Sniper Track

Chapter 175:

Chen Xingxi and Lin Gechang stood in the center, with the dumb Zhang Xiucheng standing behind them.

On the left and the right are Shen Longxiao, Yang Tong, Wei Tao, and Zi Miwei.

The seven people converged, and Chen Xingye was the only one who had not returned to the team.

As a brother, Chen Xingxi was already worried.

I saw Chen Xingxi covering his face with his right hand and akimbo with his left hand, with an expression of wanting to cry but no tears.

That's the real brother!

How could you not be worried!


A good third grade, why hasn't it arrived yet?

Could it be that he was taken away by the silver eagle who could only be a fourth-level monster before? ? ?

The more Chen Xingxi thought about it, the more nervous he became...

However, other people did not "care about chaos" like Chen Xingxi.

Third-Rank Tianjiao, the school will never let a talented student of this level have an accident.

Even if he encounters an invincible beast, the mentors will protect him and save his life.

I have to admit that they are both freshmen, but the tutors who are on guard in various places in the mountains and forests will definitely pay more attention to those geniuses with higher qualifications.

this is the truth.

It sounds cruel, but all of this is for the future of mankind.

From the perspective of combat effectiveness, people with high qualifications are indeed easier to grow up, and can have more power to protect China.

It is obvious which is more important.

It was precisely because they had figured this out in their hearts that the other six were relatively "calm". Only Chen Xingxi was concerned and was confused, scratching his head in a hurry.

And Shen Longxiao formed a sharp contrast with him.

At this time, Shen Longxiao, who was doing nothing, looked at Wei Tao and Zi Miwei with a "worry" expression, and seemed to see something extraordinary from the two of them.

If nothing else, the "wisdom eye is like a torch" is fat, but he sees the taste of "gossip"!

Shen Longxiao stared straight at Wei Tao with a wicked smile.

Wei Tao's wretched eyes made Wei Tao's heart ache, so he...

He began to "repay" Shen Longxiao with the same eyes.

The two big boys started a boring game with big eyes and small eyes, as naive as children.

Suddenly, Chen Xingxi felt his heart beating abruptly, his right hand made a "pressing" gesture, and hurriedly said, "Don't make a sound..."

There are footsteps...

very familiar……

Absolutely Xiao Ye is here!

Chen Xingxi turned back with great certainty, and in the next second, Chen Xingye's figure appeared in his field of vision!

If it wasn't in a dangerous field, Chen Xingxi would definitely scream with excitement!

Looking forward to the stars and the moon, Xiao Ye finally came.

Chen Xingye smiled and beckoned like everyone, then walked quickly, his clothes were slightly damaged, and there was exhaustion in his eyes.

This is the state after a tense battle, right?

As the invisible "leader", Chen Xingxi patted Xiao Ye on the shoulder and said in a low voice, "This place can't stay anymore, let's talk about it in another place!"

Although he is very worried, Chen Xingxi must be responsible for everyone's safety!


In the wild, it's easier said than done to find a place that can accommodate eight people and is not easy to be discovered by monsters?

Behind the tree? behind the stone? In the grass?

These places are not reliable.

If you really want to hide your figure, a cave is the best choice.


Humans think so, so do monsters!

You cannot guarantee whether the cave in front of you is occupied by monsters.

If you "break into a house without permission" and the beast happens to be at home again, wouldn't it be hitting the muzzle of the gun?

In a small hole**, human beings are absolutely unable to perform at a normal level.

Unexpectedly, by chance, the eight people actually found a safe cave.

In this hole in front of you, there will never be any monsters living in it!

The entrance of the hole is on the ground, and the entrance is a **** that leads diagonally downward. It seems that the space at the bottom should be slightly more spacious, and it can still fit eight people squeezed together.

This is not a "cave", it is simply a "cave"!

Even if you call it a "cellar" or a "trap", it definitely doesn't look like a "laid".

First of all, the cave is easy to store water, and it may be filled when it rains; secondly, it has a certain depth, deep and quiet, and the lighting is not very good, even if it is at the bottom of the cave in broad day, it is possible to reach out and see five fingers; Finally, the terrain around the entrance of the cave is not very good. The surrounding area is wide and magnanimous, and there are no bunkers. If you encounter a crisis situation, you can't even plan a retreat plan. , become their "belly Chinese food".

Doing the opposite should be the only way at the moment.

A place where even monsters don't like to live is often the safest!

Out of caution, Chen Xingxi used the power of shadows to investigate the situation in the cave.

After a while, the power of shadow that he "threw" at the cave came back, staying in Chen Xingxi's palm and sending him a message.

Almost at the same time, Zi Miwei also opened her mouth.

Chen Xingxi and Zi Miwei said in unison, "The cave is safe, you can enter..."

The situation has been clearly figured out. Whether it is the power of shadows or Tianshan Feixue, they have already completed their tasks. They have each been collected by their owners, leaving only a small part of them, staying outside the cave as a warning to the periphery.

The eight people soon went down the hole.

In the dark and dull underground, light suddenly appeared.

The light is soft and soft, not dazzling, nor dim, just enough to illuminate each other's approximate figures, but not enough for the monsters on the surface to discover.

Chen Xingxi was shocked.

Did someone turn on the flashlight?

Tsk, that's not right.

You are not allowed to carry anything in the Battle of the Beast Hunt. Where did you get the flashlight? Where did the lighting come from? !

Turning around, Yangtong was the source of the light.

To be precise, the light source is the rifle in her hand!

The body of the rifle is inlaid with a sparkling stone.

Elemental Stone!

Its color is white, mixed with yellow.

Pure white and pale yellow together constitute a soft light that illuminates the cave.

This turned out to be a very rare light element stone? !

Yang Tong smiled and said, "This is the element stone of my main gun, its attribute is light..."

Light properties...

Biased towards the auxiliary direction.

In addition to enhancing the effects of healing skills, light elements can also clear "negative states" for the fittest.

Such as petrification, poisoning, stun...

Negative states are like boundless darkness. When they meet the light, they will be dissolved.

Chen Xingxi said happily: "How long can this lighting state last...?"

Yang Tong thought for a while, then hesitantly said, " hour or so..."

Darkness is scary.

What is more terrifying than darkness is a dangerous environment where unknown creatures may appear at any time, full of darkness.

for example:

The long night outside the city...

Chen Xingxi nodded and said, "Very good, Yang Tong, you are considered a 'support' in our team. In the upcoming battles, we will protect you and let you save your energy.

When it's night, I'll leave the lighting to you..."

Chen Xingxi has already thought about it. Tonight, he will use the power of shadow to block the entrance of the crypt. In this way, the humble and broken cave will become a resting place for the group of eight.

Yang Tong replied happily, "Okay, no problem."

Yang Tong was overjoyed when his own abilities were used.

Taking advantage of the chat time, Chen Xingxi hurriedly cared about Xiao Ye and said, "Xiao Ye, why did you come so slowly just now?

Did you encounter any danger...? "

Chen Xingye smiled, nodded and said, "Well, I ran into a silver eagle that touched the threshold of the fourth rank."

"What!!" Chen Xingxi was horrified: "It's the silver eagle from before! I didn't expect to meet Xiao Ye..."


Chen Xingxi asked curiously, "Little Ye, how did you escape its eyes?"

Chen Xingye sighed, and said with some fear: "I thought I was dead and wanted to fire a flare gun for help, but I didn't think so, it happened to be similar to my combat skills, so I took advantage of this..."

This combat technique that Chen Xingye often used was named "Silver Eagle Blast" by him.

This move is a mixture of rifle system skills, which incorporates the three major skills of "curse nail", "phantom", and "extreme soul".

First, it condenses into a "ghost" in the shape of a "silver eagle", and then it can control the explosion of the silver eagle to cause damage.

Using the light, Chen Xingye eloquently described the thrilling process just now.

To put it simply, Chen Xingye used the illusion of "Silver Eagle" to attract the attention of the real Silver Eagle, and manipulated the ghost to fly away in one direction, leading the Silver Eagle away.

All the dangers were briefly passed by Chen Xingye?

Chen Xingxi patted Xiao Ye and gave him an approving look. Then, he said to the crowd, "Everyone, rest for a while now, adjust your state, and we will set off in ten minutes! Let's go hunting monsters!

Yangtong... If you can't stand it, you can turn off the elemental stone first, or you can lower the brightness. We don't need too much light yet...

Our target is the third-level brute! Prepare yourself mentally...! "



The sound of the shotgun is always so strong and rough.

A huge wild boar fell in front of Ai Chengxiang, and a large pool of blood splattered on the ground.

Even a wild boar with rough skin and thick flesh can only hold on to a shotgun for two or three shots.

Shotguns are invincible in melee combat, and they are also known as "equality of all living beings"...

Whoever it is, get two shots!

When Ai Chengxiang used the "Blood Spray", it died faster.

The blood spray is not a shotgun system skill. The function of this combat skill is to hinder the healing of wounds.

The wound created by this move will bleed continuously, making the enemy weaker and weaker.

Ai Chengxiang measured his fitness, took out the signal flare from the wristband, and threw it into the sky without even thinking about


The signal bomb flew to a certain height and exploded automatically. The next moment, a person flew from afar and appeared beside Ai Chengxiang.

A little familiar...

He seems to be the new tutor of the Humanities Department - Yu Ziyao.

Yu Ziyao looked at Ai Chengxiang for a while, and then said, "Classmate, you are not injured or in danger, why did you give up on your own initiative?"

Ai Chengxiang said coldly: "The fitness is not enough, so I want to quit."

Yu Ziyao shook his head and said, "This is not possible, how can a young man give up easily?!

Come on, go on! "

After speaking, Yu Ziyao completely ignored Ai Chengxiang's feelings and stuffed another flare in his hand.

Yu Ziyao: "I'm leaving, you continue to work hard, I believe in you, you will definitely achieve better results!"

Ai Chengxiang: "???"

Yu Ziyao said angrily, "Don't thank me, please call me **!"

Ai Chengxiang: "..."

Are you sick? !

Why can't I quit if I want to quit?

Why did you give me another flare...?

Yu Ziyao walked farther and farther, still muttering...

"Music, BGM, get up!"

"The light of the right path ~ shines on this earth..."

"Old iron, positive energy!"

Ai Chengxiang: "..."

Holding the flare in his hand, he was stunned... How would Ai Chengxiang know that he had fallen into Meng Zhuming's routine... He couldn't escape even if he wanted to.

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