Sniper Track

Chapter 169: Act of death? ?

A night's time is just a sleep, and a few dreams are over.

When the first ray of sunshine in the morning shone, Chen Xingxi opened his eyes, refreshed.

Sleeping for the fittest can restore a certain amount of mental power, so you will feel that you are fully rested and full of energy.

Tsk tsk, after recalling the sweet lip fragrance in the dream, Chen Xingxi smirked, jumped to the ground, and took a sip of water.

" did I become bad..."

cough cough...

It's just holding hands and kissing in a dream, it's nothing, I'm still very pure~...

From Wednesday to Sunday, no food, no cell phones, no storage…

The battle of hunting beasts started so "unclearly".

Against monsters, dodge, lure, fight, fight for your life...


Live in the wild!

After a brief wash, Chen Xingxi and the others set off for the meeting point.

Distinguished by colleges, the meeting places of different colleges are slightly different.

The meeting place for the School of Humanities is on the square on the south side of the library.

Although Chen Xingxi had already made some mental preparations in his heart, he was about to drop his chin when he saw the buses in row after row with his own eyes.

This is probably too much...

Wouldn't the school choose to divert it? Why do you have to send all the freshmen to their destination in the same batch?

Maybe it's for arranging?

Chen Xingxi silently estimated in his heart.

There are about 6,000 or 7,000 freshmen in the first year, and each bus can carry 100 students on average, which means...

Chen Xingxi opened his mouth wide and looked at the countless vehicles in front of the library.

Here... there are sixty or seventy cars? ? ! !

No, not only this number, those tutors and school leaders also have to take the car.

Although people can fly in the air, but you can't help but prepare a car for them?

Is it possible that you still want people to fly all the way?

Not to mention the distance, whether these high-quality powerhouses can fly for that long, the fitness consumed by flying alone is enough to scare people to death.

You must know that any high-quality product is the "treasure" of the country, and every trace of their fitness must be saved in order to respond to various emergencies at any time and ensure the personal safety of the country and citizens.

As far as the beast-hunting battle at Longjing University is concerned, the "mission" of these high-quality powerhouses is to protect the safety of these students as much as possible.

If you stay a little more fit, you will have more insurance, and if you are not good, you can protect one more classmate.

In this case, do you make them cost-effective to fly long distances?

Are you afraid that all the students will come back alive?

Thinking about it this way, these high-quality powerhouses are indeed a bit "poor" and worthy of respect.

On the surface, they appear to be holy and radiant in front of them. In fact, these powerful people who have cultivated to the highest places are just "good public servants" of the people. They are full of missions and responsibilities, and they have no freedom.

Even the fitness they have gained from their hard work should be used sparingly, and they should not be reckless.

(Old Yan: "Let's just say, there was a reason why I didn't treat your little girlfriend's injury at that time..."

Chen Xingxi: "Yes, what you said makes sense, but it doesn't delay me from taking revenge."

Chen Xingxi: ???)."

Yan Lao: "????")

Around the library, the freshmen of the whole school were gathered at this time, and the four squares in the east, west, north and south were already overcrowded.

Looking left and right, all of them are freshmen of the School of Humanities, and a little further away are the School of Languages ​​and the School of Journalism.

As for the Geological Institute where Lin Gechang is located, it is a little further away from here, and it is almost close to the west side of the library.

Chen Xingxi's neck was stretched so long that he wanted to see Lin Gechang's position.

It's a pity that the four directions of the library are crowded with people, people are crowded, and it's easier said than done to find that familiar figure in the crowd.


Chen Xingxi was patted on the shoulder.

Chen Xingxi turned his head sharply: "Huh? Dean, why are you here?"

Zhang Shengjun was very angry after hearing this, and said, "Hmph, why can't I be here? I have to be there!

Not only am I here now, but when you leave, I will follow! "

Chen Xingxi: "???"

The dean also followed...?

So, it's not just those powerhouses who were flying on the playground yesterday and "pretending to be b" to follow us and ensure our safety in the wild. At this moment, these ordinary teachers in the vicinity also want to follow us?

This made the number of buses, which were not very wealthy, even worse...

Chen Xingxi was very suspicious that there were simply not enough buses in front of him.

Shouldn't those high-quality bigwigs really fly over by then?

The atmosphere and ethos of the university are more open-minded. Even ordinary students who are not the fittest have a lot of understanding and contact with the fittest. Flying into the sky will at most attract attention, but it will definitely not make people stop and watch, let alone. will cause riots.

But not necessarily outside.

If there is a strong person flying in the high altitude of Longjing City, it will definitely cause a very bad influence.

Gathering crowds to watch, affecting the city appearance and traffic; aggravating the panic of the public, reminiscent of major disasters such as monster siege; powerful energy fluctuations resonate with the barrier of the enchantment, resulting in various hidden dangers...

Few people will fly in public unless it's really the heat of the war.

Chen Xingxi was thinking wildly, and his thoughts escaped, but he was woken up by Zhang Shengjun's "slap".

Zhang Shengjun said slowly: "In this beast hunting battle, you have to work hard, perform well, and come back with a good ranking."

Chen Xingxi had a wicked smile on his lips: "Dean, are there any prizes for the beast hunting battle? How many?"

"Of course there are prizes..." Halfway through the sentence, Zhang Shengjun thought of something, suddenly woke up, and said loudly, "No one will negotiate conditions for you this time, no matter what the result is, it's your achievement, and it has nothing to do with others! "

good guy!

In a freshman competition, let yourself owe two million.

Now, if I negotiate any more agreement with this stinky boy, I won't lose my pants?

When it was time for the vehicle to depart, Zhang Shengjun juggled and took out a bundle of cards, or, in other words, a stack of "tickets".

After taking them out, they were distributed according to majors and classes.

Each ticket has the serial number of the vehicle, as well as my name and seat number.

How many rows, how many columns, how many seats... are all arranged clearly.

Thousands of new students, nearly 10,000 people, each of them has been arranged by the school for a seat and a seat?

shouldn't be...

Why bother……?

Chen Xingxi was puzzled, and after saying goodbye to Xiao Ye, Long Xiao and others beside him, he went to find his corresponding bus according to the "ticket" prompt.

After two turns to the left and two turns to the right, Chen Xingxi finally found his corresponding bus among the countless buses.

At this time, there was only the driver in the car.

As soon as his body twisted, Chen Xingxi quickly rushed into the car and took his seat.

After a while, more and more students were on the bus, and it gradually filled up.

Chen Xingxi began to look around.

After his observation, he found that there were nearly 100 classmates in the huge car, and none of them were acquainted with Chen Xingxi!

Not even the classmates who have had a face-to-face encounter and have a little impression.

How is this going?

No acquaintances, no mobile phones.

At this time, the only person who could chat with Chen Xingxi was Kaisha in the shadow.

Chen Xingxi said, "Kaisha, do you think this is a coincidence? Or is it like this in every car?"

Kaisha shook his head: "I don't know, but I don't think this issue needs to be too entangled..."

There are acquaintances or no acquaintances, and it is just on the way to the destination.

When it comes to the hunting battlefield, you can communicate with each other and form a team freely.

Chen Xingxi had an idea and analyzed: "By the way, Kaisha! You say, is it possible that this is the case...

The school analyzed our files in advance and our interpersonal interactions since entering school. When arranging seats and vehicles, we deliberately separated us as much as possible, so that we could stay with unfamiliar people, and it was difficult for those we knew to meet. .

When it came to the battlefield, everyone was disrupted into 'scattered sand' and got off...

The school is testing our ability to connect with teammates and get together in the fastest time possible! "

The ability to transmit and receive signals, as well as tacit understanding!

Kaisha: "..."

I have to admit that Chen Xingxi's analysis is indeed the answer that is closest to the facts.

Before the real battle of hunting beasts began, the school gave these students a "disappearance"!

Chen Xingxi speculated that the school not only disrupted the order of the students, but also made these vehicles park in different places and drove them off.

In this way, when they are in the wild, the freshmen are already panicking, and there is no acquaintance beside them...

Isn't it more panic than panic?

"Randomly form a team" with unfamiliar people, the team's ability matching itself is not necessarily reasonable, and they are wary of each other, and they cannot be 100% trusted. How can they achieve good results?

I have to say, this trick is really "rape"!


Chen Xingxi smiled lightly, not worried at all.

Even without a mobile phone or any communication equipment, Chen Xingxi can gather his teammates in the fastest time.

Last night, Chen Xingxi had already agreed with everyone on a special "signal" to prevent everyone from getting separated in the wild. Unexpectedly, this secret code would be used as soon as the Beast Hunting War started.

When Kaisha thought of something, Chen Xingxi said, "I have a question.

Isn't someone 'Wang Bang'? Not a celebrity on campus? Why are you sitting in the same car and no one of these classmates finds you..."

Chen Xingxi: ー_ー)!!"

After thinking for a while, Chen Xingxi said weakly, "Maybe it's because the 'image' is not quite right... After all, I don't have a tripod in my hand now, so it's not very conspicuous..."


Sure enough, "Ding" is Chen Xingxi's body, and his body is just a decoration?

Without a no one can tell that he is the "big devil" of Beijing University.

Failed... so failed.

The vehicle continued to drive, and after about half an hour, it slowly stopped. The driver kicked the students out of the car and drove away.

Chen Xingxi observed the surrounding environment, and when the other students were still staring at each other and didn't dare to make a move, he firmly walked towards a certain direction of the mountain forest.

If Hawkeye is not mistaken, there are the fewest monsters in this direction, and it is also the safest.

Chen Xingxi saw that there was no one around, his index finger pointed to the sky, the Heavenly Gang Earth Shamanism was running, the stars all over his body moved, and the iconic black dragon soul shot straight into the sky, even from a few miles away.


Wang Kaijin, who was watching Chen Xingxi through the camera, almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

This is the wild, do you want to be so public? !

What about to die? ? ?

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