Sniper Track

Chapter 144: 1 leaf cream, 1 drop of water, 1 tablet

Yan Lao had no snow on his body, but it seemed that he was too anxious to jump out of the snow. The snowflakes on his eyebrows hadn't been cleaned off, making Yan Lao, whose hair and beard were all white, even more snow-white on his eyebrows.

Yan Lao said slowly, "Wei Tao wins this game."

The steady and old voice showed an undeniable majesty.

Zi Miwei's face was frozen in astonishment, and her pure eyes were filled with an unbelievable look.

From the beginning to the end, Zi Miwei had been pressing Wei Tao to fight. Later, Wei Tao was frozen by her "Snow of the Tianshan Mountains", and it was difficult to move even a single finger. How could she suddenly...

Zi Miwei is not a fool. When she jumped in the air, she clearly saw Wei Tao suddenly lean back from the snow, and shot herself without thinking.

At that time, I was in the air and had nowhere to take advantage of. In addition, Wei Tao's offensive came suddenly, and bullets were flying like lightning. I didn't think that Wei Tao, who had already lost most of the time, would suddenly attack.

It is a sure thing that this shot hits him.

However, what Zi Miwei couldn't understand was why Wei Tao could break free in an instant after being frozen by herself?

And he was sane, he didn't attack his body or his forehead, but directly attacked his face.

You know, the torso and head of the contestants are wearing bulletproof armor and bulletproof helmets respectively.

In order to ensure the safety of the students, its defensive power is still commendable, even if it is a bullet from a sniper rifle, there is no guarantee that it can kill in one hit.

Attacking the face door will not pose a threat to Zi Miwei's life, but it will definitely make her disfigured.

Girls, always attach great importance to their appearance. If they are disfigured, it will be more uncomfortable than death.

Yan Lao will not sit back and watch the participating girls turn into "ugly monsters" under his nose, and will definitely help.

This shot declared Zi Miwei's failure.

Wei Tao must have taken all of these into account before making the choice to attack the door!

Zi Miwei figured it all out in two or three seconds, she was horrified, and she was frightened and terrified of Wei Tao in front of her.

This kind of person is too terrifying...

To be able to hold her breath, to seize the opportunity, and even to hold her psychology in her hands.

If not, how can they fight back?

The Feixue she summoned came from the top of the Tianshan Mountains. It was a special ability she obtained by signing a "psychic" contract with the spirit of the Tianshan Mountains when she climbed the snowy peaks alone.

No matter where Zi Miwei is, she can use the Tianshan snow stone inlaid on the machine gun to recite the language of the ancient gods, and let the **** of ice and snow perform miracles.

Feixue seems to be ordinary, but in fact, each piece and piece has "wisdom", and is Zi Miwei's fighting partner.

Previously, these "partners" told Zi Miwei that Wei Tao had been frozen so tightly that she had absolutely no power to resist, so she was careless and let Wei Tao take advantage of it.

Zi Miwei believes that her frost and snow will not deceive her. It must be that Wei Tao used some means to hide the snow, or that he was really frozen, but he broke the ice's bondage?

A snowflake appeared in Zi Miwei's palm. Zi Miwei smiled at her palm and comforted her with her mind: "It's okay, little cuties, if you lose, you will lose. Just try harder next time~"

Snowflake trembled violently twice, and then quickly hid in Zi Miwei's element stone, never to come out again?

Zi Miwei: "??"

Her frost snow faced Wei Tao, showing a kind of fear.

This is something that has never happened before.

How can the spirits of heaven and earth be afraid of humans? ? Zi Miwei was confused.

When Wei Tao heard Yan Lao's verdict, he looked puzzled. He looked at his hand, his sniper rifle, and the bullet in Yan Lao's hand.

His expression was as if he didn't believe that he had won the victory.

Wei Tao: "I... I won??"

"Humph!" Zi Miwei snorted coldly.

What do you mean by that shocked expression?

If you win, you win, and if you lose, you lose.

Although I was angry, I was convinced.

Why do you pretend that you don't know anything? ? ! !

Who are you humiliating?

Could it be that you didn't know about it?

Did I lose to myself?

Then what happened to your precise sniper? What happened to unlocking my Frost and Snow Seal? ! !

You don't even know the snowflakes' fear of you?

The more she thought about it, the more angry Zi Miwei felt. She felt that Wei Tao was pretending to be on purpose, so she bowed to Yan Lao, hummed, and turned to leave.

After Zi Miwei left, Wei Tao still couldn't believe it all: "I really won?"

He cast doubtful eyes on Yan Lao, but Yan Lao paid no attention to his appearance.

With Zi Miwei's departure, the flying snow and frost flowers on the arena all began to melt away, and in the blink of an eye, they were restored to their original state.

Yan Lao smiled: "Is the ice and snow gone?... This saves the old man a lot of effort..."

Saying that, Yan Lao looked at Wei Tao and said, "Little baby, leave the arena as soon as the game is over, and free up the field! There is a game to come!"

Wei Tao's eyes blurred, recalling what happened just after he was frozen, and left the stage while thinking.

Suddenly, Old Yan's voice came from behind: "Little baby!"

Wei Tao was startled and turned around quickly.

Yan Lao: "I didn't expect your unblocking move to be true. Can you tell me what combat skills you used?"

Wei Tao: "..."

I myself haven't figured out how I won. How do you ask me to explain to you...

Yan Lao smiled and said: "Hehe, the old man is abrupt, this is your secret, you don't want to tell it, go..."

Wei Tao: "?_????"

Would you believe me if I said I didn't know what was going on myself...

Wei Tao strode away, not wanting to stay for a second.

Wei Tao's not-so-smart head is trying his best to recall the scene just now...


Snow, frost, chill...

The sight into the eye is pure white.

The body was stiff and unable to move, and even more so was unable to mobilize his fitness. Slowly, even his consciousness became cloudy.

In the extreme cold, Wei Tao felt that his body was starting to heat up, getting hotter and hotter, and a fire was burning in his heart. He couldn't help but want to start taking off his clothes, but his body was frozen and he couldn't move at all.

The alternation of cold and heat tormented Wei Tao's will.

At this time, he still had a little bit of consciousness.

Wei Tao remembers that he once read a "knowledge point" in a book. When people are about to freeze to death in a severe cold environment, their body and brain will give themselves a "fever" signal. Therefore, many trapped When the victims in the snow-capped mountains were found by the rescue team, their clothes were taken off.

Despair, loneliness...

When his chest was covered by snow and ice, Wei Tao had completely given up his struggle.

If you lose, you lose...

The boundless tiredness struck, leaving Wei Tao with only one thought, and that was to get a good night's sleep.

Anyway, this is just a game, the referee teacher will definitely save him and won't let him die here, so what's there to be afraid of?

As soon as I wake up, this game will be over...

Tsk tsk, if I knew earlier I wouldn't be so careless. If I interrupted her before she released Ice and Snow, maybe she wouldn't be so passive.


Before going to sleep, let's take a good look at the world...

Wei Tao struggled to open his eyes halfway, and Bai Xue had already covered his neck.

At 1.8 meters tall, there is only one head left that has not been "buried alive".

But it's too soon...

The "fairy" in the sky, standing proudly in the snow, independent from the world...

Everything in Wei Tao's line of sight slowed down countless times, Feixue was still in the air, and Zi Miwei's cold eyes were also frozen at this moment.

The whole world seems to have stopped.

Wei Tao looked at a piece of frost and snow in the sky, the snowflakes magnified infinitely in his eyes, so clear and clear.

The six-petaled frosted snow, magnificent and pure, is the creator's romance and tenderness.

The warm sunlight shone down, and on the snowflake, a "drop" of extremely small water droplets melted, as if it would evaporate into a gaseous state in the next second, escaping the observation of the naked eye.

After the drop of water continued to be enlarged, Wei Tao saw more water through this small drop of water...

A monstrous ocean!

The waves are rough and deep.

Infinite mystery, infinite terror!

Wei Tao only felt that his mind was clear, and all the frost and snow around his body could no longer hurt him!

Snow is just another form of water. As long as it is water, it can't help me!

Wei Tao's heart was filled with pride, his body could move freely in the snow, just like swimming in a pool.

The pupils turned into a deep sea blue, and the consciousness stopped abruptly!

Lean back, lift the gun, and fire.


After the gunshot, Wei Tao's consciousness slowly recovered, and he heard Old Yan's ruling.


While walking Wei Tao thought to himself, " that the sea?"

"But I grew up in Luocheng, Zhongyu Province, and I have never seen the sea. Why does such a picture appear in my head?"

"That sea is so beautiful..."

"But I'm sure, I haven't seen it!"

"Could it be because of my parents? ... But where are they..."

Wei Tao walked and walked, his pupils turned sea blue again, his consciousness was cloudy, and he was lost in the endless vortex on the seabed, being impacted and driven by countless undercurrents...

Deep sea, unspeakable fear.

submerged in the sea...

Suddenly, a pair of big hands stretched out from a height, with a little light, and stretched out in front of Wei Tao.

The sea blue in the eyes faded, and the pupils turned back into the black unique to Chinese people.

Wei Tao regained consciousness, and the boundless ocean around him changed back to a familiar world and a familiar auditorium.

Shen Longxiao in front of him was holding his hand tightly: "Wei Tao, where are you going? We ask you to ignore it. If you go further, you will be farther and farther from your seat."

Chen Xingxi, Chen Xingye, and Zhang Xiucheng all looked at themselves with smiles on their faces.

Familiar and warm.

Wei Tao smiled, scratched his head and said, "Hahaha, I'm sorry, I was so lost in my thoughts just now that I almost went too far..."

No matter where the sea in memory is, Wei Tao doesn't want to go.

Wei Tao likes the life at the moment more than the loneliness.

Calm and full of sunshine...

Full of hope.

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