the most dangerous tasks will let you go...

Shi Sanming: ⊙o⊙)..."

Wang Kaijin snorted coldly at Zhang Shengjun: "Humph! I'll go first, you take this classmate to the school hospital for treatment, and I will compensate for all his losses.

If the treatment is timely, it may not leave a dark wound. "

After saying that, Wang Kaijin turned around and left, and pinched Shi Sanming's ear: "You kid, come with me, and the rest of you, don't even try to run away!

Don't you want to train? Come with me to the venue! "

The sound is getting farther and farther.

Chen Xingxi turned his head and smiled at Zhang Shengjun: "President, is my acting good enough?"

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