Sniper Track

Chapter 161: Call me the big devil!

We healers?

How hard are our lives?


Did you misunderstand something?

Lin Gechang said quickly, "Teacher, I'm not the fittest person in the therapy department..."

The teacher opened his mouth into an "O" shape and said in surprise, "Huh? Don't lie to the teacher.

Didn't you get injured in the freshman competition? "

Lin Gechang nodded and said, "Yes..."

The instructor slapped his thigh: "That's right!

You... aren't you the fittest who was instantly eliminated by the opponent's focus in the team competition? "

The fittest with anesthesia gun can continuously treat teammates and enhance the team's ability to continue fighting, which is very "disgusting".

Therefore, in most cases, when the opponent has a sedative gun for the fittest, one's own side will choose to "focus fire" and eliminate the "medical soldier" first.

This can be said to be "conventional", try it everywhere.

Lin Gechang said helplessly: "Teacher, there is no team competition this year, only individual competitions."

The instructor was startled: "Ah? Then your main gun is not a sedative gun?"

Lin Gechang shook his head: "No..."

The instructor asked persistently, "What about the auxiliary gun?"

Lin Gechang felt helpless, she stretched her jade hand forward, showing her main gun and said, "Teacher, my main gun is a hand cannon.

Auxiliary gun, it hasn't awakened yet..."

Instructor: "?_??"

Lin Gechang: "?????"


The two looked at each other silently for a while, then the instructor of the medical department smiled awkwardly: "Ahaha, I misunderstood, I thought you were also the fittest person with an anesthesia gun.

Well, you must remember what I told you just now, pay attention to rest and diet. "

Lin Ge saluted: "Well, thank you teacher..."

After speaking, Lin Gechang turned around and left.

The two have different thoughts.

Instructor: "Oh, it's a pity...

Originally, I wanted to take her as a student...

Such a quiet and lovely little girl, I thought she was the fittest person with a tranquilizer gun, how could she awaken a hand cannon? !

It's too violent..."

Lin Gechang: \'?\'), emmm, why does the teacher think that my firearm is a sedative gun... I can't figure it out..."


Lin Gechang's body recovered as before, lightly took small steps, and walked in the direction of Junjian Square, mumbling something while walking.

"Damn Chen Xingxi, didn't he say that he will be back soon, why is there no movement at all...

Ok? ……what sound……? "

The distance between the stadium and the medical station was not far. The voice from the auditorium came easily and was extremely clear.

"Overlord! Overlord!"

"Chen Xingxi, come on!"


Overlord? Still "Chen Xingxi come on"?

What is this all about?

Lin Gechang thought to himself, "The match between Chen Xingxi and Shi Sanming shouldn't last so long...

Did he fight someone else again?

Why do people still call 'Overlord'? "

Lin Gechang was worried and curious, and began to trot towards the arena.

The further forward, the more deafening the sound that reaches my ears.

Lin Gechang gave a soft "Ah" in surprise, and covered his mouth with his right hand.

How is this going? !

Chen Xingxi stood in the center of the arena, holding a rifle in his right hand. Opposite him, stood nine people.

Lu Feng, Yu Xi, Liang Shu...

Those who knew and did not know, all stood on the opposite side of Chen Xingxi, with fierce eyes and fierce fighting spirit.

Lin Gechang found a random person in the auditorium next to him and asked, "Student, excuse me...

I just arrived. May I ask what happened on the field...

Why are there so many people... confronting one person? "

The male student wearing glasses said, "Just here? That's a pity, you didn't see it just now, Chen Xingxi pressed Huang Si to the ground and beat him! It was so exciting!"

Another male classmate next to him said, "Yes, yes, Chen Xingxi has lifted that Overlord Cauldron!

Now, he seems to be declaring war on the entire War Court! "

Another voice came from the row behind: "I heard that Chen Xingxi fought for the dignity of the teachers and students of the whole school, grabbed the resources from the war yard and distributed them to all of us!"

"No, no, I heard that Chen Xingxi is a descendant of a certain ninth-rank king. This time he applied for the Beijing University entrance examination to reorganize the various forces in Longjing and maintain national stability!"

"You're out, that's old news! As far as I know, the senior in his family is not only the ninth-rank, but also the king of the ninth-rank peak, the king of kings!

This time he is studying at Beijing University, just to experience.

After five or ten years, he will be the new president of Beijing University! "

"My news is absolutely reliable! Chen Xingxi is the only heir of a certain big family, but he was sent by his elders to be a son-in-law in someone else's house. Now that he inherits the family property, this challenge is the task he needs to complete."

"What kind of son-in-law? He is obviously a retired soldier king, God of War. With a single order, 100,000 soldiers from China will gather!"

"Huh? Isn't Chen Xingxi a good doctor? I heard that he also has thirteen needles..."

"I just heard from my roommate that he is a Feng Shui physicist. I don't know if it is true or not."

"The latest report, he is the legendary Dragon King's Palace that holds 70% of the earth's assets!"

"Fuck you, why don't you say that he was an Immortal Emperor who was reborn after cultivating in another world for three thousand years, and then being betrayed by the person closest to him!"

Another voice came from nowhere, and retorted loudly: "Nonsense!

I heard... Chen Xingxi's challenge to all the geniuses in the entire War Court this time is 'the crown and the anger'!

The girl who was defeated by the third rank of Zhanyuan before was his girlfriend. He was taking revenge on Zhanyuan!

Huh? Classmate, you make me feel a little familiar..."

Lin Gechang: "?_??!?"

I left for a while, how did things develop like this?

What mysterious family, what urban genius doctor, what veteran soldier king...

It's all nonsense!

Lin Gechang no longer expects to get any useful information from the mouths of these "melon-eating people", and he has no storage or mobile phone with him, so Lin Gechang trotted all the way back to the auditorium, with his roommates" Convergence".

From the mouths of the three roommates, Lin Gechang finally had a general understanding of the ins and outs of the matter.

Chen Xingxi defeated Shi Sanming first, then defeated Huang Si, and then...

It's a classic "famous scene" where one person provokes ten people!

Jin Yue's eyes turned into "little stars": "It's really handsome..."

Lin Gechang: "..."

Lin Gechang is more worried about Chen Xingxi's safety than handsome or not.

One hit nine is as difficult as reaching the sky!

Why did he take the risk, why did he do it? !

Suddenly, Lin Gechang remembered the gossip about a "melon-eating crowd" for no reason, and only seven words were left in his mind——

Chongguan turned into a red face in anger.

He...really for me...?

Lin Gechang was confused.


Just when Lin Gechang asked his roommate about the incident, there was already a fight on the field.

Lu Feng ran the hurricane step and completed his best starting style - the magic formation of the wind.

Around the venue, there are countless green cyclones.

Liang Shu turned into a half-beast state, with one human eye and one animal pupil. The blood mist gradually spread out from the surface of his body, and a **** smell became stronger and stronger.

Yu Xi directly summoned the three-tailed phantom fox beast soul, with a pair of winking eyes, which turned into purple vertical pupils, and purple lines appeared on his face, as if wearing a fox face mask, which was very mysterious.

The other geniuses also showed their magical powers, and the scene was chaotic.

Chen Xingxi stood in the center of the arena, with the black dragon lying on the left, and the "Little Black Impermanence" on the right also waving a chain and a sickle, eager to try.

Chen Xingxi secretly said in his heart: "Kaisha, put a shadow on my rifle, otherwise I won't be able to use it easily."

Kaisha had the same mind with him, and said, "It's long-winded."

As soon as the voice fell, the shadow condensed into two crescent blades, "climbed" onto Chen Xingxi's rifle, separating the two sides of the bayonet.

Until this moment, the "Owl Fang's Halberd" was more like a "halberd" than a spear.

The shackles of the heavens and the earth increase the combat power, and the armor and sand possess the body to support the bulletproof armor with super defensive power, and the halberd of the owl tooth has also become the strongest state.

At this time, Chen Xingxi felt that his body was full of power.

With a kick, the whole person ejected and "killed" into the center of the nine-person encirclement.

With one hit nine, he even took the initiative to attack!

Lu Feng's wind blade moved with his heart, slashing at Chen Xingxi, and even Kaisha's shadow armor could not penetrate, and it dissipated into air.

Holding the halberd of owl teeth, Chen Xingxi faced Liang Shu in the form of a mad beast. The black halberd and the beast's claws collided with each other.

Yu Xi's mental shock formed a visible mental light wave under the increase of the magic fox, which rushed towards Chen Xingxi.

Unfortunately, the animal claws and the foxfire pupil technique became useless under the protection of the shadow armor.

No matter who attacks it, it cannot break through the defense of the Shadow Armor.

It can be said that Chen Xingxi doesn't have any worries, he doesn't need to worry about his injury at all, he just needs to attack others.

Kaisha said proudly, "Are you happy?"

Cool! Of course cool!

It's like playing the game and turning on the "invincible hang", it will never lose blood, what else is there to be afraid of?

Chen Xingxi said to Kaisha in his heart, "Unless my life is in danger in the future, I hope you don't use this shadow armor to protect me..."

After all, when sailing against the current, if you don't advance, you will retreat.

If everything relies on this "invincible" armor, Chen Xingxi will not grow up.

Therefore, Chen Xingxi decided to "ban" it and never actively use this excessive power.

He swore an oath in his heart, and the halberd of Owl Fang in his hand danced unambiguously.

The method of life and halberd is just beginning to reveal itself!

A halberd shatters the wind blade.

Dance again to resist the mad The halberd edge cuts the fox demon!

The one-on-nine battle has become a special event for Chen Xingxi alone.

When a person "never gets hurt", he is invincible.

Lu Feng and the others couldn't hurt Chen Xingxi, and they were terrified in their hearts.

This made the nine members of the War Court, who had a low chance of winning, to lose more and more.

Sitting on the rostrum, Meng Zhuming looked at Chen Xingxi's every move and smiled, "It's really a good seedling..."

The use of this halberd method is very inclined to the moves of ancient martial arts, which is what Meng Zhuming is best at!

Meng Zhuming seemed to have found a treasure, and the corners of his mouth grinned high.

The power of the black halberd is amazing, and the shadow armor isolates the attack.

With the combination of the two, Chen Xingxi quickly released various powerful attacks, consuming the fitness of Lu Feng and others.

In the end, Lu Feng was forced to raise his hand and panted, "We... surrender..."


No injuries, no tiredness, and the more you fight, the more courageous you are? !

Chen Xingxi is indeed a person who is open!

"Overlord! Overlord!"

There were cheers and shouts from the audience again.

After this battle, Chen Xingxi was exhausted physically and mentally, and the control of his body was gradually "stealed" by Kaisha.

Taking advantage of Chen Xingxi's body, Kaisha stretched out his hand and pointed to the sky, expressing his "dissatisfaction" with everyone calling him "Overlord".

"please call me……"

"demon king!"

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