Sniper Track

Chapter 136: Are they... in love?

Longjing University, canteen.

"Has he always been like this...??" Wei Tao asked Chen Xingxi, who was smirking at the phone, and asked his question.

A mobile phone, what's so beautiful?

Is there a flower growing inside or what?

You have to hold your phone while eating...

Isn't the rice delicious?

Zhang Xiucheng and Chen Xingxi, who were beside Shen Longxiao, were at the opposite extremes. He was bowing his head and earnestly digging into his mouth. For him, the happiest thing in the world was eating.

Zhang Xiucheng is an old friend of the two brothers. In the past two days, under the introduction of Chen Xingye, he has gotten to know each other with Shen Longxiao and Wei Tao, and Chen Xingxi pulled him into the cloud chat group of several boys.

There is one more member of the boy's "big family", and there are currently five members.

No one could have imagined that Zhang Xiucheng, who was five and three rough, signed up for nursing after the college entrance examination.

There is no other reason.

Zhang Xiucheng, who was promoted to the third rank, awakened the auxiliary gun as he wished—

It's a tranquilizer gun.

Zhang Xiucheng's lifelong pursuit is to protect the friends and family around him.

Main gun submachine gun, auxiliary gun anesthesia gun.

One-handed defense and one-handed healing are a perfect match.

It can be said that this is Zhang Xiucheng's dream gun configuration.

God was very kind to him, and his wish came true.

Zhang Xiucheng would not live up to fate's preference for him, and resolutely applied for the nursing school to learn treatment and nursing knowledge, improve his knowledge reserve, and lay a solid foundation and pave the way for future training and promotion of anesthesia gun.

As for the training of the submachine gun, there is no need to worry about it at all.

Zhang Hulin is well-known in the entire Northeast region. He is respected as "under the eighth rank, invincible defense", which is by no means a false name.

Just the first skill of the submachine gun - shield armor, can be used by Zhang Hulin "to the point of flying", not to mention other defensive combat skills and combat skills?

Just relying on his father's words and deeds is enough for Zhang Xiucheng to practice his submachine gun, basically no need to do special study in the university.

Therefore, Zhang Xiucheng chose nursing.

Zhang Xiucheng, who is more than 1.9 meters tall, stands among the girls "little nurses" who are Yingyingyanyan in the same class. There are as many contrasts as possible.

And Zhang Xiucheng has a dull personality and doesn't like to get along with girls very much, so after receiving the invitation from Chen Xingxi and others, he quickly joined this big family and got on the "pirate ship".

"Sure enough, it's more fun to play with boys."

Zhang Xiucheng thought of it, and he ate two big mouthfuls of rice by the way.

Zhang Xiucheng's dormitory building and Chen Xingxi's building are not in the same area, but they are not too far apart. If you take a walk, you can get there in about ten minutes.

If the campus of Longjing University is roughly divided into four areas, east, west, north and south, the distribution of college teaching areas and dormitory buildings is roughly like this.

In the southern area, there are mainly liberal arts colleges.

Humanities, geology, language, journalism and other colleges are all built here.

(Wow, the School of Humanities and the School of Geology are quite close~)

(Smile + Manual dog head funny)

The east area is the field of medicine, nursing, pharmacy, biology and other colleges.

Most of the colleges in the Western District are science and engineering: mechanical, construction, information and electronic engineering...

As for the North District, the Battle Academy stands out, occupying most of the area, and the north side is close to the back mountain of Beijing University.

The Sports Academy, in the remaining area of ​​the War Academy, is struggling to survive...

Zhang Xiucheng lives in the southwest of the East District, which happens to be the closest to the South District, so he can drop by and often eat with Chen Xingxi and others.

Five people sat around a table for six.

Chen Xingxi, Chen Xingye, and Wei Tao sat aside.

The chubby Shen Longxiao and the "huge" Zhang Xiucheng squeezed into the three-seater on the other side.

At this time, Chen Xingxi was holding his mobile phone, chatting with Lin Gechang, and was in a good mood.

Shen Longxiao was perplexed: "Is Xingxi chatting with the girl that day?...I'm not very familiar with her..."

Shen Longxiao was not too impressed with this "legendary" sister Chang'er.

The only intersection between the two of them was a face-to-face meeting on the playground on the afternoon of the report a few days ago. Besides, Shen Longxiao only knew that Lin Gechang was good looking and ranked second in the goddess rankings.

Shen Longxiao said slowly: "What kind of person is that 'Sister Chang'er'...?"

Wei Tao frowned, eagerly waiting for the answer.

Chen Xingye opened his mouth and wanted to make some comments, but found that he couldn't say it either: "emmm...Sister Chang'er...she...

She is a very good person, as soon as you get in touch with her, you will fall in love with her..."

Shen Longxiao and Wei Tao: "..."

What you said is so broad... It feels as if you said nothing at all...

Chen Xingye joined Shen Longxiao and Wei Tao's camp, staring straight at Zhang Xiucheng with three pairs of eyes.

Shen Longxiao gently patted Zhang Xiucheng next to him: "Xiucheng, tell me, after all, you have been with Sister Chang'er the longest."

Unconsciously, Shen Longxiao was also "infected", calling Lin Gechang sister Chang'er.

Perhaps, this is her unique charm, right?

Zhang Xiucheng swallowed the food in his mouth, then organized the language and said, "Sister Chang'er... she's like a little sister..."

Shen Longxiao: "???"

Then why do you call your little sister "sister"?

Zhang Xiucheng: "She is a very magical girl... She feels that she can melt other people's hearts and make people involuntarily want to protect her...

When dealing with friends, Sister Chang'er is also very loyal..."

Wei Tao looked at Chen Xingxi suspiciously, and whispered, "Xingxi is... fallen?"

Shen Longxiao also said, "He is... in love?"

Chen Xingye and Zhang Xiucheng: "!!!"

After being shocked, Zhang Xiucheng scratched his head: "It shouldn't be possible...

If they were really together, they wouldn't let us know..."

Chen Xingye defended Chen Xingxi: "Yes, and my brother doesn't chat much with Sister Chang'er. He spends most of his time reading and practicing."

However, Chen Xingye buried a sentence in his heart and did not say it.

That is……

Recently, Chen Xingxi and Sister Chang'er are indeed chatting more and more frequently!

The four looked at Chen Xingxi.

And Chen Xingxi was still immersed in the chat with Lin Gechang, ignorant of the eyes of the four.

Chen Xingxi sent a message: "Sister Chang'er, your performance in the morning is very handsome! I will say that you will definitely not be weaker than that third-rank."

Lin Gechang ate dinner with his roommates and replied, "I didn't... I didn't know how I won at the time... It was just luck, right?

I have to work hard, I can never get stuck in the second rank again.

You, Xiao Ye and Xiucheng are already third-rank, and the two boys around you on the day of the report are also third-rank...

I can't be left behind! "

Chen Xingxi sent a "Come on" emoji and said, "It's okay, Sister Chang'er, you're already great. If you work hard, you can be promoted."

Lin Gechang suddenly "wilted": "How can it be so easy...

I'll go back and try again tonight to see if I have the feeling of breaking the bottleneck.

If there is, tomorrow I will go to rent the school's training room and concentrate on breakthroughs!

But it's a pity... The level of the second-rank, in the freshman competition, shouldn't be a good ranking, right?

After all, there are too many classmates of Grade 3..."

Chen Xingxi: "Sister Chang'er, I will fight for your ranking!

I tried my best to win the first place for you to see! "

Lin Gechang chuckled: "Just blow it up! Small sample...

If you win the first place, you can invite me to dinner~"

Chen Xingxi: "Of course!

Let's make a bet.

If I win the first place, I will invite Sister Chang'er to dinner; if I don't win the first place, even if I lose, I will pay Sister Chang'er a meal.

You decide what to eat then. "

Lin Gechang: "Hee hee... idiot!"

Lin Gechang's roommate was sitting around Lin Gechang, looking at Lin Gechang who was listless and giggling "hee hee", confused.

Jin Yue said silently in her heart, "Our sister Chang'er can't be..."

"Did you fall in love?"


The time soon came to the afternoon, and the freshman and sophomore students returned to the auditorium of Junjian Plaza one after another and took their seats slowly.

Judging from the audience present at the scene, the number seems to be much larger than in the morning.

It is estimated that many people have heard of the "classic" goddess battle in the morning, so they came here because they wanted to see its style.

These sophomores "Old are also very curious about these two goddesses.

Exactly what kind of peerless beauty is it that he was able to be included in the goddess rankings at the beginning of his schooling, and he also occupied the second and third high positions?

After the "first goddess" Xiao Xinya graduates, these two goddesses will be promoted in order!

After passing this village, there will be no shop, so hurry up and pay attention to the battles of the goddesses!

Even if you can't get in touch, it's good to be able to see it with your own eyes!

Lin Gechang was wearing a white cap and a new pink mask bought at noon, and muttered softly, "You don't need to wrap it so tightly...?"

Jin Yue anxiously said: "Why not! Shh...", her voice dropped eight degrees: "You are a celebrity now, and when it is discovered that you are Lin Gechang, how many boys will come around... …

snort! Smelly man! "

Lin Gechang: "..."

The pair of beautiful eyes exposed outside the mask are full of unrequited love. this the trouble of being a goddess? ?

Compared with the morning, Chen Xingxi's group of four joined Zhang Xiucheng and became a group of five.

Everyone watched the slightly boring game on the field together. The two players shouted each other's name loudly, with great momentum.

"Nah Ludo!"


"Nah Ludo!"


Then the two collided and fought together...

The five Chen Xingxi: "⊙_⊙... (boring ing...

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