Sniper Track

: Firearms system skills

1. Rifle:

1. Killing Intent: Increase the basic attack power of bullets (passive skill)

2. Spell nails: control skills, used to form the basis of the last three skills (lowly, weak, and helpless skill release materials)

3. Soulless: The curse nails are superimposed, detonated, and cause damage (bury a mine, and blow the enemy when he comes!)

4. Shadow: Curse nail bullets condense into an adaptive group, following the enemy, such as bone necrosis (debuff)

5. Si Yu: Half Domain (In my site, you have to listen to me!)

2. Submachine gun:

1. Shield armor: form a light shield on the submachine gun, or put a layer of light armor around your body (although I am an assistant, but I must protect myself first)

2. Sprint: increase the movement speed (as soon as you sprint, no one will love you. You fight first, and I will retreat.)

3. Violence: Increases attack power (Although I am a support, I am also dignified!... Kill the opponent and my teammates will be safe...)

4. Sky Shield: Put a light shield on yourself or your allies (a support that can't use shields, not a good support)

5. Battle Formation Charge: In a short period of time, the group increases the attack power and movement speed (brothers, rush with me!)

3. Sniper rifle

1. Cross eye: In the center of your field of vision, a "crosshair" is formed, which is easy to aim (physical plug-in, the most deadly)

2. Flying kill: increase the speed of bullet flight (my bullet is faster than yours!)

3. Tianxing field: increase the range (do you think it is safe to stand there? The pattern is broken)

4. Illusory Heart: Illusion, immobilization (I'm afraid I won't be able to hit the target, so give the opposite side a control first)

5. Shattered Feather Flash: The sniper's body is shattered into white feathers all over the sky, and the real body appears at a certain distance (purification + flash!)

4. Shotgun

1. Iron Arm: Increase arm strength and overcome the powerful recoil of shotguns

2. Bleeding: Self-enhancement of all attributes (Furious on, crazy output)

3. Stealth: (Voldemort, old Yin coin special skills, gou up to attack)

4. Lianzhu: Erlian Spray (All beings are equal!)

5. Devil's Wrath: Super high damage attack skills

5. Anesthesia gun

1. Healing Light: Healing, Restoring (Take me a sip!)

2. Paralyzing toxin: Anesthesia, which can make people sluggish

3. The eye for subtlety: increasing insight

4. Light Elf: Summons a spirit full of vitality, and the spirit will fly out automatically to help injured teammates around

5. Libra of Life: Libra is located in the anesthesia gun galaxy in the spiritual space of the fittest. Usually, it can store a large amount of vitality over time, release energy in critical moments, supplement the lives of itself and others, and treat injuries.

6. Hand Cannon

1. Bomb: After the projectile is fired, the explosion will be delayed, causing secondary damage

2. Instant step: Displace a certain distance

3. Diverting projectile: After the projectile is fired, it splits into three small projectiles

4. Fake body: Condensing a prosthetic clone, which affects the judgment of the enemy. The fake body can move, but it has no attack power.

5. Big Red Lotus Burning: Attack Skill

Seven, machine gun

1. Smart: increase the movement speed of the muzzle, making it easier to aim

2. Crazy Mark: Triggered after the bullet hits the enemy. As the number of bullet hits increases, the attack speed of the machine gun becomes faster and faster.

3. Freezing: Slow down. The target hit by the bullet will be disturbed by the frost, and the action will be slow for a period of time

4. Magnetic link: guided by electromagnetic force, the bullets are connected one by one, and the hit rate is improved

5. Wasteland Sand Field: Ability to cover an area, targets in the area will be weakened, reducing combat power

Eight, pistol


Gun: "Huh? Am I unworthy?

I just don't have the skills? "


"You can choose to create your own."

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