Sniper Track

Chapter 123: lion open mouth

Chen Xingxi: "He has a secondary illness??" the name of Dean Wang, which is understandable.

And the one behind... "Broken Mountain Iron Crazy Fist"...

What is it?

Why is it so long?

In other words, Lord Eighth Grade, Chen Xingxi has not seen it before.

His own father's title is "Xiansheng Zhenjun".

Because Chen Jianxie likes Yang Jian, the **** of Erlang in myths, and also because he has a "three-pointed, two-edged sword" and an eagle-eyed talent that can be called "Tianyantong", so the country and the guild of the fittest will always , will recognize this title.

The second eighth-rank lord Chen Xingxi had met was the guard of Liaoshen Province—the King of the Forest Region.

Through inquiries from various sources, Chen Xingxi learned that his title was "General Lie".

Although the temper of the forest king is not "violent", his fire-type hand cannon is extremely "violent".

A cannon shot, thousands of miles away!

It is not uncommon to call him a "general" when guarding one side's realm, hence the name "General Lie".

Noble, it's not what you want to call it.

This must have the approval of the fittest bigwigs in the industry, and it must be in line with their own abilities and characteristics. In this way, the guild of the fittest can recognize this title and register for the eighth-rank powerhouse.

After registration, this eighth-rank title is exclusive to the individual. Unless he instructs him to pass on the title to the eighth-rank of his younger generation, it will be unique!

From now on, no one can use it except you!

Chen Xingxi didn't know if other eighth-rank bosses would also have this "bad taste", but to be honest, before that, he really never thought that someone would use such a long title as his title.

Sounds like a shame...

Kaijin Broken Mountain...Iron Crazy Fist...

Chen Xingxi didn't know what to say.

Hearing Chen Xingxi's remarks, Zhang Shengjun said with a slight anger, "Don't talk nonsense! What kind of secondary illness?!

No matter where you are in the future, you must never say anything like that! "

Chen Xingxi nodded, showing embarrassment: "I'm sorry, Dean, I didn't mean it just now... I will never say it again in the future..."

"Why am I so bald..." Chen Xingxi thought to himself, and wanted to give himself a big slap in the face.

Although this title sounds like a joke from a young child, the character and spirit of an eighth-rank powerhouse cannot be underestimated!

Don't even think about it, as the eighth-rank Wang Kaijin, his body must be stained with the blood of monsters!

This is the pillar of the human race, the pillar of China, and the hero of the city!

The title of the strong man, how can you let others betray? !

This kind of strong man is worthy of respect, no matter what his title is, it is his medal, his honor!

Chen Xingxi admitted his mistake again and said, "I'm sorry, Dean, I apologize to Dean Wang Kaijin. I don't have any right or reason to laugh at a lord's title."

Seeing that he was sincere, Zhang Shengjun waved his hand again and said, "It's alright, it's okay... Just know what's wrong, don't talk nonsense in the future..."

Because there was too much fat on his face, Zhang Shengjun's eyes, when he didn't take the initiative to stare, became very small, like a slit.

However, even with such small eyes, there is still a hint of light...

It's not like the fortitude that a Grade 4 should have!

Chen Xingxi took a small step back and secretly said in his heart, "President Zhang... It doesn't seem easy...

Besides... Director Wang's title should also have many stories...

Judging from the way the two of them 'love each other and kill each other', they must have been in a relationship for many years..."

The world is complicated.

Chen Xingxi sighed: "Everyone... has their story..."

All beings are in different forms, thousands of people and thousands of faces...

This is the most exciting place in the world...isn't it?

Chen Xingxi softly interrupted Zhang Shengjun, who was cherishing the past years: "President... Principal~~"

Zhang Shengjun came to reality from his memory, his head shook slightly, as if he was taken aback, and said slowly, "Oh, I'm sorry, I just got caught up in thinking about things...

Where did we say before..."

Chen Xingxi said with a wicked smile: "President, we just talked about negotiating conditions..."

Zhang Shengjun: "..."

You little heartless, very bad!

Zhang Shengjun acted like a rogue and said, "You can't say that. Think about it carefully. How can you make conditions for winning glory for the academy? How hurtful!

In addition, getting a good place in the freshman competition is not only an honor for our academy, but more importantly, your personal honor!

When others see this ranking, they will remember your name first, and then they will think about which college you are from.

Right? "

The current Zhang Shengjun, compared to before, is a completely different person.

The more "humble" you want, the more humble you will be.

It's not Zhang Shengjun's fault, it's because the College of Humanities has been so difficult over the years!

The Freshmen Competition is a grand gathering for the fittest freshmen and a "battlefield" for geniuses from all walks of life.

Among these freshmen, a large number of "combat talents" will choose to study at the Combat Academy.

After all, when it comes to teaching the fittest to cultivate, the Combat Academy is a professional, and the other academies are "amateurs".

Every year, the geniuses who can enter the school with the third-rank cultivation are almost all taken over by the battle academy, and other academies are rarely assigned one or two.

Even if there is, it is only a "single seedling", not only is there insufficient in number, but also in terms of combat effectiveness, it can't beat the third-rank students of the War Academy.

In the recent five-year competition for freshmen, students from the School of Humanities have never entered the top ten.

Even in the top 20, only three times.

The School of Humanities and the School of Combat are like two extremes, one in literature and one in military, and there is never any comparison.

The fittest, not all of them will choose to pass the battle and be admitted to Beijing University. There are also some people who are admitted through the college entrance examination.

Among these people, some of them chose the College of Geology because they took a fancy to the "Terrain Analysis" class. After all, being good at using terrain is also part of the battle of the fittest.

Some people choose medical school in order to learn the ability of self-rescue and treatment in the wild.

Some people choose the biology school to learn the structure of animal body organs, and then analyze by analogy, infer the weak points of monsters, enhance their resilience and judgment in battle, and kill monsters more efficiently and quickly.

School of Humanities, does it help the fittest become stronger?

It doesn't seem like it?

Is it possible that when you are fighting against monsters, you will shoot and fire bullets while reciting some literary works? Or recite a famous sentence for Warcraft?

Killing a person in ten steps, without leaving a thousand miles.


Slaughtering beasts while composing poems seems really freehand and romantic.

However, today is not the prosperous age of the Tang Dynasty, and there is no second poet Li Taibai in the world.

Let's fight and recite poetry, in today's society, it is far less realistic than bullets that break flesh and bloodthirsty.

As long as you can kill the monster, no matter what method you use, even if you bite it with your teeth, you will be more handsome than a mouth full of quatrains and poems.

Thinking of this, Zhang Shengjun had some doubts and asked, "Chen Xingxi, by the way...why do you want to apply for the College of Humanities...?"

The cultivation of the third rank may not be able to rank in the top ten, or even the top five in the battle academy.

At that time, all kinds of cultivation resources will be tilted towards him, and the gap between him and those of the same age will widen, leaving others farther and farther away.

This is the "snowball", step by step, step by step!

Studying in the School of Humanities... What is he planning?

Department of Chinese, Department of History, Department of Law...

After graduation, the employment direction is only company staff, language or history teachers, as well as lawyers, legal consultants...

No matter which one it is, the style of painting is not in line with Chen Xingxi.

It's not that Zhang Shengjun didn't see the black dragon claw on his hand before.

No matter how you look at it, he is a "practical faction".

There is a precedent for casting a pen to follow the Rong, but I have never heard of a genius who "abandoned the gun and followed the text".

Chen Xingxi scratched his head: "If I say... I'm because it's convenient to go to the library to borrow books... Would you believe it?"


Zhang Shengjun was stunned.

Chen Xingxi's eyes were pure and could not see any falsehood.

Love to read books?

Zhang Shengjun said weakly: "Then if you are in the top ten in the freshman competition this time... I'll give you two books?"

Chen Xingxi pouted: "President, you must be too stingy, right?

Are there any books that we don't have in the library of Longjing University?

As a student of Beijing University, can't I go to the library with my student ID to borrow books?

Could it be that the conflict between you and Dean Wang... ah! no!

Is the battle of honor between our Humanities College and the War College worth two books! "

Chen Xingxi spoke righteously and dignifiedly!


Zhang Shengjun "raised" and said, "Then I will pay for it myself! As long as you enter the top ten, I will give you three Battle Intent Stones! Enough for you to practice for three or four months!

It doesn't need to be too high, as long as it is in the top ten, how about it?

Among the freshmen of the War College, the ones with the highest cultivation level are only about the junior or intermediate level of the third rank. With your level, you should be able to enter the top ten, right? "

Chen Xingxi shook his head.

Zhang Shengjun: "Can't get in???"

Chen Xingxi shrugged and said, "Dean, you have given too little, which makes me very unmotivated...

As a person like me, if I don't have motivation, it's easy to not perform well... If I don't perform well, I'll be hanging if I want to enter the top ten.

Boys, there are a few inconvenient days every month..."

Seeing that Chen Xingxi's words were getting more and more outrageous, Zhang Shengjun was so angry that he hurriedly stopped: "It's alright, alright, stop talking!

Tell me, what do you want! "

Chen Xingxi said "shyly": "President, I don't know much about this competition... Including its schedule, rules, and prizes, prizes, prizes and so on..."

Seeing that Chen Xingxi's eyes had turned into the shape of "¥", Zhang Shengjun reluctantly explained to him.

"Compared with previous years, the freshman competition is divided into team competitions and individual competitions, and individual competitions are more popular and more interesting.

From what I've heard so far, it seems that this year's team competition has been canceled, leaving only the individual competition.

What I ask you to do is to do your best to enter the top ten in the individual competition..."

Chen Xingxi listened carefully.

Zhang Shengjun: "All freshmen who sign up for the competition will have a one-on-one competition under the automatic disruption of the system. The winner will advance, and the loser will need to enter the loser's bracket and defeat three consecutive opponents before regaining the right to participate. .

This setting of the loser's group is also to avoid special situations.

For example, it would be a pity for a strong student to meet an overly powerful opponent in the first round and lose.

Re-entering the competition area through three consecutive victories in the loser's bracket also gives them more opportunities to perform..."

Chen Xingxi listened to the competition system and got a general idea: "Dean, that...the prize..."

Zhang Shengjun rolled his eyes: "Every year the prizes are arranged by the principal and his elders, and they are different every year.

Last year, the tenth place prize was five Battle Intent Stones. "

Seeing that Zhang Shengjun had no intention of continuing, Chen Xingxi hurriedly asked, "What about going forward?"

Zhang Shengjun: "The tenth place the year before last was three battle will stones and two bottles of body quenching fluid... The year before last was..."

Chen Xingxi waved his hand: "No, no, I'm not asking about the previous years, I'm asking about the top..."

Zhang Shengjun said impatiently: "Take it down! I'll be satisfied if you can get me back a tenth place, and you won't be able to beat those 'perverts' going forward!

The first, second, and third people in the War Yard this year are all 'beasts', you know!

Especially the one who is number one in the War Yard, someone has secretly called him the 'Rookie King'!

You know, this title can only be obtained by the champion of the freshman competition..."


Chen Xingxi was secretly surprised.

He has been called the "Rookie King" before he even started the competition. It seems that his strength is outstanding, so outstanding that others have almost confirmed it in their hearts...

He, is the champion?

"Kaisha, have you heard my heartbeat?" Chen Xingxi asked in his heart.

Kaisha licked her lips and smiled wickedly: "I heard... what? You want to touch him?"

Chen Xingxi's mouth twitched: "Why not? ... I want to see how strong this big brother can be?"

Huaxia is neither warlike nor timid.

The blood of Yan Huang in the bones will never stop boiling.

Fighting intent will never back down!

Zhang Shengjun looked at Chen Xingxi's "infiltrating" weird smile, his voice trembled slightly: "You...why are you laughing..."

Chen Xingxi rubbed his hands together: "Hey, let's do it, Dean, I will do my best and do my best.

In the end, how many prizes I won, how about you give me another copy of the same? "

Zhang Shengjun almost scolded, "The lion speaks!"

Before the eight characters are written, you are talking to me about "multiplying the prize by two", isn't it too inflated!

After thinking about it carefully, Zhang Shengjun calmed down and suppressed his anger.

Zhang Shengjun secretly said in his heart, "Hey, with your level, you probably won't be able to make it into the top five...

Five to ten prizes...not too many.

In addition, the college also allocates some resources every year for outstanding students to cultivate...

The conditions I promise you are all deducted from your own share!

Hey, I'm such a genius! "

Zhang Shengjun, who is "old and cunning", looked at Chen Xingxi, who had great fighting spirit, and smiled at each other.

On the surface there is harmony, but in the dark...

The old fox and the little fox calculated each other.

In the quiet campus, the vigor brought by the freshmen's admission is full of vigor and lingering.

Invisibly, undercurrents surging.

Chen Xingxi became wary and wanted to give it a try, the crown of the "new king".

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